Year 1 & 2 Class News

Give rugby a try?

Posted on Thursday 13 January 2022 by Mrs Latham

Living and learning : rights and responsibilities

Posted on Thursday 13 January 2022 by Mrs Latham

This week’s living and learning lessons we have been talking about rights and the responsibilities that come with them.

Encouraging children to be responsible and increase their independence is a important (our swimming lessons will help us with this).

We matched some rights with the responsibilities that go with them.

Phonics and early reading – eBooks

Posted on Wednesday 12 January 2022 by Mrs Latham

We hope you all received your usernames and passwords for Collins eBooks (some year 2s do not need them).

These match the phonics books we are reading in school three times a week. We use our phonics skills while reading books.

There is more information on the Little Wandle website about these reading practice sessions.

Reading an eBook at home is a change for children but most people are embracing it and continuing to enjoy the physical ‘sharing book’ which is to be read together and enjoyed.

If you have any problems accessing them, please contact your child’s class teacher.

Living and Learning : I know when to interrupt (and when not to).

Posted on Thursday 06 January 2022 by Mrs Latham

We have talked at length about this!

Young children often feel the need to tell adults immediately something that is in their thoughts. Sometimes this can be at an inappropriate moment. We discussed different scenarios and when it is okay and when it is not okay to interrupt.

1,2B Christmas party

Posted on Friday 17 December 2021 by Mrs Latham

There was dancing, games, snacks and lots of fun!

Christmas fun in the hall

Posted on Thursday 09 December 2021 by Mrs Latham

A massive thank you to Mrs Pennock and all the lunchtime staff who created a fabulous atmosphere for Christmas dinner day today. The children and staff had a lovely time!

Final piece of art work

Posted on Tuesday 07 December 2021 by Mrs Latham

We used our new printing skills to create a final piece of art work. We added coloured tissue paper as a background then re-used our polystyrene tiles to print on top of this. Some classes made them into calendars to take home too.

Wake Up Shake Up (WUSU) Club

Posted on Tuesday 07 December 2021 by Mrs Latham

WUSU Club have had a successful series of sessions after school this half term. They have made two new dances for you to enjoy and learn:

Dance Monkey and and Christmas Special, One More Sleep

WUSU club will be continuing after Christmas. Keep an eye out for letters about after school clubs so you can decide if you’d like to join in with any.

Christmas performance

Posted on Saturday 04 December 2021 by Mrs Latham

We hope you are all excited about our Christmas performance, Wriggly Nativity. Please could all costumes be on school by Monday 06 December as we will be filming next week. Thank you.

Art topic : colour and colour mixing

Posted on Tuesday 30 November 2021 by Mrs Latham

We have thoroughly enjoyed our art topic and learnt lots of new skills and knowledge. We have been learning about primary (red, blue, yellow) and secondary colours. We learnt how to mix primary colours to make new, secondary colours. We added colour to the artwork we created during our visits to Leeds Art Gallery.