Year 1 & 2 Class News

Lunch menus

Posted on Friday 03 September 2021 by Mrs Latham

PE days – which day to I wear my PE uniform?

Posted on Friday 03 September 2021 by Mrs Latham

We are going to continue with wearing PE kit on PE days – this cuts down on lost property and saves learning time, so we’re going to continue this for at least next year as a longer term trial. On the days your child has PE, they should come to school in their school uniform PE kit. (Track-suit bottoms instead of shorts would be good on colder days. Footwear : black/brown/grey/white flat shoes which are safe to run around in.)

Footwear on PE days could be children’s ‘school shoes’ which are often a plain ‘trainer’ style anyway, if you want to avoid having to buy 2 pairs of shoes.

Here is a link to our uniform policy.

Please find below the days each class has allocated PE times, which will be taught outdoors, except in extreme weather.

  • F2 Sunshine (Miss Parling) – Monday and Friday
  • F2 Rainbow (Mrs Allen-Kelly/Mrs Wilkins) – Monday and Friday
  • 1A (Miss Lowry) – Thursday and Friday
  • 1,2B (Mrs Latham) – Thursday and Friday
  • 2C (Mr Gathercole) – Wednesday and Thursday
  • 3,4A (Miss Harker) – Tuesday and Thursday
  • 3,4B (Mr Catherall) – Monday and Tuesday
  • 3,4C (Mrs McCormick/Mrs Wadsworth) – Tuesday and Wednesday
  • 5,6A (Mr Freeman) – Monday and Wednesday
  • 5,6B (Mrs Hogarth) – Tuesday and Wednesday
  • 5,6C (Mr Lindsay) – Wednesday and Thursday



Class information September 2021

Posted on Friday 03 September 2021 by Mrs Latham

1A – Miss Lowry’s class information

Below is some information about your child’s new class and some of the day to day things that will help your child settle into their new class and routine.

Email :

  • PE days – Tuesday and Friday (school uniform PE kit can be worn all day)
  • Reading books changing day – Friday
  • Library – Friday
  • Spare clothes – can be kept in a small bag on their peg, if required
  • Lunch menus – will be displayed in the window and on the Class News/Year 1 & 2 page of the website.
  • Playtime snacks – fruit or vegetables only please but there is a fruit/veg bowl in each class for playtimes
  • Water bottle – should be in school every day, can be emptied and refilled in school
  • Children will have their own tray for suncream, tissues, hats/gloves, snack
  • Coat – please send one every day as we may be learning outside


1,2B – Mrs Latham’s class information

 Below is some information about your child’s new class and some of the day to day things that will help your child settle into their new class and routine.

Email :

  • PE days – Thursday and Friday (school uniform PE kit can be worn all day)
  • Reading books changing day – Wednesday
  • Library – Friday
  • Spare clothes – can be kept in a small bag on their peg, if required
  • Lunch menus – will be displayed in the window and on the Class News/Year 1 & 2 page of the website.
  • Playtime snacks – fruit or vegetables only please but there is a fruit/veg bowl in each class for playtimes
  • Water bottle – should be in school every day, can be emptied and refilled in school
  • Children will have their own tray for suncream, tissues, hats/gloves, snack
  • Coat – please send one everyday as we may be learning outside


2C – Mr Gathercole’s class information

 Below is some information about your child’s new class and some of the day to day things that will help your child settle into their new class and routine.


  • PE days – Wednesday and Thursday (school uniform PE kit is worn all day)
  • Reading books changing day – Friday
  • Library – Friday
  • Spare clothes – can be kept in a small bag on their peg, if required
  • Lunch menus – will be displayed in the window and on the Class News/Year 1 & 2 page of the website
  • Playtime snacks – fruit or vegetables only please but there is a fruit/veg bowl in each class for playtimes
  • Water bottle – should be in school every day, can be emptied and refilled in school
  • Children will have their own tray for sun cream, tissues, hats/gloves, snack
  • Coat – please send one every day as we may be learning outside


Maths : add, subtract, multiply, divide

Posted on Wednesday 07 July 2021 by Mrs Latham

This term, we have been working on the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).

Year 1 children have been doing lots of practical maths, showing calculations in different ways (multiple representations) and writing fact families (calculations that can be grouped together).

Year 2 have looked at multiplication and division in the same way.


Scarecrow competition

Posted on Sunday 04 July 2021 by Mrs Latham

We will be making some scarecrows in school. If anyone lives in the village, you can join in individually and display them outside your house. If not, and you want to make your own, bring your scarecrow to school on Friday 16 July and we will display it outside school over the weekend.

Living and Learning : I know what consent is

Posted on Monday 21 June 2021 by Mrs Latham

We start talking about consent (giving permission) in our lessons around body image. In young children, it is all about respect and their relationships with family, friends and peers. We model asking children’s consent before we take their photograph, for example, or show their work under the visualiser in class. Miss Hague also asks children if they want to come on screen if she is awarding a certificate during our virtual assemblies. It is important for children to know they can say ‘no’ if they don’t give their permission.


Books, Glorious Books

Posted on Tuesday 15 June 2021 by Mrs Lake

We are very lucky at our school to have a library full of wonderful books to borrow and enjoy. Over the past few weeks, we have been re-stocking our library with some lovely new books. We now have 300 new books on the shelves in the library. Every child has a library session each week where they can select any book they want to borrow and enjoy at home. Happy reading!


Posted on Tuesday 15 June 2021 by Mrs Lake

The children have enjoyed looking at different structures. We discussed what a structure is and looked at some famous structures.


We discussed that structures are a combination of materials and/or parts to create  a 3D shape.

The children in 1KN have enjoyed exploring making structures using different materials.

This week, ask your child what a structure is. You could also discuss some of our topic key vocabulary: freestanding, base and stable

Living and Learning : Body image

Posted on Tuesday 15 June 2021 by Mrs Latham

We’ve been talking about all of the exciting things our bodies allow us to do. We enjoyed listening to this story.

I use my body to play football.

I play with my friends with my body.

My body lets me hug my family.

Skin can get cuts and it can make itself better.

Our bodies let us know what they need to stay well and feel good but they don’t use words to talk to us. They use feelings. They send us messages about what they need through the way we feel.

It feels like butterflies in my tummy when I am nervous.

I feel warm when I am happy.

It hurts when I feel sad.


Living and learning : I can pay and receive compliments in a sensible way.

Posted on Saturday 12 June 2021 by Mrs Latham

This week’s Living and learning statement is ‘I can pay compliments in a sensible way’.

We talked about how it is important to pay compliments about how the person is and how they behave, not just how they look.

I like your hair.

You are a good friend.

You make me laugh.

I like it when you are helpful.