3,4 B Class News
Another busy and brilliant week of learning in 3, 4 B this week!
In maths we have been working hard on rounding 4 digit numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. We are now really confident with this skill and can even apply it to solve reasoning and problem-solving questions!
In writing we have been creating a character description of Podkin One-Ear. The children have showed off their super skills – using expanded noun phrases to describe and using fronted adverbials to start their sentences in different ways.
In topic, we have used grid references to locate specific locations on a map. We found it quite tricky at first but we persevered and now feel much more confident.
Well done to everyone who remembered their books and reading records on Wednesday. At home, you can listen to your child read and encourage them to play on Times Tables Rock Stars. Please let us know if you have any problems logging on.
Have a great weekend!
3,4 A Class News
In Science, we’ve been learning about different types of skeleton. Today we learnt about exoskeletons and classified different animals using a Venn diagram.
Help at home by quizzing us on these terms – see if we can give you a definition!
- exoskeleton
- insect
- invertebrate
Later on in the day, we went out to see if we could find any of these in the school grounds.
3,4 C Class News – Geography and PE
Our topic this half term is, Where in the world am I? This week, the children have enjoyed looking at a map of Scholes. We have discussed the different symbols that can be found on a map and why people use maps. Today, we have discussed and used the compass points.
In PE, we have developed control and accuracy when passing the ball in football.
Well done to everyone who remembered their books and reading records today. At home, you can listen to your child read and encourage them to play on Times Tables Rock Stars. Please let us know if you have any problems logging on.
Have a great weekend.
3,4 B Class News
A wonderful week of learning in 3,4B this week!
In Science we have been looking at animal skeletons and classifying them based on a range of different criteria. The children worked in pairs to do this and worked fantastically in a collaborative way – having great discussions and offering each other help and support when needed.
In Geography this week, as part of our topic- ‘Where in the world am I?’ we have looked at compass points and then applied this knowledge by looking at a map of Roundhay and deciding where locations are in relation to each other.
Help at home by regularly listening to your child read and discussing the content to develop understanding. Feel free to quiz us on the counties in the United Kingdom and the points of a compass too!
Living and Learning – Rights and Responsibilities
This week in Living and Learning, we have been talking about what rights and responsibilities are.
We discussed how a right is a moral or legal entitlement to have or do something and talked about the rights that we all have, such as the right to an education.
We have also discussed how a responsibility is an obligation to behave in a certain way.
For example, we have the right to be listened to. We have the responsibility to listen to others.
Help at home by asking your child if they can tell you some different rights and responsibilities.
3,4C Class News – Science and Reading
Wow! Another fabulous week of learning, 3,4 C.
In Science, the children have been learning the names of some of the bones in the human body – skull, spine, femur, pelvis and ribcage. This week, we have looked at the function of these bones within the body.
During reading lessons, we have focussed on the skill of retrieving information accurately from a text. We have enjoyed reading about the capital cities of the countries in the United Kingdom and retrieving facts about each of them.
Book Club was today. Well done to everyone who remembered their book and reading record. The children enjoyed celebrating reading, sharing books with each other and persuading others to read their book. At home, keep reading regularly. Please make sure that your child brings in their completed reading record activity and their book next Friday.
Well done class 3,4 C.
3,4 B Class News
This week in maths we have continued to work hard on understanding the place value of different numbers. We have looked at the different ways that numbers can be represented, compared and ordered. We have also learned new mathematical vocabulary – ascending, descending, most significant digit and least significant digit.
In writing we have focused on the ‘must dos’ for writing. These include:
- Capital letters at the start of a sentence
- Punctuation at the end of a sentence
- Capital letters for proper nouns
Our topic this half term is ‘Where in the world am I?’ and this week we have used maps to locate specific countries, counties and cities.
Help at home by regularly listening to your child read and discussing the content to develop understanding. Feel free to quiz us on some of the new vocabulary we have discussed this week too (initiative, specific, pace)!
3,4 A Class News
This week we’ve been learning about maps as part of our Geography topic – ‘Where in the world am I? We’ve looked at what is a compass is and how we can use one, how to work out which direction we are travelling in and how the key works on an Ordnance Survey map.
Our reading lessons have also tied in with this topic, looking at texts about the four different cities of the United Kingdom to practise retrieving information to answer questions.
Help at home by regularly listening to your child read and discussing the content to develop understanding. Feel free to quiz us on the countries in the United Kingdom and the points of a compass too!
Phase 3,4 reading
Reading books and library:
By now, your child should have brought home a library book.
Each Friday, they will be set a reading challenge which is noted on the weekly homework sheet. Details of ideas and what to do for each task can be found in the reading records.
Your child will have the chance to change their library book each week. They are more than welcome to keep the same book until they have finished it. All classes will visit the library on Wednesdays.
Book Club:
Your child will need to bring their book and reading record to Book Club each week. The reading record must be signed by an adult to show that your child has been reading at home.
Book Club days:
3,4 A – Wednesday
3,4 B – Wednesday
3,4 C – Friday
E- books:
Some children will continue to read the e-books. In this case, you will be notified by your child’s class teacher.
If you have any further questions, please ask your child’s class teacher.
3,4 C Class News
What a fabulous first week back! The children appear to have settled into 3,4C. We have been really impressed with the excellent learning attitudes so far.
This is some of the learning we have covered this week:
- In PE, the children particularly enjoyed learning how to play three new games that will become a common feature of our PE lessons.
- In Writing, we have been practising using the correct punctuation and using neat handwriting when writing sentences.
- We have visited the library and made sure everyone has a reading book. In reading lessons, we enjoyed reading about animals at the zoo. Here are some of the book marks that we have made to use in our reading lessons.
At home, you can help by reading regularly with your child.
Well done, 3,4C!