Year 1 & 2 Class News

Living and Learning- Reflecting

Posted on Friday 12 October 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

Our 8Rs for learning have an animal and action to go with them. (2KL are demonstrating their glee at creating them as a class).

One of the 8Rs for learning came to life today. The animal for ‘Reflecting’ is an owl. We had the most adorable baby barn owls come to visit! Pixie and Paddy are 30 days old. They will certainly help us to reflect on what and how we’ve learnt in the future.

Golden Stars

Posted on Thursday 11 October 2018 by Mrs Latham

Well done to our two recent golden stars.

Class novel – Stone Age Boy

Posted on Wednesday 10 October 2018 by Mrs Latham

All the year 1 and 2 classes are reading and using Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura as a stimulus for learning over the next couple of weeks. Although it is more of a picture book than a novel, it contains so much information that we will be using it as a focus for several lessons.

We will be re-telling the story, learning about life in the Stone Age and creating cave paintings using sticks and stones.

Help at home by talking about the past, present and future. Talk about major events in history including that of our own lifetimes and the more distant past. How was life different when you or your older relatives were young compared to that of your child?

Living and Learning – remember and reflect

Posted on Friday 05 October 2018 by Mrs Latham

This week’s Living and Learning focus was based on 2 of the Rs for Learning – remember and reflect.

We talked about how our routine helps us remember what we are learning and how an organised classroom (or bedroom) helps us remember where things are.

We reflect on our learning in many ways. These are mostly verbal in key stage 1 – by showing thumbs up/down for example. We also talked about what the highlighting of LOs (learning objectives) mean.

We love reading!

Posted on Thursday 04 October 2018 by Mrs Latham

All year 1 and 2 classes visited the library this week. It was great being able to choose a book each to add to our book corners in our classrooms. I chose one about hedgehogs because 1,2V’s class mascot is Spike the hedgehog!

Help at home by being a great role model and reading regularly to, and with, your child. Show them that you love reading!


History of Britain theatre show

Posted on Wednesday 03 October 2018 by Mrs Latham

We thoroughly enjoyed the show today and learnt lots about key events in British history and what makes us British. Ask your child what they can remember and what they enjoyed about the show.

‘I like the Stone Age people.’

‘Henry VIII had 6 wives and he was funny in the show.’

‘We had to join in and it was really funny.’

Reading and maths workshop

Posted on Tuesday 02 October 2018 by Mrs Latham

Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to the reading and maths workshop tonight. The presentation can be found here.

Links to other documents talked about can be found below.

Smelly Science

Posted on Monday 01 October 2018 by Mrs Latham

All the year 1 and 2 classes did some science last week. We focused on making sensible predictions. We talked about our senses and then used our sense of smell, predicting what we thought was hidden in a selection of boxes. 

I thought it was shampoo but it was soap!

I knew it was an orange straight away. I’ve smelt them before.

PE and secret maths

Posted on Sunday 30 September 2018 by Mrs Latham

1,2V enjoyed an outdoor PE lesson, making use of the new basketballs. There was also some ‘secret’ maths included – counting in 10s as you bounce your ball to your partner.

Living and Learning- Resourceful and Resilient

Posted on Friday 28 September 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

This week, we’ve been thinking about the resourceful squirrel and the resilient tortoise. We’ve made posters to help us remember the ‘8Rs’ that we have discussed so far. Can you remember which animal goes with which learning skill?