Year 1 & 2 Class News

School trip – 2C!

Posted on Tuesday 21 November 2023 by Miss Young

We had an absolutely fantastic school trip at the Hepworth Gallery in Wakefield today.  We got there via coach (the children were super excited about this and sang most of the way there).

We started the day looking around the the different galleries in the art museum. We saw lots of different pieces of art and sculptures.

We had some brilliant discussions about the art works including how they changed in appearance as we changed our position in the room. Our discussions included texture (without touching the art) and the patterns we could see.  Next, we  had a go at drawing some of our own art, inspired by the art in the gallery. We used some small objects to help us do this, including shells, pine cones and plastic stencils.

After lunch (which we thoroughly enjoyed) we took part in a workshop.

The workshop included looking at some Barbara Hepworth sculptures and finding inspiration from them. We talked about how Hepworth was inspired by nature to produce her own art. After this, we looked at some of the repeated patterns in nature and produced our own art, using tracing paper and a black frame.

We then took part in a printing workshop where we made some 3D stencils and used them to make some colourful prints on our paper using primary colours.


Art topic – colour mixing

Posted on Monday 20 November 2023 by Mrs Latham

As part of our art topic, we have been learning about primary and secondary colours.  After identifying colours in paintings, we had a go at mixing them ourselves.

James Mayhew author visit

Posted on Monday 20 November 2023 by Mrs Latham

We had a wonderful virtual visit with author, James Mayhew, who wrote the Katie and … books. In the stories, Katie visits art galleries and has amazing adventures inside famous paintings. We are reading Katie and the Mona Lisa as part of our topic learning.

James told us some stories while he was demonstrating how he illustrates. It was very inspiring.

Help at home by talking about your favourite pieces of art or sharing some of the Katie books together.

1,2B DT – making banana sandwiches

Posted on Sunday 19 November 2023 by Mrs Latham

All the year 1 and 2 classes will be or have been using their food preparation skills to create their latest product, a banana sandwich.

This forms part of our Design and Technology food learning which involves following a recipe to make something each term.

Help at home by encouraging your child to be involved in food preparation at home.

1A-A lot of learning!

Posted on Friday 17 November 2023 by Mrs Wilkins

We too have been following our excellent curriculum and learning about M

materials in Science. Here we identified different materials and discussed some of their properties.

Our rocks were closely inspected, organised and sorted into different groups. The children were really trying to grasp the concept of dull, shiny, rough and smooth.

Help at home- by sorting household objects by material (plastic, wood, metal, glass).

In Art, we were comparing and contrasting the work by Leonardo Di Vinci and Paul Klee. We also articulated our likes and dislikes about their work.

Leonardo’s work is more realistic- William

I like Paul Klee because his paintings are colourful-Mollie



Library- To encourage a love for reading, all of KS1 visit our school library on a Friday. Here are some book worms.

Help at home-by reading with your child daily. Ensure children read their homework ebook and write a comment in their reading records by each Friday. If your child comes home with extra word and sound cards please be diligent and help your child to learn them.

AUTHOR VISIT-We had a very exciting virtual visit with the author James Mayhew. We know him so well for his series of books based on his sister Katie.

James shared with us how he begun to draw and paint as a child and this developed into writing also. As we watched James he, cleverly, illustrated a picture whilst telling us a story. James allowed us to ask questions. We were impressed by the fact that he has had over 70 books published! He also writes about 2 books a year!

Finally, we have all enjoyed our non-uniform day to support Children In Need. KS1 have been happy in a sea of yellow, ears, spots and trainers. Thankyou for all of you donations for this incredible charity.




Penny Trail – Cancer Research collection

Posted on Friday 17 November 2023 by Mrs Wadsworth

Thank you to everyone who donated to

last week’s penny trail in aid of Cancer Research.

In total, we raised 


An amazing amount made from mainly 1p and 2p coins.

Thank you!

Art – topic learning

Posted on Thursday 16 November 2023 by Mrs Latham

We are really enjoying our art topic – learning about the work of Paul Klee and Leonardo da Vinci. We have looked closely at their paintings and found similarities and differences. We are learning to share our opinions about the colours, shapes and patterns they use.

REMEMBER our school trip to The Hepworth Wakefield gallery is next Tuesday, 21 November.

Living and Learning – Me and my money

Posted on Thursday 16 November 2023 by Mrs Latham

Our themed week was last week but visitors from HSBC couldn’t come last week. They came to talk to the year 1 and 2 classes about how trade, bartering and money has changed over time. They also talked to us about the value of notes.

Help at home by identifying and sorting coins and notes. Make different amounts in a variety of ways. How many ways can you make 10p?

Science – you rock!

Posted on Thursday 16 November 2023 by Miss Young

This week in Science, Ks1 are looking at a variety of rocks. We know that rocks can be found in many different places and that rocks have many different properties.

We used words like rough, smooth, heavy and light to describe the rocks and created some posters on our tables.

We handled the rocks to feel their texture. We also organised them in a few different ways. This helped us to sort and classify.

We sorted the rocks from smallest to biggest and lightest (colour) to darkest in 2C.

PE – gymnastics

Posted on Thursday 16 November 2023 by Mrs Latham

Year 1 and 2 are doing gymnastics in our PE lessons this half term. We’ll learn different ways of moving (high, low, jumps), gymnastic positions (tuck, pike, straddle) and sequencing movements. We will also be using the large apparatus. Below are some pictures of 1,2B’s gymnastic lessons.