Year 1 & 2 Class News

Living and Learning-Strong Emotions (Positive and Negative)

Posted on Sunday 10 March 2019 by Mrs Wilkins

In KS1, we continually discuss our emotions. It is part of our emotional intelligence to be aware of what we and others are feeling. It is also key that we know strategies for dealing with strong emotions. Mindfulness, breathing, talking and counting are all strategies that we can use to prevent us from negatively  reacting to a strong emotion. How do you cope with a strong emotion? Have you discussed this with your child?

An important message that we re-emphasise with the children is that it’s ok to feel the way that you do. You may feel like it for an hour, a day, a week, a month or even a year but feelings do change. You won’t feel the same forever. We know that healthy children are in a better position to learn and being healthy includes our physical, social, emotional and psychological selves. We are in the business of supporting healthy life long learners. How are you feeling today?

Class novel Big Topic – homework

Posted on Sunday 10 March 2019 by Mrs Latham

There were some lovely examples of homework this week. Children wrote poems, drew pictures, made cartoon strips, maps and posters to name a few! Thank you for supporting the children at home.

World Book Day 2019

Posted on Thursday 07 March 2019 by Mrs Wilkins

Wow! Our costumes are very impressive, don’t you agree? We have thoroughly enjoyed dressing up and celebrating books today. Sharing books and poems with other children and adults throughout the school has been a highlight. Thank you for supporting your child/children with their costumes. We’ve had a fantastic day! 

World Book Day

Posted on Thursday 07 March 2019 by Mrs Latham

The children enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day and talking about their favourite characters. We talked about our favourite books, shared them with children from other classes and enjoyed a reading assembly at the end of the day. Thank you for all the wonderful costumes!

1,2V getting creative

Posted on Sunday 03 March 2019 by Mrs Latham

Children were excited to add to their art work for our upcoming pop-up art gallery on Tuesday 25 March 3.30-4pm. All classes are getting the opportunity to get creative this half term.

Living and Learning-I cover my mouth (when I yawn, cough or sneeze).

Posted on Friday 01 March 2019 by Mrs Wilkins

This week we have been thinking about manners. In particular, our living and learning weekly statement has encouraged our personal hygiene. Coughing and sneezing definitely spreads germs. We can’t all wash our hands every single time we cough or sneeze so we have a clever alternative: the vampire sneeze/sleeve. We simply cough, sneeze or yawn into our sleeves. Here some children are demonstrating the vampire sleeve. 

When we yawn, we know it is polite to cover our mouths . We can do this through the covering of our mouths either by our hand or our sleeve.

Living and Learning-homework

Posted on Saturday 16 February 2019 by Mrs Wilkins

Wow! There has been some fantastic creative homework this week. I can show different ways to stay safe was our prompt. Look at what we did in response…

Living and Learning-books for discussion.

Posted on Saturday 16 February 2019 by Mrs Wilkins

We took out two books from our recent visit to Sholes village library. Both books prompted valuable discussions. The first, ‘Living with Mum and living with Dad’ allowed children to discuss their own family. We appreciated that all families are unique and the most important thing is that we are loved.

The second book, ‘Hooray for Knickers’, was very funny. It reminded us of our ‘pants are private’ rule. This rule comes from the NSPCC as an important message for preventing abuse. There is a catchy song and video that all children enjoying singing in KS1. What books will you take out of the library during this holiday? 

Drama for writing (and Living and Learning – consent)

Posted on Tuesday 12 February 2019 by Mrs Latham

To enhance our Big Topic, we have been involved in some drama workshops delivered by The West Yorkshire Playhouse this week. They were based on the Katie and…. books by James Mayhew. We used Katie and the Dinosaurs and were transported into a wonderful imaginary world of dinosaurs. The children immersed themselves in the drama and produced some writing describing the dinosaurs they created.

The Living and Learning part involved the important topic of consent. We asked children for their consent to be photographed and we also asked Paul, our facilitator, for his consent too. This sets a good example for children and helps them to realise that they can consent (and withdraw their consent) for their photograph or video to be taken.

Golden Star Award

Posted on Friday 08 February 2019 by Mrs Wilkins

This week, it goes to…