Year 1 & 2 Class News

Living & Learning-Classroom Rules.

Posted on Friday 07 September 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

This week we have thought about rules that make our classrooms really happy places. Each class has made their unique rules, signed them and displayed them within the classroom. 

Following our weekly ethos statement: we have been actively greeting people politely wherever we go. 

We have also been ‘Ready to learn’ which is one of the eight ‘R’s’ we will be looking at this half term.

Well done KS1, a fabulous first week back!

A new start in Years 1 and 2 – September 2018

Posted on Tuesday 04 September 2018 by Mrs Latham

There were a variety of emotions as we started back at school this week – apprehension, nerves and excitement to name a few! The Year 1 and 2 children were full of stories from the Summer holidays and settled in well to their new classes. There are some quotes below from children about their first day.

  • ‘I like learning and writing at the table.’
  • ‘I like my new table.’
  • ‘I like seeing my friends from different classes in phonics.’
  • ‘I like seeing everyone at playtime.’
  • ‘This is fun maths game.’
  • ‘What a great first day in Year 2!’
  • ‘I loved the Five Star Sports PE lesson and my favourite bit was when I was nearly top banana.’

Welcome to Years 1 and 2

Posted on Tuesday 04 September 2018 by Mrs Latham

Here are some photos of the staff who work in Key Stage 1 (school years 1 and 2). Please feel free to talk to any member of staff if you have a question, query or problem.



Summer challenge

Posted on Saturday 21 July 2018 by Mrs Latham

If you visit anywhere over the summer (this could be for a day trip or longer) please could you collect a postcard from the place you have
visited? Bring it into school in September (or post it to school) and these will then contribute to your child’s learning in September.

Thank you
KS1 Team

Living and Learning-All Change!

Posted on Friday 20 July 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

We’ve had a wonderful last week together, finished off with an amazing beach party! Enjoy your Summer!

Beach Party 20 July 2018

Posted on Monday 16 July 2018 by Mrs Latham

To celebrate the end of another fantastic year we are planning to hold a ‘Beach Party’ on Friday 20th July. Your child can come to school dressed in their own clothes (please make sure they are suitable to wear all day) and can bring along a snack and drink which they can have at the party. We are hoping to have some water fun so all children are welcome to bring swim wear and water pistols! A towel to get dried with is essential. The children are also welcome to bring any outdoor play equipment eg: bats, balls, hula hoops, footballs, frisbees, inflatables etc. As always, if you could name as many items as possible that would be really helpful (don’t send anything too precious!). Don’t forget drinks and hats and to apply suncream before school, particularly if it is a warm day.
Fingers crossed for sunshine!

Golden Stars

Posted on Monday 16 July 2018 by Mrs Latham

Well done to our most recent golden stars.

Living and Learning – I can cope with change

Posted on Saturday 14 July 2018 by Mrs Latham

Children met their new teachers for September this week. They had a full morning of activities with their new class and came back happy and smiling.

We talked about the emotions we felt (teachers included) and how we could deal with them. We recognised that feeling apprehensive or worried was ok and normal and that those feelings don’t last forever.

The children talked openly about their feelings and are very much looking forward to new challenges in September.

I was scared at first but it was ok when I got there.

It was awesome. I loved going on the big playground.

I was apprehensive and then excited.

Wake Up Shake Up Show

Posted on Tuesday 10 July 2018 by Mrs Latham

What a great way to end the year. The Scholes WUSU Crew showcased their commitment to keeping fit through dance (and having fun). Thank you to Miss Pennock too for putting in the time and effort to prepare and run these classes.

Living and Learning – Sun Safety

Posted on Monday 09 July 2018 by Mrs Latham

All year 1 and 2 classes focused on sun safety last week. We talked about how to keep safe in the sun, made posters and a video!