Year 1 & 2 Class News

Maths – place value and counting

Posted on Friday 24 September 2021 by Mrs Latham

We’ve been counting forwards and backwards from different numbers. We use a 100 square, number lines and songs to help us.

We have also been using a range of models to represent numbers.

We use real life examples to demonstrate how 10s and 1s can be used. Here we have 12 pens made up of one pack of 10 and two ones.

By seeing and making a range of representations, children are able to secure a deep understanding of numbers.

Most of the following representations focus on partitioning (splitting up a number into parts) a number into tens and ones.

The middle box on the bottom row shows 12 being made by cubes. The second picture in that box is to show how the cubes can be drawn. Children find it far quicker and easier to draw a long line to represent a ten than drawing a rectangle that is divided into ten squares.

Use these at home to support your child’s learning.

Bike to School week and Let’s ride

Posted on Thursday 23 September 2021 by Mr Roundtree

Bike to School week and Let’s ride

Biking and scooting are one of the ways we encourage children to actively travel to and from school and next week we’ll be taking part in Bike to School Week (with Sustrans and the Bikeability Trust). We are pleased to be part of this UK-wide event, encouraging families to cycle, or scoot, to school. It’s a great opportunity to celebrate active school journeys and the positive impact it has on children’s health and wellbeing – as well as the environment.

Scooter storage facilities are available at the top of the playground near the gazebo.

Also, taking place this weekend is the free Let’s Ride session held locally at the Brownlee Centre.

This free family community event is ideal for the whole family to enjoy cycling in a safe and friendly space. At the Leeds Brownlee Centre, Bodington Playing Fields, you can ride at your own pace as many times as you like with volunteers on hand to chat all things cycling.

Sign up for the event here.


Help your child at home – phonics

Posted on Saturday 18 September 2021 by Mrs Latham

Thank you to everyone who attended our recent Zoom session to help you support your child at home. You can watch the phonics session here.

Class novel – The Enchanted Wood

Posted on Friday 17 September 2021 by Mrs Latham

We have started our class novel, The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton, and all the children are enthralled already. It is a classic, which you may have read yourselves or have a copy of at home. Read along at home, if you like, or you could ask your child which characters we have met so far and what they like about the story.

Wake up Shake Up – WUSU

Posted on Wednesday 15 September 2021 by Mrs Latham

It has been great getting back to regular physical activity. We have been trying to remember our dances or making sure we are active for 10 minutes at WUSU to count towards our recommended 60 Active Minutes.

Phonics screening check

Posted on Monday 13 September 2021 by Mrs Latham

The phonics screening check determines how well a child can use the phonics skills they have learned in year 1, ensuring that they are on track to become fluent readers.

The check was cancelled by the government for year 1 children in June 2021.

In December 2021, the phonics screening check will be taken by all children in year 2 instead. Year 2 pupils who do not meet the expected standard in the autumn check will take the statutory check in June 2022, alongside year 1 pupils.

The phonics screening check contains 40 words divided into two sections. Both sections contain a mixture of real words and alien words.

The children are encouraged to add sound buttons or use phoneme fingers to read a word. Here is a video showing how we do this.

You can help your child at home by reading anything and everything!

Keeping happy and healthy – PE

Posted on Thursday 09 September 2021 by Mrs Latham

All the Year 1 and 2 classes have done some PE this week. The glorious weather helped and we all enjoyed getting active. Children can wear their PE kit (following the school uniform guide) all day on their PE days. Please send children in shoes they can fasten themselves.

1A Miss Lowry – Thursday and Friday

1,2B Mrs Latham – Thursday and Friday

2C Mr Gathercole – Wednesday and Thursday


Reading at home

Posted on Wednesday 08 September 2021 by Mrs Latham

Children will be bringing home at least 2 reading books this week. These will be changed once a week.

Please return books to be changed on the days below. We will quarantine books before putting them back in the system.

1A (Miss Lowry) – FRIDAY

1,2B (Mrs Latham) – WEDNESDAY

2C (Mr Gathercole) – FRIDAY

Children will be bringing home a variety of books. The ‘practise phonics’ book (sticker on the front cover) is for children to work on their ‘sounding out’ of words.

A ‘children’s choice’ book or books will be chosen by the children and can be read together and is to encourage an enjoyment of reading. Look at the pictures, talk about the characters or information and ask questions.

Please comment on how your child copes with the books as it may take us a little time to adjust and match books to each child. Year 2s will gradually move away from phonics books and have more children’s choice books and then the freedom to be ‘free readers’ – reading whatever they choose.

Children will also choose a library book each Friday (all classes will visit the library on FRIDAY).

Help us help your child by reading anything and everything you can.


First days in Year 1 and 2

Posted on Tuesday 07 September 2021 by Mrs Latham

The children have come back to school full of enthusiasm and excitement. After a few nerves, we’re all starting to get used to the new routines. We are enjoying reading Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers as it has opened up discussions about our feelings and looking after each other. Ask your child about any new friends they have made or old friends they have enjoyed seeing again.


Welcome back!

Posted on Sunday 05 September 2021 by Mrs Latham

The Year 1 and 2 Team have been busy getting your classrooms ready for Monday. We are looking forward to welcoming our new classes. We hope you are excited too, or maybe a little bit nervous? That’s ok, we will look after you all.

Here are some posters showing you who is in the Key Stage 1 team. Have a look further down this page for more information about your own class, PE days and lunch menus too.