Year 1 & 2 Class News

Bonfire art in 1,2B

Posted on Wednesday 03 November 2021 by Mrs Latham

Our reading learning this week has been linked to Bonfire Night. We have read about how to stay safe around bonfires and fireworks and watched a video showing us how to make some group bonfire art using handprints. Everyone enjoyed getting messy!

Living and learning : vampire cough, sneeze and yawn

Posted on Wednesday 03 November 2021 by Mrs Latham

Living and Learning : Mental Health (mindfulness)

Posted on Thursday 21 October 2021 by Mrs Latham

We have talked about how mindfulness techniques can help us to control our emotions. We are learning how to use different techniques such as ‘bee breathing‘, ‘tree breathing’ and ‘okay breathing’.


Conkers, conkers, conkers!

Posted on Thursday 21 October 2021 by Mrs Latham

1,2B have collected a massive 2711 conkers over the last few weeks. We have used them to count into the hundreds in ones, put them in groups of 10 to count in 10s and to represent 2 digit numbers. It was also a lovely feeling just putting your hands in the box.

Today we went on a muddy welly walk and returned them to nature on the field – for the squirrels to eat or grow into trees. We had a great time throwing them into the bushes!

Maths – counting, ordering and representing numbers

Posted on Wednesday 13 October 2021 by Mrs Latham

We have been spending a lot of time counting and ordering numbers. We have used 100 squares, number lines, songs, numbers tiles and cards.

Children chose number tiles and put them in order from smallest to largest and compared objects or numbers. We have also partitioned numbers into 10s and 1s, representing them in different ways.

Geography fieldwork – traffic survey

Posted on Wednesday 13 October 2021 by Mrs Latham

We have been learning how to collect data in our topic lessons. We did a traffic survey, counting how many different vehicles passed our school. We were surprised how many cars and vans we saw in a short space of time. We also though about what we liked and dislike about the area around our school.

It would be better if there weren’t as many cars going past.

Cars make it dangerous to cross the road near school.

The smoke coming out of the cars doesn’t smell nice.


Living and Learning – Mental Health

Posted on Tuesday 12 October 2021 by Mrs Latham

We have started talking about mental health this week. Using mindfulness techniques (we like some of the Go Noodle ones) and talking about our feelings, moods and emotions is important. Children need to learn how to take care of their minds as well as their bodies. We read ‘Top tips to keep a healthy mind’ in our reading fluency.

Christmas cards

Posted on Thursday 07 October 2021 by Mrs Latham

We have completed our designs, sent them off and now received our sample cards. If you would like to order anything, send the money into school with the order form or using the Gateway app by FRIDAY 15 OCTOBER. Thank you!

Living and learning : strong emotions

Posted on Wednesday 06 October 2021 by Mrs Latham

In our Living and Learning sessions we have been talking about our feelings, and in particular, strong emotions. We all have felt angry, sad and happy at some point. We identified emotions on other people’s faces and talked about how emotions can feel overwhelming but will pass over time. Can you guess the emotions that the children below were trying to show?

Geography – looking for human or physical features on maps and aerial photographs

Posted on Wednesday 29 September 2021 by Mrs Latham

We have been looking at maps, keys, aerial photographs and talking about physical and human geography in our topic lessons this half term. We walked around our school grounds, marked the route we took and found the things we saw on the map and aerial photograph. We also found our school on Google Earth. Does your child know their address? Help them to learn it and find where they live on a map or Google Earth.