Year 1 & 2 Class News

Year 1 reading meeting

Posted on Thursday 27 September 2018 by Mrs Latham

Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to the Year 1 reading meeting tonight. The presentation can be downloaded here. The other resources will be sent home in your child’s book bag.

Active Maths

Posted on Wednesday 26 September 2018 by Mrs Latham

We like to learn outdoors in Key Stage 1. Today, 2KL were continuing our indoor learning about tens and ones with an outdoor lesson on the playground 100 square.

Help at home! Talk about how many tens and ones are in numbers. For example, find out how many tens and ones make up your age, house number, the date or shoe size.

2 tens and 8 ones

2KL Join in 

Posted on Monday 24 September 2018 by Mrs Latham

Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to 2KL’s join-in this afternoon. The class  were learning about making sensible predictions in science, linked to the 5 senses.

The lavender was a really strong smell.

The dried fruit (dates) looked like a slug!

I guessed what all the instruments were. 

Gold Star and postcard competition winners

Posted on Friday 21 September 2018 by Mrs Latham

Well done to our most recent golden star and our two winners in the postcard competition!

Living and Learning – Taking safe risks and responsibility for learning

Posted on Thursday 20 September 2018 by Mrs Latham

Our Living and Learning this week has revolved around taking safe risks and taking responsibility for our own learning.

We went on a walk around Scholes which involved some element of risk: crossing roads and walking down muddy tracks. Instead of just telling children to ‘be careful’, encourage them to think about risks and consequences and ‘risk assess’ for themselves.

We’ve also talked about how we are responsible for our own learning, including being organised in class and using learning time effectively.

Walk around Scholes – our first trip out

Posted on Wednesday 19 September 2018 by Mrs Latham

We thoroughly enjoyed our first trip of the year today. Ninety children, thirty adults and three class mascots (Cupcake, Spike and Nutkin) invaded Scholes and walked over three miles around the village. We looked for good places to hide our rocks that we had painted in school as part of the ‘Barwick and Scholes Rocks’ game. As well as exploring our local environment, we had some lovely conversations with the grown ups who volunteered their time to accompany us. Thank you!

  • The best part was stopping for our snack.

  • I liked walking down into the woods.

  • My legs were really tired!

  • We found loads of conkers.

1,2V Join-in Monday

Posted on Wednesday 19 September 2018 by Mrs Latham

Thank you to all the parents and carers who came into school for 1,2V’s Join-in Monday.  We designed and painted rocks to hide as part of the ‘Barwick and Scholes Rocks’ game. We also went on a 3 mile walk later in the week and hid them along the way!

Gold stars

Posted on Friday 14 September 2018 by Mrs Latham

Well done to our first 2 golden stars.

Second week back

Posted on Friday 14 September 2018 by Mrs Latham

Everyone is settling in well and we have been working really hard. There is still always time to get active though. We’ve all enjoyed getting back into our Go Noodle activities and also working on our mindfulness techniques. We’ve also been learning the names of the oceans and continents through song. Have a go at home…

Oceans song    Continents song


First week fun!

Posted on Friday 07 September 2018 by Mrs Latham

The year 1 and 2 children have settled back in to school beautifully. We have done some great learning already, including maths, reading, writing, living and learning, geography, PE and music.