Keeping active – skipping
All year 1 and 2 classes enjoyed a skipping lesson from Jodi from Skipping School last week. We worked on our individual and big rope technique. Year 2 will be entering a competition later in the year (which Miss Parling will be setting up an after school skipping club for). Children can bring skipping ropes to school to use at playtimes and lunchtimes (please name them clearly).
Science – materials and their properties
We have a started a Science based mini-topic called What’s the matter? We are learning about different materials and their properties. Help at home by talking about what different household objects are made of.
- Why are some chairs wooden but others are plastic or metal?
- Why is the bath plastic but the sink is ceramic in the bathroom but metal in the kitchen?
- Do you have carpet, laminate, wood, lino or tile floors? Why are different floor coverings chosen in different rooms?
Christmas party
We all enjoyed our Christmas party before the holidays. The ‘dance-off’ was brilliant fun!
Safeguarding – Road Safety Pantomime
It’s all about Christmas at the moment but we also reminded children about staying safe near and on roads. This week, we watched a pantomime with a road safety message. Help at home by reminding children how to cross the road safely, talking to them about the green cross code.
A special visitor
All the year 1 and 2 classes had a special visitor today. Santa visited each class; reading a story, talking to children and handing our early Christmas presents. We thought we couldn’t get any more excitable…but we did!
Living and Learning-I respect my communities and other communities.
This Living and Learning statement helps to promote the British value of mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. In KS1 we daily encourage respect for everyone and everything. We know that we are all the same AND we are all different! How amazing is that?
One child shared their homework about the celebration of Christmas. He proudly showed his Christingle. We discussed similarities and differences between Christmas and Eid. Will you be celebrating anything special this coming holiday?
All Stars cricket
Foundation and Key Stage 1 enjoyed a lively cricket assembly from Tom Bates (All Stars Cricket) today. The Year 1 and 2 classes then had a try playing some cricket skills games and a match, too!
Living and Learning – My responsibilities
In our Living and Learning lessons, KS1 have been thinking about our responsibilities. What are we responsible for in school and at home? Working in groups, we tried to decide upon the value that we place upon different responsibilities. We used a ‘Diamond 9’ grid as a basis to order our responsibilities. The mutual respect and discussion that was needed to complete this activity was incredible. Each group explained their reasoning behind the most and least important responsibility. How would you order these responsibilities?
Book People Book Fair
This week, we’ve a Book People book fair at school. The Book People are an online book shop, selling books at up to 70% off RRP prices. We’ve a great selection of individual books starting from £4 and a wide range of boxed books, too. Tomorrow is the last day we will be selling the books in school. We will open the book fair at 3.15pm for parents to buy and browse before the end of school. The fair is located in the main reception area.
Thank you to everyone who has already paid us a visit and bought a book.
The school earns money for the sales we make, which helps us replenish the school library, guided reading books and books for the children to enjoy in their classrooms.