Year 1 & 2 Class News

Kylie Minogue at Scholes School…!

Posted on Thursday 22 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

Well, not quite. We enjoyed measuring our height today and found out Miss Parling is the same size as Kylie. The children were pondering the question ‘Do taller people have bigger feet?’ in our Science lessons today. We measured our height and the length of our feet and decided that, generally, taller children had bigger feet. It was also an opportunity to continue our Living and Learning (body image) discussions about how we’re all unique, special and equal, no matter what our bodies look like.

Can anyone help us walking to the library?

Posted on Thursday 22 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

We need helpers to walk with us to Scholes Library. Please let your child’s class teacher know if you can spare half an hour to help us.

  • 1K Tuesday 27 March, 10am
  • 2KL Wednesday 28 March, 9.30am
  • 1,2V Wednesday 28 March, 10am

Thank you.

Golden Stars

Posted on Thursday 22 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

Well done to the children who were recently awarded a golden star.

Outdoor PE

Posted on Wednesday 21 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

Children have enjoyed outdoor PE lessons this week. We’ve been particularly working on skipping skills. Please could you ensure your child has some blue/black tracksuit bottoms to wear (bare legs can get a bit chilly) and suitable shoes for outdoor PE (trainers, pumps or well-fitted school shoes are fine – not boots). If you’ve any trainers that your child has grown out of and would like to donate them to school for our spares box, we would be most grateful.

Living and Learning – Body Image

Posted on Tuesday 20 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

We’ve been thinking about body image for the last few weeks. We read the The Ugly Five by Julia Donaldson a few weeks ago and have referred back to it when discussing this topic. The sentiment of the story is to not judge others on their looks. This is such an important message for our children. We encourage them to treat everyone the same, regardless of looks, age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief.

We’ve also been reading The Mixed Up Chameleon by Eric Carle. It prompted lots of discussion about how important it is to value yourself and your own qualities and traits.

Homework review

Posted on Friday 16 March 2018 by Reception Team

During our homework review, 1K enjoyed sharing the different ways they counted by 2s,5s and 10s at home. We discussed a range of objects that we could count and worked in pairs to create posters to show our ideas.

  • ‘We counted in 2s using eyeballs!’
  • ‘We can use Numicon to count in 2s.’
  • ‘I used my hand because I have 5 fingers.’
  • ‘We drew 10 pencils, 10 teeth and 10 part whole models.’

Living and Learning – I receive compliments in a sensible way.

Posted on Tuesday 13 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

We have continued to think about compliments. Our Living and Learning statement this week is I receive compliments in a sensible way. We have talked about how it is important to compliment how other people behave and their qualities, rather than what they look like. The children enjoyed saying positive things about each other.

Homework – number stories

Posted on Sunday 11 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

All year 1 and 2 classes had some fantastic homework to share this week. Number stories are all around us. Help your child at home by talking to them about numbers and calculations, looking for them in everyday life.

Mimika Theatre – Landscape

Posted on Friday 09 March 2018 by Reception Team

Some of KS1 had the pleasure of stepping inside the magical tent to experience a story with no words. The journey took them on an adventure through different habitats.

  • ‘It was really good! The crocodile shoots out and made me jump. I loved it.’
  • ‘It was so good. I’ve never seen anything like it before.’

Children who have not seen the performance due to the snow will get an opportunity within the next few weeks.

Shared Reading

Posted on Friday 09 March 2018 by Reception Team

1K loved sharing some of their favourite books with 3/4N. It encourages reading for pleasure.