Year 1 & 2 Class News

Chicks have hatched

Posted on Tuesday 24 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

Some of you may know that the eggs that were being incubated in F2 have come to my house (Mrs Latham’s). Yesterday, they started to hatch and I have three fluffy chicks that are already growing fast. I thought you might like to see them!

If you have any photos of learning you are doing at home, email them to me (or your own teacher) and let me know if it is ok to put them here on the website. It will be nice to share with each other what we are doing.


Living and Learning : I recognise my own talents

Posted on Thursday 19 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

We had a fab homework review today in the form of a ‘talent show’. Children showed skipping, football, dancing, reading, gymnastics and drawing skills. Thank you to everyone who emailed videos and photos for us to see too.

Thank you – ALDI sticker collection

Posted on Wednesday 18 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

This week, we received our free sports kit from the ALDI sticker collecting we did last year. We collected two posters worth, so got two bags! We look forward getting sporty with them in the not too distant future.



Sport Relief – take two

Posted on Friday 13 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

We joined in with Sport Relief again today. Each class completed their own sport challenges – trying to improve personal best scores in skipping, basketball, running and football. Thank you for all the donations to this charity.

Watching bread -science 

Posted on Friday 13 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

Just over a week ago we started a long term experiment, observing bread. We did different things to each slice. 

Slice 1 : untouched, straight in the bag

Slice 2 : touched with dirty hands

Slice 3 : touched after we washed hands with soap and water

Slice 4 : touched after putting anti-bacterial hand gel on hands 

We discussed what we thought would happen. Lots of children thought the bread touched with dirty hands would go mouldy first because there would be more germs on it. Here is what the bread looks like 10 days later…

Thank you for helping us help Sport Relief

Posted on Friday 06 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

We started our Sport Relief fundraising a week early because we were expecting BBC Look North coming to launch the Big Summit Sofa challenge. Unfortunately, we were let down and they postponed the event at the last minute last night. We are resilient and resourceful at Scholes though and were determined to make it a happy and healthy day anyway. We completed nearly an hour of Wake Up Shake Up routines and raised £219.24 for Sport Relief. Thank you to everyone who sent contributions in and to the people who came to watch and support us!

World Book Day – so much reading all week!

Posted on Friday 06 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

We have celebrated World Book Day all week by reading, reading and reading! The children shared some wonderful Creative homework showing what they love about reading.

We also listened to each other reading stories, shared lots of books, drew book covers and designed characters.

Wind in the Willows for World Book Day

Posted on Friday 06 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

We enjoyed a fabulous performance of Wind in the Willows by the Hobgoblin Theatre company. We have been reading the book and have done some super writing about the story and characters.

Golden Star

Posted on Friday 06 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

Well done to our most recent Golden Star.

POSTPONED – Big Sofa Summit for Sport Relief 6 March

Posted on Thursday 05 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

We have had a message from the BBC tonight saying,

We have taken the difficult decision to postpone the Big Summit Sofa Challenge until later in the year. Our role is to deliver our audience the best possible coverage and to do that we need every member of our team on duty.

We are all so disappointed but we will still be dressing in our sports kits and raising money for Sport Relief by doing an extended Wake Up Shake Up dance-athon session as one of our sports challenges. Feel free to come and watch from 9am.