Flavoursome Fruit Salad
What a welcome back to school! Yesterday, Class 1A spent the afternoon working on the latest DT project. We made fruit salad… and delicious they were too!
We started the same as we always do with a food project – by washing our hands and making sure that they’re nice and clean. Bye bye germs! The children then worked in groups to prepare fruit for a tasty fruit salad. We thought about the word ‘ingredients‘ and looked at the selection that we had… bananas, oranges, kiwi fruit, strawberries, grapes, tinned pineapple and tinned peaches and orange juice. Mrs Brown demonstrated how to slice the fruit safely and then we used the bridge hold to slice our own pieces of fruit. We also used other skills such as peeling by hand and segmenting fruit.
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the process and we shared the resources respectfully. Nearly everyone devoured their fruit salad giving a huge thumbs up. Others gave new fruits a lick to see if they liked it. Mrs Brown was very proud of them all!
Well done for great careful listening Class 1A!
Help at home – under careful supervision, you could give your child experiences of helping to prepare their own foods for breakfast, lunch or dinner. They could help to measure out liquids that you need for a recipe for the family. They could use child appropriate knives to prepare fruits and vegetables for meals or snacks. Perhaps they could begin to help to prepare their own healthy snack to bring to school?
Internet safety day
Yesterday was Safer Internet Day.
We spent most of the day off timetable in order to look closely at how to stay safe online and how to be responsible users.
I know that some things online may not be true.
We discussed ‘fake news’ and what this means. We decided that if something is ‘fake’, it is not real and ‘news’ is information that is important. Fake news can be misleading and can give people the wrong impression or information.
We also talked about the importance of not sharing our personal information online, especially to strangers. We know we can’t trust what people say online and we should never plan to meet up with people we don’t know.
Personal information can include our name, age, address, contact details, school or clubs we go to. If we ever see something we are unsure of, or are not sure a website is safe, we must ask a trusted adult.
We read ‘Chicken Clicking’ by Jeanna Willis (one of our favourite authors). The story can be found online and has some brilliant talking points about internet safety.
Multiplication in Maths
In 2C we are learning about multiplication. We have been looking at lots of different representations.
First we count the amount of equal groups and then we count how many objects are in each group. Then we multiply these numbers together to get our total amount.
Help at home: by practising times tables on Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS)
Abbey House Museum Photos for 1A
Year 1 maths : place value to 20
We are starting to look more closely at numbers to 20, exploring their composition in terms of tens and ones. We will be ordering and comparing numbers, as well as representing them in different ways.
Help at home by counting forwards and backwards to 20. Talk about how many tens and ones are in numbers eg 14 is made of ten and four.
Year 2 maths : introducing multiplication and division
The year 2s have begun to learn about multiplication and division. We are counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and then linking this to calculations. We are spending time talking about what each number represents in a calculation.
Help at home by encouraging your child to play on Times Tables Rockstars and watch BBC Supermovers videos.
Abbey House Museum- 1A
Apologies for the lack of photos. The technician has my iPad and hopefully we can post photos before long. The children were incredible and we all had an amazing day.
FYI-We have updated all children’s e-books so you can access their new book online. We did not have the opportunity today to write the title of these books in your child’s individual reading record. Happy reading!
Abbey House trip – 1,2B
We had a fabulous fun-filled day at Abbey House Museum today, learning about life in the past. The children asked and answered some interesting questions. They represented Scholes Elmet Primary School brilliantly.
Abbey House museum
We have had a fantastic time at Abbey House museum today. All of our learning links with our current History topic.
Class novel : The Bog Baby
As our class novel, and focus book for reading and writing learning, we have been reading The Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis.
It is a lovely story and has enabled us to infer the characters’ feelings from the pictures and text. We have also talked about wild animals and nature.
We have used extracts to work on our reading fluency, identify conjunctions and use our phonics to spell words. The children have also written some sentences using conjunctions too.
Help at home by talking about The Bog Baby story. What would you do if you found a beautiful little creature? There is a video version here, read by the author. (This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.)