Year 1 & 2 Class News

Living and Learning-I know the difference between laughing with someone and laughing at them.

Posted on Sunday 23 June 2019 by Mrs Wilkins

What a great thing to discuss and be mindful of! KS1 are very impressive to talk to about their Living and Learning skills. Maybe you could ask them their views on this statement. Here are a few shining stars who can be relied upon to model exemplary behaviour and attitudes towards others. 

Year 6 Enterprise 

Posted on Tuesday 18 June 2019 by Mr Lindsay

Year 6 would like to say a huge thank you to all the parents and carers, who attended their mini summer fair yesterday. Although the money is still to be counted, the event was a big success with plenty of smiles all round. 

Living and Learning – RSE (PANTS)

Posted on Friday 14 June 2019 by Mrs Latham

As part of our school’s RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) curriculum, the Year 1 and 2 children have revisited our learning about the Underwear (PANTS) rule. The NSPCC  have developed a friendly dinosaur, Pantosaurus, who talks about PANTS. It is a simple way to teach children about how to stay safe from abuse.

Today’s the day the teddy bears had their picnic!

Posted on Friday 14 June 2019 by Mrs Latham

The rain didn’t put us off! After enjoying our class novel so much, we had a Teddy Bear’s Picnic to celebrate. Teddy Robinson (our class novel text) would’ve been proud. We moved the tables and chairs and had our picnic inside.

Listening, sharing and supporting

Posted on Tuesday 11 June 2019 by Mrs Latham

The Year 2 children have been super supportive helping their Year 1 counterparts with phonics. They have enjoyed showing what they know and helping the Year 1s prepare for the Phonics Screen this week. Thank you Year 2s!

Scholes Gala 2019 – WUSU, Pop Choir and Skipping Crew

Posted on Sunday 09 June 2019 by Mrs Latham

Scholes Gala was a rather wet affair this year but our children still did us proud. The WUSU dancers strutted their stuff, Pop Choir sang their hearts out and the skippers jumped with smiles on their faces! Well done and thank you to everyone who came to show their support.


Living and Learning: Relationships Education

Posted on Friday 07 June 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Thank you to those parents and carers who attended the recent relationships education information sessions.

‘A useful session to find out what my child will be learning and when.’

‘Lots of helpful information.’

‘Very helpful to understand what vocabulary the children will be learning.’

These sessions were aimed at making parents and carers more aware of some of the following aspects of our curriculum.

Relationships education forms part of our Living and Learning for this half term and if you were unable to attend the session, our progression of learning (pg10) and the terminology (pg6) that may be used as part of this learning can be found in our RSE policy.

Science – pea planting 

Posted on Thursday 06 June 2019 by Mrs Latham

All the children have planted peas this week and are excitedly waiting for them to start growing. Who will grow the tallest pea shoot?

Maths – hooray for arrays!

Posted on Thursday 06 June 2019 by Mrs Latham

The Year 1 children have been laying the foundations for leaning times tables this week – repeated addition, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and learning about arrays. The Year 2s are trying to learn the times table and division facts too. Help at home by having a times table poster, counting in steps, reciting the times table facts, looking for patterns or talking about how you learnt your tables.

SATs – all done!

Posted on Saturday 25 May 2019 by Mrs Latham

The Year 2 children have been busy completing their ‘quizzes’ during May. The children will hopefully remember all the other fun they had during this time too. It was an opportunity for the year groups to spend time together too, supporting each other in their learning. We have done some mixed phonics and maths lessons, maths games, skipping and shared reading, while other small groups worked on their SATs booklets in a quiet classroom.