Help needed : plants and bulbs
We are hoping to plant some bulbs, ready for Spring, and hopefully some bedding plants to see us through the Winter (pansies, for example). If you can help, please drop them into the office or any of the year 1 or 2 classrooms. Thank you!
Outdoor PE
Key Stage One (all year 1 and 2 classes) enjoyed an outdoor PE lesson today. We made the most of the lovely weather and did some running and races on the field.
Year 2 Information Evening
Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to the Year 2 Information Evening. We hope you found it useful and informative. The presentation can be found below. Thank you.
Living and Learning : I take safe risks. I take responsibility.
In our Living and Learning sessions this week we have been talking about taking risks and taking responsibility. Knowing when to take a safe risk is an important lesson for children. For example, encouraging children to assess the risk of whether they wear their coat at playtime. We also encourage them to take responsibility to take letters or reading books out of their bags and look after their jumper if they take it off. Help at home by naming everything please!
Join-in Monday
Thank you to all the parents and careers who came to 1,2V’s Join-in afternoon. It was wonderful to show and share what we do in class.
Living and Learning : being ready and responding
All classes spent some time this week talking about the ground rules of our Living and Learning sessions. These include listening to each other, respecting difference and joining in.
We have also talked about being ready and responding, which are two of the 8Rs for learning. Find out more on our Health pages.
Year 1 information evening
Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to the information evening tonight. We hope you found it useful. The presentation can be found below.
Class Novel – The Enchanted Wood
We have started our class novel, The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton, and all the children are enthralled already. It is a classic, which you may have read yourselves or have a copy of at home. Read along at home, if you like, or you could ask your child which characters we have met so far and what they like about the story.