Year 1 & 2 Class News

Living and Learning – money matters

Posted on Thursday 17 May 2018 by Mrs Latham

This week and next, we’ll be talking about money. During our toys topic, we’ve already discussed how important (or not) we think the cost of a toy is. We talked about where money comes from, how to keep it safe and how we cannot always spend whatever we want.

I get money for my birthday or the tooth fairy.

I get pocket money and my grandma sometimes just gives me it.

I keep my money safe in my money box.

I already have my own bank where I keep my money safe.

My mum says I have to save up if I want something big that costs a lot of money.

Fun-filled days!

Posted on Tuesday 15 May 2018 by Mrs Latham

Although the year 2 children are currently doing their end of key stage 1 assessments (SATs), they’ve enjoyed a variety of other activities too! They worked together to create games in PE, looked carefully what was growing in the allotment, created pictures using 2D shapes and were building fluency in maths using Top Marks : Hit the buttonHelp at home by having a competition – they might beat you!

Golden Star

Posted on Friday 11 May 2018 by Mrs Latham

Well done to this week’s Golden Star!

1,2V PE

Posted on Friday 11 May 2018 by Mrs Latham

We enjoyed our PE lesson on the field today. We worked on our balł skills, played fetch and timebomb. Please ensure your child has tracksuit bottoms, if they prefer, and suitable shoes (or bring trainers/pumps) for PE so they can fully participate.

Living and Learning – change and loss

Posted on Friday 11 May 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

2KL discussed a time when they had experienced change or loss and expressed their feelings through pictures.

Living and Learning – dealing with emotions : change or loss

Posted on Thursday 10 May 2018 by Mrs Latham

In our Living and Learning lessons this week, we’ve continued to talk about dealing with big emotions. In particular this week we have discussed dealing with loss, bereavement and change. We have used mindfulness techniques to help us cope with the physical changes that happen to our bodies when we deal with big emotions. We also watched The Small Creature and talked about how these feelings can be overwhelming but they don’t last forever.

Image result for small creature book bhf

Marvellous maths

Posted on Thursday 10 May 2018 by Mrs Latham

Some of the Year 1 and 2s enjoyed applying maths skills and collaborating with each other to complete puzzles and games today. Maths is fun!

What makes a good toy?

Posted on Monday 07 May 2018 by Mrs Latham

We used the diamond 9 technique, which promotes oracy, to discuss what makes a good toy in our topic lesson. It was interesting to hear the differing views of the children.

I think a good toy should be multi-player so you can play with your friends.

I like toys to last a long time and not break!

I really like electronic toys.

Tour de Yorkshire in Scholes

Posted on Monday 07 May 2018 by Mrs Latham

We enjoyed the excitement of the Tour de Yorkshire coming through Scholes on Friday. Each class decorated a bike to display and the whole school went outside to watch the women’s race speed past.  We did some WuSu (Wake up, Shake up) dances while we were waiting and the Year 4 skipping team showed us their skipping dance from the skipping competition, too. It was a day to remember for sure!

Living and Learning – BIG emotions

Posted on Thursday 03 May 2018 by Mrs Latham

This week, we talked about different types of emotions and discussed whether some are stronger or ‘bigger’ than than others. We use mindfulness techniques to help us deal with big emotions. You could try mindfulness at home. Go Noodle has some great ideas. One of our favourites this week has been Bee Breath.