Awesome adjective day!
We had a fabulous day learning about word classes today and, in particular, adjectives.
We all dressed up as an adjective, learnt a song about adjectives and made some interesting expanded noun phrases.
Help at home by talking about your favourite adjectives. Mrs Latham’s is discombobulated, Mr Goodwin’s is fabulous, Mrs Brown’s is bulbous and Miss Young’s is flabbergasted!
Odd socks day
Yesterday our school marked anti-bullying day by wearing odd socks to school. We did this to show that we are all different.
In class, we talked about the definition of bullying and what sort of things bullying includes.
Bullying is Several Times On Purpose.
We also spoke about what we should do if we think we are being bullied.
If we think we or anyone else is being bullied we should Start Telling Other People.
1A – Design Technology
This afternoon Class 1A learnt how to make a banana sandwich. Before we started on the task, we discussed what we needed to do to keep safe and we discussed how to keep everything as hygienic as possible. The children knew that we needed to wash our hands to keep the germs at bay and we talked about how we should also tie long hair back and roll long sleeves up. After washing our hands thoroughly, we set off for The Hub. The children listened carefully as Mrs Brown demonstrated how to make a banana and cream cheese sandwich. Everyone followed the instructions well and practised good patience whilst waiting their turn for the equipment. Mrs Brown spotted everyone using their great DT skills of peeling, slicing, spreading and arranging. She was very proud of the class… and they were very proud of themselves too. One child even gave themselves 10 out of 10! Well done 1A!
Adjective Day REMINDER – Tuesday 14 November
Remember to dress as an adjective tomorrow!
Adjective Day Tuesday 14 November
Dear parent/carer
After the success of the KS1 Adjective Day last year, we are doing it again. We are learning more about the functions of words. On Tuesday 14th November, we are going to have an ‘Adjective Day’. The children will be asked to come in to school dressed as an adjective. The adjective can be as simple or as adventurous as you like. Please ensure that your child is aware of the word meaning and feels confident in sharing this with the class. We have attached some pictures to inspire you or there are lots of ideas if you search ‘adjective dress up day’ on the internet.
Please do not go to the expensive of buying anything new and have fun creating your adjective outfit! Their outfit needs to be suitable for school, safe and warm enough for them to wear all day. (For 1A – easy to change in and out of for swimming too.)
KS1 Term
Living and Learning-needs and wants
This week has been such a great time to focus on money. We have had so many insightful conversations about the differences between needing and wanting something.
I really want sweets sometimes but I don’t need them.
We all need food and water.
I want computer games but I do already have some.
I already have lots of clothes. I don’t really need any more, unless I grow!
We played a sorting game to help us identify further items that we may ‘need’ or ‘want’.
1A have thoroughly enjoyed our Maths lessons that have focused on recognising different coins. We have been getting to grips with the fact that 2p+1p=3p and that it doesn’t just make 2p because there are 2 coins. Similarly 5p+1p doesn’t equal 2p just because we have 2 coins!
Please see our photos of participating in the money trail too.
The whole of KS1 have had a brilliant start to a new half term. It has been great to be back together.
THANK YOU – charity collection coin trail
Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 created this amazing coin trail with all the coins you kindly donated. Counting is still in progress and we’ll let you know how much we raise for Cancer Research when we have finished counting all the coins.
2C money, money, money
This week is money week at Scholes Primary School, so we thought that we would take the opportunity to learn about money and it’s value in Maths. In 2C we have learnt to recognise coins and their value. We have also been practising making the same amount using different coins.
We know that the only coins to exist are 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2. We are careful not to confuse our number bonds with money and make sure we only use the coins that exist, in our calculations.
See what we’ve been getting up to in our Maths lessons this week!
Help at home: by using this link and getting children used to using different coins to make an amount or how to select the correct change.
Toy Shop Money Game (GBP) – Topmarks
Living and learning : coin trail
We’re going to make a ‘coin trail’ on Friday using 1p and 2p coins. If you can send any into school to help with this, donations will be counted and sent to Cancer Research (our current school charity).
We’re hoping to spell out SCHOLES in coins!
Living and learning : Me and my money (themed week)
We have been talking all about money in our classes this week.
Where does money come from?
How do we keep it safe?
How can you earn money?
What is the difference between needs and wants?
When can we spend or save?
This book was useful in our discussions.
We have also been identifying, sorting and counting money in our maths lessons.
This game on the Top Marks website is great for learning about money.
Halloween disco
We had a fantastic time at the EYFS/ KS1 disco on Friday. There were lots of spooky characters about who had a brilliant time showing off their dance moves! Here are some photos of 2C (before the disco began!)