Year 1 & 2 Class News

Number bonds

Posted on Wednesday 07 November 2018 by Mrs Latham

We’ve been working really hard learning and using number bonds of 10 (Year 2s – bonds of 20 and 100, too) recently. Following the CPA approach of mastery maths, we use concrete apparatus, visual representations and abstract number sentences to help us to learn them.  Help at home by having a go at playing Hit the Button – great for number bond rapid recall. Check out the Learn More/Calculations section on our website, too.

F2 and Y1 Maths Information Evening

Posted on Tuesday 06 November 2018 by Mrs Latham

Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to the maths information evening. We hope you found it useful and informative. The presentation and information leaflets can be found below.

Living and Learning- Democracy

Posted on Friday 26 October 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

As part of our ongoing work on British values, we have been focusing on democracy. We set up a polling station in the hall and children voted for their new School Councillors. All children had the opportunity to be a candidate. It was an inspiring time, listening to the speeches that children had prepared as part of their homework. Well done to the newly voted Councillors. We are looking forward to the pupils’ voice being put into action.

Adjective Day 14 November

Posted on Thursday 25 October 2018 by Mrs Latham

After the success of the KS1 Adjective Day last year, we’re doing it again.

We’re learning more about the functions of words. Hopefully your child has been talking about nouns already!

On Wednesday 14 November, we’re going to have an ‘Adjective Day’. The children will be asked to come in to school dressed as an adjective. The adjective can be as simple or as adventurous as you like. Please ensure that your child is aware of the word meaning and feels confident in sharing this with the class. We have attached some pictures to inspire you, or there are lots of ideas if you search ‘adjective dress up day’ on the internet. There is also a template with the letter your child brought home to write their word and word definition on. Please complete, cut off and bring on the day.

Please don’t go to the expense of buying anything new. Have fun creating your adjective outfit!

Why were some words in the previous paragraph in bold italics?

Nouns means names

Posted on Monday 22 October 2018 by Mrs Latham

We have been learning a song to help us remember what a noun is (sung to the tune of the Heinz Meanz Beanz advert).

Every person, place or thing
Needs a name and so we sing
Nouns means names

Help at home by talking about nouns and how they are all around us! Don’t forget proper nouns (Monday, Christmas), abstract nouns (happiness, excitement) and pronouns, which replace a noun in a sentence (I, we, she).


Living and Learning – Rights and Responsibilities.

Posted on Friday 19 October 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

KS1 have been discussing ‘Rights and Responsilities’. We have the right to be educated (by coming to school). We also have the responsibility to learn (through our attention and effort).

We mimed different responsibilities that we might have at home or at school. The class enjoyed guessing what the miming represented. The children are proud of being responsible for various things.

Golden Star 

Posted on Friday 19 October 2018 by Reception Team

Well done to our most recent golden star!

Outdoor Maths – QR codes

Posted on Tuesday 16 October 2018 by Mrs Latham

The year 2 children enjoyed some outdoor maths this afternoon using QR codes. They had to use their knowledge of tens and ones to follow a treasure hunt type activity, using iPads to read the QR codes. You can only move on to the next question if you get them correct in the right order. It was great fun but also involved lots of learning!

Harvest Festival – a big thank you!

Posted on Tuesday 16 October 2018 by Mrs Latham

Thank you for all the kind donations to our Harvest Festival today. Henry, from the Salvation Army, was overwhelmed by the generosity of the families at Scholes. Thank you for each and every donation.

Living and Learning – strengthening community links

Posted on Monday 15 October 2018 by Mrs Latham

Following the success of our visits last year to the Elmet Elderberries (a local community group for older people in Scholes), some year 2 children went to visit today. It is really beneficial to listen to stories and ask questions – talking to real people and linking perfectly with our Time Travel topic.