Year 1 & 2 Class News

Learning life skills and learning at home

Posted on Wednesday 01 April 2020 by Mrs Latham

As well as the home learning we are posting on the website, you might have the opportunity to do some cooking together. It is a chance to read a recipe, develop cutting/chopping skills, watch for reversible and irreversible changes in food and enjoy eating the outcome together! Keep sending photos of what you are up to at home.

Lots of people have starting displaying decorated rainbows and love hearts in their windows too. They are trying to cheer each other up, from a distance. You could join in with this too.

Lots of people have said they’re enjoying the home learning tasks too.


Wake Up Shake Up (WUSU) playlist

Posted on Wednesday 01 April 2020 by Mrs Latham

A few children seem to be missing our daily WUSU sessions. We have had a lot of email requests for videos that children can dance along to (there is one already on the Year 1 & 2 Class News page). Here is the playlist if you would like to dance along to your favourites. There are more videos in the pipeline…watch this space!

1K home learning 

Posted on Wednesday 01 April 2020 by Reception Team

It has been great to see and hear what amazing home learning has been going on so far this week. If you haven’t been in touch yet please do. I have really enjoyed your emails so far. 

Writing cards and letters to those we cannot visit at the moment is a great way to stay connected. 

Lots of you are keeping active both mentally and physically. Getting outdoors is a good way to feel relax and calm. Try close your eyes and find out how many different sounds you can hear.

Wake up shake up (WUSU)

Posted on Monday 30 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

A few people have asked about WUSU…so I’ve recorded Shake Senora for you to join in with. Even my dog joined in 😂




Reading at home

Posted on Monday 30 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

We have had a few emails asking what to do when children have finished reading their school reading books.

Any books you read at home will be fine; story books, comics, magazines, dictionaries, atlases, chapter books, recipes or lists. The children don’t need to be able to read every single word independently. You can read to them, take turns, look for words they can read and talk about the book.

There are also lots of e books on Twinkl for free, ranging from traditional tales to information texts –

Just keep reading!

Hello 1K

Posted on Friday 27 March 2020 by Reception Team

Hi everyone

It has been lovely to see all the photos of your fabulous home learning. I can see you have been working hard and enjoying the lovely weather. 

I have been in school this week and have definitely missed all of your smiling faces. The classroom isn’t the same without you all (athough it is very tidy). 

Now that the weather is getting nicer and it is beginning to warm up, my garden is waking up too, with flowers opening, birds singing and insects all around. Have you seen this in your own gardens or when you have been out walking? I have seen bumblebees, butterflies, baby rabbits and a red kite this week. Keep your eyes out for new wildlife and let me know what you see. 

I can’t wait to see and hear more of what you have been up to and learning about.
Miss Parling .

Lovely learning

Posted on Friday 27 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

The sunshine has helped keep everyone’s spirits up during this first week of our new routine. We hope you are all well and keep sending us pictures of your lovely learning.


Hello, Hola, Bonjour, G’day mate 1,2V

Posted on Friday 27 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

Hi guys,

Hope you are all doing well. It seems ages since we’ve seen each other but it’s only been a week! I hope you are all doing ok and enjoying some of the learning tasks we have set? It has been lovely to see photos and hear about what you are doing at home. Keep the emails coming.

It has been busy at the Latham house with our 6 new chicks to look after. It has been keeping my children busy so I can get on with some work! I have been joining in with the Joe Wicks live workout and doing some dancing along to my favourite  Go Noodle dances too. Why don’t you do some at home?

Take care and hopefully see you all soon.

Love Mrs Latham



Hello 2KN

Posted on Friday 27 March 2020 by Mrs Lake

Hi 2KN,

We hope you’re all well and enjoying the sunshine.

We are really enjoying seeing and hearing about all the fabulous learning you are doing- keep it up superstars!

Have you been doing the Joe Wicks PE sessions? We have in the Lowry and Lake households and it is keeping us fit and healthy. We have been enjoying the Cosmic Kids yoga and Go Noodle too.

Have you been playing outside in the lovely sunshine? Did you spy any new birds flying around or find any new creatures in the grass?

You will have new learning tasks set everyday next week. We would love to see what you have been doing in your red home learning books. There are so many great learning websites and videos online too. This menu of home learning websites has so many to choose from. Please email us to tell us what else you have been doing whilst you’ve been at home. Maybe you have done some baking, played a board game or done some arts and crafts. Send us pictures of all the wonderful things you have been doing.

We miss you all and hope to see you soon. Have a lovely weekend and take care of yourselves. Stay safe and happy.

Miss Lowry and Mrs Lake

Super learning at home

Posted on Wednesday 25 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

We’ve heard from a few people about how they’re getting on at home. Thank you for the questions, messages and photos. We are enjoying seeing what you are up to. Here is some fabulous learning that has been done at home!