Living and Learning – rules
Throughout the week and during our Living and Learning lessons and circle time, we have discussed the importance of having rules and following them. We have talked about our school rules and what the rules look like and sound like in our classrooms and throughout the school. We have also discussed what would happen if we didn’t have rules.
3,4 A Class News – Food Technology
3,4A had a great time making savoury scones today. We talked about how we would stay safe and then worked through a recipe, discussing the different ingredients, steps and techniques we needed to use. The scones were a great success and (almost!) everybody enjoyed them. Later on, we completed an evaluation of our work and thought about what we would do differently next time.
Help at home by asking the children about their learning. The children were enthusiastic to tell us about other baking they had previously done at home so it was great that we had a class of budding bakers already!
Living and Learning – Being Healthy Week
It’s not even Friday yet and we have packed a whole host of things into Being Healthy Week! Activities have included our soggy sports roundabout on Monday, working on personal active challenges in P.E, an active ‘imoves’ assembly, mindfulness and meditation, a session on balancing offline and online activity and a visit from D:Side to teach us all about the effects of alcohol as part of our health education.
Please help at home by asking your child about their learning. Thank you for all your support!
Relationships Education
For the last few weeks, our Living and Learning lessons and circle times have been all about happy and healthy relationships between our friends, peers and families.
Here we thought about different words that we associate with families and we read some texts about how not all families are the same and that is ok. The children enjoyed sharing special members of their family.
We have already learnt about consent in terms of permission seeking when online but here we thought about it when we are with others. We practised showing how we give and don’t give consent and how we can also change our mind if we want to.
Finally, you will have seen the children have brought home the NSPCC Pants Underwear rule. We revisit this important learning every year.
Living and Learning (Being Healthy week) : Soggy Sport Roundabout
A big THANK YOU to everyone who came to support our rather wet Sport Roundabout afternoon today.
We all still had fun, despite the rain. The winning team was France – but check out where your team came.
Another THANK YOU for sending children in fantastic coloured clothes to match their country team too.
1st France
2nd England
3rd Nigeria
4th Spain
5th Italy
6th Portugal
7th Germany
8th Colombia
9th Norway
10th Netherlands
11th Argentina
12th Brazil
Living and Learning : Being Healthy week launch
We launched our Being Healthy themed week today with a whole school assembly. We talked about physical and mental health. We also did some mindfulness (belly breathing).
We’re looking forward to a happy and healthy week next week.
Living and Learning – Body Image
In Living and Learning this fortnight, we have been discussing self-image and in particular, body image. This has included recognising our own positive attributes and also understanding that the way things appear in the media does not always reflect reality.
Help at home by asking your child what message they’ve taken from these sessions. BBC Bitesize also has some great resources should you wish to explore this further (these range in age group suitability so just need adult discretion).
3,4 A Class News – Topic
In this half-term’s Design Technology topic, the children are really enjoying building go-kart prototypes using TechCard. We discussed the design brief and criteria before drawing our own designs and starting to build in groups, using different components. Here’s how a couple of them are coming along!
Story Trail Event
As part of the Leeds City of Culture, there is a local story trail event taking place. The flyers are below and pdfs to download.
Why not take part with friends or family in this fun event?