Class novel
We have started reading a new class novel this week. It is The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton.
We are really enjoying a longer story, with chapters, that we can immerse ourselves in. It has sparked many discussions already about the characters, who we like and dislike and what we would do in the same situations.
Help at home by reading along (if you have a copy) or talk about some of the new words we have come across, such as enchanted, peculiar, folk and tremendous.
We are geographers
Our topic this half term is Geography. We are being geographers. We have been using Google Earth, maps, atlases and globes to find the continents (this song helps). We have also been learning about the countries that make up the United Kingdom and their capital cities. We have a song that helps with that too.
We researched landmarks in each city – and found out each capital city has a zoo! They also have lots of important buildings like castles, museums and palaces.
Help at home by helping your child to learn their address and postcode.
Lovely library lending
Friday is library day for 1A, 1,2B and 2C. Please return your library books on Fridays. Reading to your child helps them experience fluent reading and gives them an opportunity to listen to stories or information that they couldn’t read themselves.
Happy and healthy PE lessons
We have done some fabulous PE this week. All classes had their first swimming lessons this week and we have enjoyed getting back into PE.
Living and Learning – the 8 Rs
This week’s Living and Learning statement is ‘I use the 8 Rs to help me learn.’
In KS1 we have been discussing each of the 8 R’s and how they are important in supporting our learning. They are:
- being ready
- being responsive
- being reflective
- being resourceful
- remembering
- risk-taking
- being resilient
- being responsible
Being ready is one of our school rules. Some of the children gave some great examples during circle time.
‘Being ready means empty hands, silent voices and eyes on the speaker on 3-2-1 stop’.
‘Being ready means when the tambourine rings at play time, freezing and listening to instructions.’
‘At lunch time we can be ready by making sure we line up sensibly and walk through school with a silent voice.’
This week in Science, KS1 have been discussing the human body. We started off by brainstorming all of the body parts we could think of. After this we labelled the human body.
We then took part in an experiment. The question we wanted to answer was ‘Do all older children have bigger feet?’
During the experiment each child drew around their foot.
They wrote their name, age and birthday. We then lined up the feet in birthday order starting with the oldest child and finishing with the youngest. Before we looked at our data we made predictions in small groups.
We compared the sizes of some of the children’s feet and concluded that not all older children have larger feet.
See some images taken in 2C earlier this week!
School rules
This week in KS1, we are establishing our classroom routines and the school rules.
Talk to your child about our school rules and what they mean. They should be able to give you some examples of them in action!
Welcome back!
The children in Year 1 and Year 2 matched the sunshine and came in with sunny smiles and chatter.
They have all settled in well and are beginning to learn the new routines in their new classes.
Each child should’ve brought home an information sheet. It is here below too.
Below is some information about your child’s new class and some of the day to day things that will help your child settle into their new class and routine. Please name everything your child brings into school.
- PE and swimming days (school uniform PE kit can be worn all day on both days)
- Reading eBooks allocation day – Friday. Please bring reading record in on this day.
- Library/love of reading book – Friday
- Spare clothes – can be kept in a small bag on their peg, if required
- Lunch menus – on the Class News/Year 1 & 2 page of the website.
- Playtime snacks – fruit or vegetables only please but there is a fruit/veg bowl in each class for playtimes
- Water bottle – should be in school every day, can be emptied and refilled in school
- Children will have their own tray for suncream, tissues, hats/gloves, snack
- Coat – please send one every day as we may be learning outside
- Numbots/TTRockstars username and password is stuck on reading records
1A (Mrs Brown/Mrs Wilkins) – Tuesday (swimming) and Friday
1,2B (Mrs Latham) – Thursday and Friday (swimming)
2C (Miss Young) – Thursday (swimming) and Friday
Check out our Class News page for updates on what is going on in school :
Homework and spellings are posted weekly too :
Teachers emails for non-urgent questions :
1A Mrs Brown and Mrs Wilkins – /
1,2B Mrs Latham –
2C Miss Young –
Please call the office for urgent queries or questions 0113-3649149