Year 1 & 2 Class News

We s-now how to have a n-ice time outside!

Posted on Sunday 03 February 2019 by Mrs Latham

We filled various containers with water on Thursday, hoping it would freeze overnight. We were also hoping for lots of snow but there wasn’t much. We were still excited for the snow flurries and pleased that our water had frozen! We managed to make some mini snowmen and enjoyed playing with the ice we had made.

Living and Learning homework – I know how to make things better

Posted on Friday 25 January 2019 by Mrs Latham

All the year 1 and 2 classes has fantastic homework review sessions this week. There were lots of varied examples of how we can make things better at school, home and in the wider environment.

Gold Stars

Posted on Friday 25 January 2019 by Mrs Latham

Well done to our two Golden Stars! 

Living and Learning – Emotions (Mood Walk)

Posted on Monday 21 January 2019 by Mrs Latham

We have been talking about our emotions; how to recognise them, what they feel like, that they change and how to deal with difficult ones.

The Mood Walk song has helped us and is great fun!

PE – badminton

Posted on Friday 18 January 2019 by Mrs Latham

We enjoyed our first badminton coaching session today. Balance, agility and coordination are essential and it was fun using our badminton ‘nets’ and pom-poms!

Gold stars

Posted on Friday 18 January 2019 by Mrs Latham

Well done to our two most recent golden stars!

Den-making in Science – is it waterproof and warm?

Posted on Thursday 17 January 2019 by Mrs Latham

Year 1 and 2 concluded our Science-based mini-topic with a fun afternoon of den building. We chose materials based on their properties to make our dens waterproof and warm. There were several volunteers who were more than happy to test out if it was waterproof when we were pouring water on them!

If we use plastic on the outside, it will be waterproof.

We could use carpet square to sit on inside. That will keep us warm.

Cardboard and paper is warm to sit on.

Lets put cardboard on the sides under the plastic to keep the wind out.

Living and Learning- I don’t interrupt (with my mouth or my hand).

Posted on Sunday 13 January 2019 by Mrs Wilkins

We have started the year with another Living and Learning statement that relates directly to manners – at home (where waiting our turn and not interrupting helps us to get on well with others) and in the classroom (where we try to avoid putting our hand up if it means the speaker feels like they’re being interrupted or hurried up).

We enjoyed a group activity where we were given different classroom scenarios. After discussion, we decided if the scenario was something that we should or shouldn’t interrupt our learning for. Would you agree or disagree with the placement of the scenarios in this photo? 

Keeping active – skipping

Posted on Sunday 13 January 2019 by Mrs Latham

All year 1 and 2 classes enjoyed a skipping lesson from Jodi from Skipping School last week. We worked on our individual and big rope technique. Year 2 will be entering a competition later in the year (which Miss Parling will be setting up an after school skipping club for). Children can bring skipping ropes to school to use at playtimes and lunchtimes (please name them clearly).

Science – materials and their properties

Posted on Wednesday 09 January 2019 by Mrs Latham

We have a started a Science based mini-topic called What’s the matter? We are learning about different materials and their properties. Help at home by talking about what different household objects are made of.

  • Why are some chairs wooden but others are plastic or metal?
  • Why is the bath plastic but the sink is ceramic in the bathroom but metal in the kitchen?
  • Do you have carpet, laminate, wood, lino or tile floors? Why are different floor coverings chosen in different rooms?