Year 1 & 2 Class News

1A School library visit

Posted on Monday 21 October 2024 by Fiona Brown

Class 1A enjoyed yet another trip to our school library today. I am always very proud of everyone’s behaviour when we leave for the library – such smart walking and amazing silent voices! They are all also very respectful of the books. It’s lovely to see how enthusiastic they are about the books they find and how eager they are to share the books with their friends. Keep it up 1A! 🙂


Help at home:

  • by remembering to bring your library books back in to school on a Monday to be changed.
  • by showing lots of enthusiasm for your child’s chosen book and by sharing it together at home.

Year 1 Maths

Posted on Saturday 19 October 2024 by Mrs Wilkins

We have revisited our learning about the ‘greater than >’, ‘less than <‘ and ‘equals =’ symbols that we focused on previously. We used our trusty conkers and other equipment to help us.

Moving on from our learning about splitting  carrots into parts and wholes. We have been looking at pictures and equipment to see what is a part and what is the whole. We are impressively good at this and have begun to move this knowledge on to splitting numbers! Using a lot of examples and our STEM sentences we are able to quickly see the parts and wholes. Our STEM sentences go something like this:

3 + 5 =8 (in digits or pictures)

3 is a part. 5 is a part. 8 is the whole.

2+2= 4

2 is a part. 2 is a part. 4 is the whole.

Just look at some of the fantastic examples that have been produced from Year 1!


Year 1 are growing in their knowledge and confidence in Maths. It is wonderful to see!

Help at home: Practice writing digits 0-9. We are reversing some numbers. As the year goes on we will become better at this too!

Rewards, rewards, rewards

Posted on Tuesday 15 October 2024 by Mrs Latham

Adults give out Choice Chips to children who they spot making good choices around school and children who are following our school rules. In 1,2B we also give raffle tickets for individuals in the classroom who are making good choices. We also work towards a class target where we can all contribute to a reward. The last few weeks we have been working towards not interrupting and waiting our turn. We achieved it last week and went on the adventure playground as our reward. It was fun!

1A addition

Posted on Monday 14 October 2024 by Fiona Brown

Today in 1A we looked at the + symbol. We talked about how numbers in an addition expression are commutative. This means we can swap them around and the total stays the same. Whatever the order, the result is the same. We had a go at placing some conkers into two circles and then writing expressions to represent them. Here’s some of our learning:


Help at home: You could draw two circles and fill them with a number of objects like we did in class today. Can your child write the expression to represent the objects in the circles? Can they write a second expression where the numbers have been swapped around? 


1,2B – Bonkers about conkers

Posted on Monday 14 October 2024 by Mrs Latham

Our poem last week was all about conkers. We have collected 657.

All these conkers have helped us count big numbers in 10s and the left over 1s. We also used them to partition 10 in different ways.

We have now returned them to nature on the field now, for the animals to eat and maybe some will grown in to trees themselves!

Living and Learning

Posted on Thursday 10 October 2024 by Miss Young

This week our school-wide living and learning statement has been ‘I respect myself’. We talk about the word respect often in school. One of our school rules is ‘We’re respectful.’

In 2C we had a discussion about what it means to be respectful. Last week we spoke about respecting others and their protected characteristics such as religion, race and culture. Our discussion this week involved ways we can respect our bodies and keep them healthy such as eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly.

2C spoke about the fact that everybody is different but that is okay. For our  Living and Learning task we did an activity where we each drew the head of a creature/ animal or human. We then folded the paper over and passed it to a friend who then drew a body and arms. After this we passed the paper on again and the final person drew legs. Finally, we got our original drawings back and unveiled the creature that had been created. We then spoke about how all of the pictures were different and we all have different ideas/ styles of drawing and that this should be respected.

1A Parts and wholes

Posted on Monday 07 October 2024 by Fiona Brown

Today, we introduced the concept of parts and wholes into our Number learning. We looked at photographs of fruit and vegetables and decided if it was the whole fruit or a part of it. Looking at pictures of carrots, we discussed how the parts could be cut in different places to make all kinds of different parts.

After that, we were given a tower of blocks and we used our imagination to pretend they were carrots. To begin with, we ‘cut’ them into two different parts. We used the STEM sentence “these two parts combine to make a whole” to help us in our learning. After that, Mrs Brown challenged us to see if we could ‘cut’ our ‘carrots’ into three, four or five different parts.

Later this week, we will learn how numbers can be split into parts too. We will also look at a part-whole model and begin to use it in our table learning activities.

Help at home: You could talk to your child about parts and wholes as you prepare food for meals and snacks e.g. This is a whole potato, how many parts did I cut it into to make roast potatoes? Even though this is small, this is a whole grape. How many parts did I cut it into?

When you discuss parts, you could also discuss whether or not they are equal parts or whether they are different sizes.

Living and learning : respect

Posted on Monday 07 October 2024 by Mrs Latham

I am respectful is one of our school rules. We watched this video and talked about the ways we can show respect and be respectful of others.

I can show respect by listening to others.

I can show respect by sharing and taking turns.

I can show respect by looking after my things.

It’s always worth listening to Winnie the Pooh’s messages too!

2C update

Posted on Friday 04 October 2024 by Miss Young

Thhe We’ve had another great week in the 2C classroom. We started off with a very rainy week which included lots of indoor play times, so we are very happy to see the sun shining this Friday!


Reading and writing

We have been enjoying a new book this week called ‘Vlad and the Great Fire of London’. This book is about a flea and his rat friend Boxton. In the book the pair tell a story of their own experience of the Great Fire of London. We’ve been interpreting what parts of the book mean. We have also been analysing the illustrations and discussing some of the vocabulary  in the book. We’ve also been writing our own sentences about the Fire.


In Maths this week we have continued to look at place value. At the start of the week we looked at related facts e.g. if 4 + 4 = 8, then 40 + 40 = 80.

We have also started partitioning two digit numbers flexibly. For example if we know that 81 = 80 + 1, we also know that 81 = 70 + 11 and 81 = 60 + 21.


We learnt about reptiles and amphibians this week in Science.  The children know that they have some similarities but also some big differences. We sorted the animals into categories and researched some facts using books from our fantastic reading corner.


Our current Topic in History is the Great Fire of London. We have been learning about what exactly caused the fire this week and why it spread so fast.


Drop down morning

Today, we spent some of the morning recapping Topic learning from last year. This included discussing the oceans. continents and the countries that make up the UK. We also looked at shops from the past and compared them to shops in the present.  Finally we each had a turn playing with the Beebots.


Quick message – Thank you to all of those that attended ‘Watch us while we work’ this week. It was great to see so many adults supporting their children and hopefully you’ve gone away with ideas on how you can help with learning at home.

Thanks, Miss Young 🙂

Living and learning : rights and responsibilities

Posted on Thursday 03 October 2024 by Mrs Latham

Last week in our Living and Learning lessons, we were talking about what rights and responsibilities are.

We discussed how a right is an entitlement to have or do something and talked about the rights that we all have, such as the right to an education.

We also discussed that rights come with responsibilities too – and we matching some together.

We have the right to be listened to.

We have the responsibility to listen to others.

Help at home by asking your child if they can tell you some different rights and responsibilities.