Year 1 & 2 Class News

Green fingers? Help needed!

Posted on Wednesday 13 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

Scholes in Bloom judging day is Monday 6 August this year. If you are available and would like to join the effort for gold, please come and collect a plant from Mrs Myers or Mrs Latham. All you need to do is look after it and meet us at the flower bed outside school on judging day at 10am. If you prefer, you could make a ‘scarecrow’ and bring it on the same day. The theme is ‘all creatures great and small’. Hope to see you there!

500 Words 2018 Final

Posted on Wednesday 13 June 2018 by Reception Team

A very excited member of 1K got the opportunity to attend the final of the  500 words story writing competition.

Sam visited Hampton Court Palace for an amazing experience. Whilst there he met Henry Vlll ( who featured in the story Sam entered for the competition), saw Her Royal Highness, the Duchess of Cornwall make a very special entrance with Chris Evans on Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, listen to the winning stories read by celebrity narrators including David Walliams and Dara O’Brian plus many more exciting performances.


Pupil Voice – Friendship Benches

Posted on Wednesday 13 June 2018 by Reception Team

School Council had a really tough time deciding which designs would be used to decorate our friendship benches.

There were some lovely messages and creative ideas used to make these benches feel a positive and inviting place to be.

These are the chosen designs.

I love the message – friends are like rainbows they brighten your day.

I think the colours will brighten up our playground.



It has a happy vibe.

It has nice vocabulary on it.

Toys topic – children’s feedback

Posted on Tuesday 12 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

We looked back on our toys topic last week and children talked about what they had learnt. Here are some quotes that the children said.

I enjoyed the Teddy Bear’s Picnic. It was a sunny day and I loved having my teddy with me to eat my picnic.

I felt most proud in Science. I got it right when we tested which toys floated and which ones sank.

We learnt about old and new bears. Old bears had joints and a pointed muzzle. They had sawdust inside so they were hard to cuddle.

I found it hard making our own toys game. We had to make a code to do it.

Scholes Gala – skippers and dancers

Posted on Monday 11 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

Thank you to our Y4 Skipping Crew and the Y1, Y2 and Y6 WUSU Crews who represented school so brilliantly at Scholes village gala.

2KL Join In afternoon

Posted on Monday 11 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

Thank you to everyone who attended the Join In afternoon today. Some wonderfully designed t-shirts were proudly paraded by the children. Remember to iron them under a tea towel to ‘seal’ the design in.


Golden Star

Posted on Sunday 10 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

Well done to our most recent golden star!

Maths and PE

Posted on Thursday 07 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

We have been using the newly painted 100 square on our playground to warm up for PE lessons and reinforce our maths learning. 2KL can be seen here doing the ‘2s stride’. They were counting in 2s and linking it to the 2 times tables facts.  Help at home by testing each other on counting in 2s, division and multiplication facts.

Read and Sing

Posted on Thursday 07 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

What a fun way to hone your reading skills – through reading new songs! We’re going to be doing more of this.

The Enormous Crocodile

Posted on Wednesday 06 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

We will be reading and using Roald Dahl’s The Enormous Crocodile as a focus for our learning over the next 2 weeks. If you have a copy, you could read it at home or watch a video of the story.

Image result for enormous crocodile