Year 1 & 2 Class News

Junior Leadership Team Elections

Posted on Thursday 13 October 2022 by Mrs Hogarth

It’s that time of year again where we vote for new members of the Junior Leadership Team. Do you fancy being the representative for your class? Can you listen well to other people’s ideas and opinions? Do you want to make a difference in our school? Then this is the role for you.

Make sure you take a look at this weeks homework – you will need to get writing a speech. It will need to convince others that you are the best candidate – there will be lots of competition! Make sure you mention your strengths, qualities, what you’d like to change in school and any other useful skills you might have.

Good luck!

Geography topic review morning – Year 2s

Posted on Thursday 13 October 2022 by Mrs Latham

We had a topic review morning today with the Year 2 children – recapping learning from last year. We particularly looked at the big concepts of PLACE, SPACE, SCALE and INTERDEPENDENCE.

We used concentric circles to show how Scholes is in Leeds, Leeds is in England, England is in Europe and Europe is in the world.


We looked at human and physical features in different environments.

We marked the equator, southern and northern hemispheres on a ball.


We also played North, South, East, West to review the points of a compass.

Science – looking for seasonal changes on our autumn walk

Posted on Tuesday 11 October 2022 by Mrs Latham

All the key stage 1 classes had a lovely autumnal walk around our school grounds on Monday. We returned our conker collection back into the food chain and looked for signs of autumn too.

Help at home by talking about seasonal changes you can see : the days getting shorter, leaves falling from trees and animals hibernating.

‘I respect myself’

Posted on Monday 10 October 2022 by Miss Young

Today we have been discussing our Living and Learning statement, ‘I respect myself.’ The class came up with many reasons why we are all different. As a class, we came to the conclusion that we are all different and unique. We respect our differences as well as other peoples.

We then created lots of different characters on A4 paper. We started by drawing a head. We then folded our paper and passed it on to another person in the class. We repeated this until each character had a full body. Take a look at some of our weird and wonderful creations!

Autumn walk – all Y1 and Y2 children bring wellies on Monday 10th October!

Posted on Friday 07 October 2022 by Mrs Latham

We are going on an autumn walk around the school grounds on Monday. Please bring a pair of wellies as the field is muddy!

Singing – Make your own kind of music

Posted on Friday 07 October 2022 by Mrs Latham

We added some singing to our golden assembly today; Make your own kind of music by Paloma Faith. It’s all about being yourself and making your own choices and we love singing it. Here is a video of KS1 singing some of the song!


1A Science – food chains

Posted on Friday 07 October 2022 by Miss Young

In Science, we have been learning about food chains. The children have enjoyed making their own.

Y2 Spellings

Posted on Wednesday 05 October 2022 by Miss Young

We’ve had another fantastic week in 2C so far. I have been extremely proud of how each child has been practising their spellings in preparation for their spelling test every other week. Here is our current spelling list:

  • of
  • once
  • one
  • our
  • pull
  • push
  • put
  • said
  • saw
  • says

Help at home by practicing sounding out spellings with your children. Why not get them to use coloured pencils or pens? This will help them to memorise spellings more easily and will encourage neat handwriting!

English – reading and writing

Posted on Tuesday 04 October 2022 by Mrs Latham

We have made a strong start to our English lessons since coming back after the summer holidays. Phonics lessons started on day one and we have been using our phonics to support writing too.

We use a ‘grapheme mat’ (letters and groups of letters and the sounds they make) to support our reading and writing.

In phonics, we learn how the same letters make different sounds and different sounds are made by the same letters! It can be very confusing.

Help at home by reading with your child regularly. If you have any problems logging in to the eBooks, contact your child’s class teacher.

Maths – place value

Posted on Saturday 01 October 2022 by Mrs Latham

Year 1 and 2 have been focusing on place value for the past few weeks. Knowing the order of numbers, what each digit is worth and how numbers can be partitioned (split up) are all essential.

Year 1s are sorting, ordering and comparing numbers using great than > and less than < symbols.

Year 2s are using base 10 equipment (tens and ones) place value charts, part whole models and Numicon to represent and partition numbers.

Help your child at home by talking about numbers, comparing them and finding out how many tens and ones a number has.