Year 1 & 2 Class News

School Council and Democracy Week

Posted on Monday 06 November 2017 by Mrs Latham

During Democracy Week (16-20 October 2017) pupils took part in the democratic process as they voted for their class representatives for School Council. Congratulations to the elected candidates and we hope they have a successful year representing the views of all the pupils in our school.




Amazing, astounding, adventurous Adjective Dress Up Day!

Posted on Sunday 05 November 2017 by Mrs Latham

What an amazing day we had! Everyone had thought carefully about their adjective and been creative with their costumes. It brought grammar to life in year 1 and 2. We discussed synonyms and antonyms of different adjectives and grouped them accordingly.

We wrote about our own adjectives and also came up with silly sentences containing too many adjectives. Continue to talk about adjectives at home and encourage your child to use ambitious vocabulary; it’s fun to talk about the meaning of words! Try a challenge: can your child come up with three alliterative adjectives to describe something? (The title of this Class News post is an example to get you started!)


Well done to our Golden Star this week.

Strictly Flex Dancing!

Posted on Sunday 05 November 2017 by Mrs Latham

All year 1 and 2 classes enjoyed learning new street dance routines taught by a dance teacher from Flex Dance. We used our agility, balance and coordination skills to great effect. We then performed our routines for each other!

Adjective Dress Up Day – 01 November

Posted on Friday 27 October 2017 by Mrs Latham

We’re looking forward to it and we hope you are, too! More details can be found in the letter we sent home last week.

Conkers and School Council

Posted on Friday 20 October 2017 by Mrs Latham

We’ve had another learning-loaded week to finish the first half term of the school year. Our English work has involved lots of noun-spotting and securing sentence construction. You could help consolidate this learning at home by looking out for, and talking about, nouns and how they appear in our language.

We also collected a whopping 1,343 conkers. We’ve used them to help us count in 10s. You could join in at home and collect interesting objects to count in 2s, 5s or 10s. Now we’ve finished with them, we’ve returned them to the woods behind school for the squirrels to enjoy – and hopefully a few will grow into chestnut trees, too!

The excitement was palpable during the voting for the school council representatives. We used a voting booth, ballot papers and a ballot box to make it an authentic experience. Well done to those that got voted in.

The class assembly from 2KL was amazing. The children were so excited and proud to share all their learning. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to support the children.

Harvest: 13 October 2017

Posted on Sunday 15 October 2017 by Mrs Latham

Thank you for the generous donations. The Salvation Army collected the tins and packets for their food bank.

Highlights this week

Posted on Sunday 15 October 2017 by Mrs Latham

We enjoyed learning about mindfulness this week and learnt new breathing techniques to help us approach difficult situations in a calm manner.

We’ve been working on our rapid recall of number facts, using dominoes to help. Please practise these at home, too.

Well done to our Golden Star this week. I think she feels proud!

Exploring our local area

Posted on Friday 06 October 2017 by Mrs Latham

Our current Big Topic is Explorers.

We ended our week with a walk exploring Scholes and it was a perfect sunny day for it. Thank you to all the parent and grandparent helpers – we wouldn’t have been able to do it without you. We walked three miles over nearly two hours so I imagine there will be some tired legs tonight. We mapped our route when we got back to school and will be talking more about what we saw next week. The highlights, according to one child, were eating our snack and jumping in muddy puddles!

Well done to our Golden Star this week.

Join In Monday! (02 October 2017)

Posted on Tuesday 03 October 2017 by Mrs Latham

Thank you to everyone who attended the first Join In Monday afternoon of the year. Class 1,2V hosted the Autumn-themed afternoon. Parents and carers joined in with children making leaf lanterns, leaf mobiles and leaf rubbings. There were also 933 conkers to count and play with!

Christmas cards…and a traffic survey!

Posted on Sunday 01 October 2017 by Mrs Latham

I know it sounds early, but these cards will be printed and can be bought for friends and family.

All the year 1 and 2 classes conducted a traffic survey of Station Road in front of school. We predicted that cars would be the vehicle we saw the most and this proved to be true when we counted up our scores. A year 2 child commented, “This is the best day. I love counting cars!” We will be using our findings in our topic lessons.

Well done to our golden star this week.