Year 1 & 2 Class News

Naughty Bus – a ‘hook’ for learning

Posted on Wednesday 08 January 2020 by Mrs Latham

When we arrived back in school there had been a little trouble. A visitor had created a bit of a mess in our classrooms, resulting in a crime scene! There was a special message from a police officer asking for our help. We looked for clues and found the Naughty Bus had done it. He told us he was sorry though and asked if he could stay and be our friend. He brought his book too, which we have enjoyed reading this week.

Christmas party

Posted on Friday 20 December 2019 by Mrs Latham

We had a fabulous party day today. The dancing, snacking and games lasted all day! We were all worn out but had a fabulous time. We wish everyone a restful break.

Merry Christmas!

Posted on Friday 20 December 2019 by Mrs Latham

Pop choir performed some songs for us this afternoon. The whole school then joined in with a Christmas sing-a-long. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone!

A special visitor

Posted on Wednesday 18 December 2019 by Mrs Latham

Early Years and KS1 were lucky enough to have a visit from Santa today. He read stories and handed out presents. We’re all feeling very Christmassy now!

Golden Star

Posted on Friday 13 December 2019 by Mrs Latham

Well done to our most recent Golden Star.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…lunch!

Posted on Thursday 12 December 2019 by Mrs Latham

We all enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch today prepared by our wonderful kitchen staff. The lunchtimes supervisors did a fantastic job (especially Mrs Pennock) decorating the hall too. Thank you!

Golden Star

Posted on Friday 06 December 2019 by Mrs Latham

Well done to our most recent Golden Star.

School Council tree planting – thanks to Scholes in Bloom

Posted on Friday 06 December 2019 by Mrs Latham

We have planted another 120 trees from the Woodland Trust on the school grounds this week. Thank you to Scholes in Bloom and the School Council for helping to do this.

You can also see the Scholes in Bloom presentation here that children in school saw last week too. The village looks wonderful!

Planting Trees

Posted on Thursday 05 December 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Our School Councillors were busy at work this afternoon, digging holes and planting young trees in and around our school field.  There were roses, hawthorns, dogwoods, wild cherries and silver birches.

There were 120 saplings to plant and, with the help of Scholes in Bloom volunteers,                                                                                         

….they manged to do it all in one (cold and windy) afternoon!

Thank you very much to our fabulous friends, Scholes in Bloom, who kindly gave up their time to help us – we couldn’t have done it without you!

Thank you to Mrs Latham who ordered the trees and organised the afternoon.  We promise to look after them and will enjoy watching them grow.

Hansel and Gretel show

Posted on Wednesday 04 December 2019 by Mrs Latham

The children who won the free tickets to see Hansel and Gretel had a lovely time today. Watching a live performance is so special and memorable. Luckily, all the children had the opportunity to enjoy Sleeping Beauty last week too!