Year 1 & 2 Class News

Living and Learning : Money Matters themed week

Posted on Saturday 25 May 2019 by Mrs Latham

We had great fun doing some coin rubbings in art this week. This also made us wonder what else would make an interesting rubbing. Here is what we found…

Super skippers

Posted on Saturday 25 May 2019 by Mrs Latham

We are all still loving skipping. We have being trying to beat our personal best; counting how many skips we can do in 1 minute and then trying to improve put score. We love the big rope too, working together and encouraging each other.

My first go was 15 and now I can do 43!

Living and Learning-Money Matters

Posted on Friday 24 May 2019 by Mrs Wilkins

We’ve had an excellent week learning about money. We have covered many learning objectives in fun and creative ways. Our books are full.

Living and Learning- Money Matters

Posted on Friday 24 May 2019 by Mrs Wilkins

How much? The children have enjoyed counting the money that we raised for Cancer Research. There was lots of discussion and interactive Maths involved. Thank you for donating.

1K raised £13.36. 1/2V raised £20.80. 2KL raised £7.02.

We’re looking forward to finding out the final total that the whole school has raised for Cancer Research.

Living and Learning-Money Matters

Posted on Friday 24 May 2019 by Mrs Wilkins

All KS1 children have had a wonderful time in the sunshine creating art. The copper we collected for Cancer Researh has been used to make the following creations:

Living and Learning – Money Matters themed week (raising money for charity)

Posted on Tuesday 21 May 2019 by Mrs Latham

The children were so excited to take part in the Five Star Sports challenge today; keeping active and raising money for our school charity (Cancer Research). They all took part in the challenges and supported each other amazingly. Try to get some sponsors and bring back forms after the half term break.

Living and Learning : Friends

Posted on Thursday 16 May 2019 by Mrs Latham

The children discussed the qualities that they consider most important in their friends and also what they need to be to be a good friend. We also talked about what we can do to make things better if friendships go wrong.

The children had to complete a ‘Diamond 9’; discussing, negotiating and compromising. They ordered the qualities from most important at the top, to least important at the bottom.

A good friend doesn’t have to be talkative. Good friends can be quiet and not talk much too.

Bridge Over Troubled Waters… (science – properties of materials)

Posted on Friday 10 May 2019 by Mrs Latham

Science is a firm favourite in Key Stage 1. Lots of children say it is their favourite lesson. This week, we were working together to build a bridge for Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tinman and Lion to cross the river to the Emerald City!

The children had paper, cardboard, wood or plastic (Lego) to use. They had to assess the properties of the materials to work out which ones would work.

We need to make the paper more rigid to make the bridge. We could glue pieces together.

The wood is hard.

We can join the Lego pieces together easily.

2KL Behaviour Reward

Posted on Monday 06 May 2019 by Mrs Wilkins

2KL have a marble jar. When their individual or collective behaviour is exceptional, they get to put a marble in the jar. It doesn’t get filled too often but when it does 2KL are delighted! This week the children decided that crafting, Lego and cars would be their (15min) treat of choice. Well done 2KL, you really are stars! 

Golden Star

Posted on Monday 06 May 2019 by Mrs Wilkins

This week, the Golden Star goes to…