Year 1 & 2 Class News

Art – Bridget Riley

Posted on Wednesday 30 November 2022 by Miss Lowry

During this half term’s topic, we have been looking at optical art by Bridget Riley. She has inspired us to create our own pieces of optical art using straight lines.


Writing – Little Red Riding Hood

Posted on Friday 25 November 2022 by Miss Lowry

This week, we have been been reading and acting out the story of Little Red Riding Hood.  The children have enjoyed creating their own actions and using prosody to retell the story.

Next week, we have the author of Little Red (Bethan Woollvin) meeting us virtually.  Little Red is an alternative version of Little Red Riding Hood.

Help at home by reading alternative versions of traditional tales and discussing similarities and differences.

Inspired artists

Posted on Friday 25 November 2022 by Miss Young

This half-term we have been looking at artists George Seurat and Bridget Riley. We were inspired particularly by Riley’s optical art and this week we have started the process of making our own op art. Over the next few weeks, we will be creating some 2 and 3D. We will be using black and white stripes that we drew and painted this week.

Living and learning : Mental Health

Posted on Wednesday 23 November 2022 by Mrs Latham

We’ve started a three week block of living and learning lessons around mental health this week. Being able to identify and talk about feelings and emotions is an important part of mental health. In our living and learning lessons, we have shared our feelings and emotions and talked about how emotions can change and that they don’t stay the same forever. We can look after our mental health by doing this regularly.

Children in Need

Posted on Friday 18 November 2022 by Miss Young

We have had a brilliant day down in KS1 for Children in Need day. We have raised lots of money as a school and are looking forward to seeing what a difference the money will make, to those that need it. We’ve had done lots of activities today based on Children in Need and Pudsey bear. Why not take a look?

School Charity

Posted on Thursday 17 November 2022 by Mrs Hogarth


The classes have been busily discussing who we would like our school charity to be this year. All the ideas were brought to the Junior Leadership Team meeting and we discussed which one we would like to support. It was a unanimous decision in support of Cancer Research UK. The JLT will be busy thinking of fundraising ideas for the year and we hope you will support us in this.

If you’d like some more information about the charity, please visit their website.

Cancer Research UK

Anti-bullying week

Posted on Monday 14 November 2022 by Miss Young

This week is anti-bullying week in school. Our children and staff were all encouraged to come into school with odd socks today to show their support. We wear odd socks to show that everyone is different but we should be treated equally. One child in 2C said;

‘We are all unique and special in our own way.’

In our school, we define bullying as:





We discussed in detail what we meant by this and used example scenarios in class. We also discussed who we might speak to if we witness or experience bullying and what we might do. If bullying occurs we should:





Help at home by speaking to your children about the definition of bullying. Is it happening several times on purpose? Encourage your children to Reach Out! We want to Scholes being a happy and healthy place to learn.

(This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.)

School charities

Posted on Thursday 10 November 2022 by Miss Young

In 2C we have been looking at a number of different charities that we might like to support. We researched and discussed different charities such as;



Candle Lighters

Cancer Research

Cool Earth

We discussed what charities are set up to achieve and how they help causes in need. We then created posters for how we could raise money for these charities. Our top ideas were bake sales and sponsored car washes. We are hoping to set up an event in the near future.

In 2C, each child voted for which charity they wanted to support. Our JLT representative will take our ideas to a meeting next week, to support the decision about which charity we should support as a school this year.

Scholes Show Winners!

Posted on Thursday 10 November 2022 by Mrs Hogarth

We were lucky enough to enjoy an assembly this week in which some winners from Scholes show were announced. This is a yearly event in which children from the local area are encouraged to participate. We had three very surprised winners in our school.

Emma won a huge trophy for the most points overall in the children’s sections, but she also won two more trophies for the best handwriting and baking – well done!

William won a lovely shiny trophy for the best rock painting. He created a circular design using  metallic paint.

Clara won a trophy for the best handwriting in the under 8 group – well done.

Let’s hope more children join in next year – it sounds like a lot of fun. Well done again to the winners – keep polishing those trophies!

Remembrance Day poppies

Posted on Wednesday 09 November 2022 by Miss Young

Today in our art lessons, KS1 made some lovely poppies using their finger prints. We discussed the meaning behind the poppies and their significance.