Year 1 & 2 Class News

Mimika Theatre – Landscape

Posted on Friday 09 March 2018 by Reception Team

Some of KS1 had the pleasure of stepping inside the magical tent to experience a story with no words. The journey took them on an adventure through different habitats.

  • ‘It was really good! The crocodile shoots out and made me jump. I loved it.’
  • ‘It was so good. I’ve never seen anything like it before.’

Children who have not seen the performance due to the snow will get an opportunity within the next few weeks.

Shared Reading

Posted on Friday 09 March 2018 by Reception Team

1K loved sharing some of their favourite books with 3/4N. It encourages reading for pleasure.

Shared reading

Posted on Tuesday 06 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

After the success of the shared reading last week, 3,4E and 1,2V joined together for another session on Monday. We were reading purely for pleasure which brought a smile to all our faces😊

Living and learning – I can pay compliments

Posted on Monday 05 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

This week’s Living and :earning statement is ‘I can pay compliments in a sensible way’ and how it is important to pay compliments about how the person is and how they behave, not just how they look.

We talked about giving and accepting compliments. 1,2V recorded the compliments using iPads. Check out the videos below. 1K and 2KL made certificates with compliments on. They had fun ‘awarding’ them to each other!

‘I like your hair’    ‘You are good at playing’   ‘I like your headband’   ‘I like your hair’   ‘I like your spots!’  

We love reading!

Posted on Friday 02 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

Even though World Book Day was snowed off at school yesterday, some Y1,2 and Y3,4 children enjoyed sharing their favourite books today. For the past couple of weeks, we’ve been pairing children up to read for pleasure. It has been really successful. It encourages the Y3,4 children to develop their fluency and intonation, while the Y1,2 children have support with their decoding and understanding.

Marvellous Maths

Posted on Wednesday 28 February 2018 by Mrs Latham

We’ve been working really hard counting in multiples of 2, 5 and 10. This is an important first step in learning all our multiplication and division facts (the expectation is for all facts up to 12 x 12 to be known by the end of Year 4).

Help your child at home by looking for arrays, equal groups of things, counting in different ways, reciting times tables facts or using one of the BBC Supermovers multiplication dance songs.

We use concrete examples, pictorial representations and abstract calculations. Some examples can be seen below.



Living and Learning

Posted on Monday 26 February 2018 by Mrs Latham

As part of our focus on manners, we’ve been trying to use the ‘vampire method’.  I cover my mouth (when I cough, sneeze or yawn) was our Living and Learning statement last week so we looked at why this method can help to prevent germs spreading.  By coughing or sneezing into our elbow, germs are not spread into the air or on our hands which may contaminate other things. The germs dry out and die quicker on fabric than on hands or hard surfaces.

This week we explored the statement I can say something good about myself. We talked in pairs about what we were good at, said what we were good at and drew a picture too.

1K Class Assembly

Posted on Friday 23 February 2018 by Reception Team

It was our class assembly this afternoon. A massive well done to 1K. You were amazing!

Crazy About Cricket

Posted on Friday 23 February 2018 by Reception Team

Year 1 and 2  took part in a cricket session promoted by All Stars Cricket this week. They focused on key cricket skills: throwing, catching and batting techniques. All of the children thoroughly enjoyed being active and challenging themselves to beat their personal best.

KEIOTSUKE (attention) – we’re doing judo!

Posted on Wednesday 21 February 2018 by Mrs Latham

All classes in school enjoyed some judo this week. Reception and Key Stage 1 were introduced to judo by Glynn from Sportif Judo and were thoroughly active for the full session – foot grabbing, pushing, pinning and bulldozing each other!

The Key Stage 2 classes also experienced a second session, building on skills from last month. They improved and developed their pinning, rolling  and throwing techniques. If you’d like to continue judo, fliers were sent in book bags.