Living and Learning – Mental Wellbeing
We are focusing on mental wellbeing in Living and Learning across all three classes at the moment. This week’s theme has been about knowing some simple self-care techniques we can use to help ourselves feel good. In the classroom, in circle time and in assemblies, we have discussed different strategies to help us feel calm such as breathing exercises, spending time with people we love, telling someone else how we’re feeling and getting some fresh air and exercise.
Help at home by asking your child how they can look after and calm themselves, particularly if they are feeling angry or sad.
3,4C Class News
This week, we have learned how to make leek and potato soup. The children washed, peeled and chopped the vegetables. We talked about the importance of food hygiene and eating a range of different foods. Our overall opinion was that the soup tasted delicious!
In Art, we have been inspired by Kandinsky to produce our own artwork using shape and line. We have started to experiment with pastels and brusho using a technique called wax resist.
3,4B Class News
This half term we are studying Wassily Kandinsky and his influence on Abstract Art. We have explored lots of his work, for example – Squares with Concentric Circles and Composition 8.
We then created our own version of Composition 8 using oil pastels and a wax resist using Brusho. We thought about which colour combinations would be most effective (complimentary/warm/cool) and used lines and shapes in the style of Kandinsky.
The children really enjoyed this and their finished products were fantastic!
3,4A, 3,4B and 3,4C Class News
Today across Y3/4, we had a virtual author visit via Zoom. We heard from Pippa Goodhart and Nick Sharratt as they talked about their new book, ‘You Choose Christmas’. We then had a mini guided lesson on some Christmas illustrations from Nick Sharratt himself.
This afternoon, we all enjoyed sharing our Topic learning with parents and carers. It was great to see the children talking their adults through it and sharing what they knew. Thank you for all your support!
3,4C Class News
What a busy week of learning!
In addition to our usual lessons this week, we have had some exciting events taking place.
On Monday, we enjoyed a skipping session led by Skipping School. We learned some new skipping skills and had the chance to practise.
We have been busy getting ready for our class assembly which was a complete success yesterday. It was so good to see many adults coming to watch us – thank you and we hope you enjoyed it. A huge ‘well done’ to everyone in 3,4C – we were very proud of you.
This morning, we enjoyed an author and illustrator zoom with Pippa Goodhart and Nick Sharratt as they launched their new book ‘You Choose Christmas’. It was entertaining and we had a go at drawing our own illustrations.
Please continue to help at home by reading regularly and accessing TT Rock Stars regularly with your child.
3,4A and 5,6C – Writing
Following Mr Lindsay’s previous post, here are a few more pictures of the children sharing and editing their writing together.
In 3,4, we had written narratives and had focused on including expanded noun phrases, similes and prepositions.
Help at home by asking your child if they can tell you what these things mean! Can they give you any examples?
Shared writing 56C and 34A
Year 5/6C had the pleasure of sharing their writing with Year 3/4A. Children picked out improvements that they noticed:
- use of fronted adverbials
- a range of ambitious vocabulary
- some figurative language
3,4B Class News
A very busy week in 3,4b this week as we have been preparing for our class assembly. The children all worked really hard and we spent time working on projecting our voice and using intonation and tone when speaking. The children all had great ideas of how to showcase all of the learning that has taken place since September and it was lovely to see so many adults in the audience.
Alongside this, we have been enjoying learning about our two artists for this half term – Wassily Kandinsky and Martha McDonald Napaltjarri. We explored Kandinsky’s ‘Concentric circles’ and created our own versions with an emphasis on using complimentary colours.
In Science we have investigated different types of rocks. We used scientific vocabulary to describe them and then identified similarities and differences between them.
Help at home by regularly listening to your child read and discussing it with them.
Thank you for your continued support!
Children in Need
A huge thank you to everyone that donated money last Friday for Children in Need. The Junior Leadership Team were out in the playground with collection buckets before and after school – they did a great job! We managed to raise a whopping £436.98 in total. Thank you so much!
Penny Trail – Cancer Research collection
Thank you to everyone who donated to
last week’s penny trail in aid of Cancer Research.
In total, we raised
An amazing amount made from mainly 1p and 2p coins.
Thank you!