Year 1 & 2 Class News

English – reading and writing

Posted on Tuesday 04 October 2022 by Mrs Latham

We have made a strong start to our English lessons since coming back after the summer holidays. Phonics lessons started on day one and we have been using our phonics to support writing too.

We use a ‘grapheme mat’ (letters and groups of letters and the sounds they make) to support our reading and writing.

In phonics, we learn how the same letters make different sounds and different sounds are made by the same letters! It can be very confusing.

Help at home by reading with your child regularly. If you have any problems logging in to the eBooks, contact your child’s class teacher.

Maths – place value

Posted on Saturday 01 October 2022 by Mrs Latham

Year 1 and 2 have been focusing on place value for the past few weeks. Knowing the order of numbers, what each digit is worth and how numbers can be partitioned (split up) are all essential.

Year 1s are sorting, ordering and comparing numbers using great than > and less than < symbols.

Year 2s are using base 10 equipment (tens and ones) place value charts, part whole models and Numicon to represent and partition numbers.

Help your child at home by talking about numbers, comparing them and finding out how many tens and ones a number has.



Minibeast trail

Posted on Wednesday 28 September 2022 by Miss Young

This week our KS1 children have been exploring the playground on the hunt for minibeasts. In Science we are learning about habitats and micro-habitats. We searched high and low for small creatures, using magnifying glasses to understand the conditions each minibeast lives in.

1,2B conker collecting for counting

Posted on Friday 23 September 2022 by Mrs Latham

We have started a conker collection to help with counting. Counting carefully, counting big numbers and counting in tens and ones will all be done using these lovely shiny conkers. If you have any to add, send them in or help at home by starting your own collection and get counting!


Living and Learning : manners

Posted on Friday 23 September 2022 by Mrs Latham

We have been particularly talking about manners this week in our Living and Learning lessons, but we are always referring to good manners. Manners cost nothing but make a big difference and make our school a happy and healthy place to be!

Super swimming

Posted on Wednesday 21 September 2022 by Miss Young

We are so proud of our fantastic KS1 children for jumping feet first into their swimming lessons… and the pool.

Swimming is such an important and sometimes life-saving skill. We are extremely privileged to have our own swimming pool within the school grounds which means we are able to offer all pupils swimming lessons from a young age.

Swimming helps children’s development, confidence and stamina.

Well done super swimmers!

2C Settling in!

Posted on Friday 16 September 2022 by Miss Young

Well done to my class for settling so perfectly into their new classroom environment. We all know how to follow our school rules and remind one another of the importance of these rules daily. This term, we will continue to get to know each other, settle into our routines and continue our learning journey.

All of our children read every day at school and it is so important that the children also read at home.

Well done 2C!

Remembering the Queen through art

Posted on Thursday 15 September 2022 by Mrs Latham

All the year 1 and 2 children too part in some collaborative art today. We did some finger painting using red, white and blue, on a silhouette of Queen Elizabeth II. We are going to create similar images using King Charles III too.

Living and Learning : Our school rules

Posted on Wednesday 14 September 2022 by Mrs Latham

Since we returned after the summer, we have been busy establishing our classroom routines and the school rules.

Talk to your child about our school rules and what they mean. They should be able to give you some examples of them in action!

History topic – The Great Fire of London

Posted on Monday 12 September 2022 by Mrs Latham

We have started our topic and we are learning all about The Great Fire of London. We are using a book, Vlad and the Great Fire of London, to stimulate our learning. (This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.)

We have started by talking about the topic vocabulary, which you can see below. Help your child at home by exploring the information on the BBC bitesize website.