Story with Santa and Golden Star
We enjoyed our second meeting with Santa this week. Year 1 and 2 experienced a story with Santa and each received a present. Thank you to FOSP for organising this. The grotto looked amazing!
Well done to our Golden Star this week.
Steam Train and Santa!
We had a fabulous time at Middleton Railway this week. All the children were a fantastic advert for our school. We learnt about fireboxes, pistons and crankshafts. Ask you child how a steam train works!
Spectacular Science
We’ve been focusing on working scientifically for the last few weeks – even learning a song about it.
All the children in Year 1 and 2 have enjoyed predicting, testing and recording results – especially when it involves smashing eggs! Ask your child to tell you what we found out.
Well done to our Golden Star this week.
Homework review
Each week, we share our homework within our classes.
This week, in 1K we each had an opportunity to discuss our creative and spelling homework. After our discussion, we looked at each piece of homework and voted for our favourite. The children decided to vote based on effort, use of colour, neat handwriting and ideas.
These pieces of homework will be on our display within the class.
We LOVE reading!
All the Year 1 and 2 classes visited Scholes Library again this week. It’s really fostering our love of books and reading. We hope you agree that when children choose their own books to read (as we do from the school library each week) they’re more engaged and motivated to read. Below are some lovely quotes from children after their library visit this week.
“I chose my book because it is cute. I like cute things.”
“I chose my book because it is like Christmas.”
“I chose my book because I like it when they hug.”
“I love my book because it is snowy.”
Community Week 20-24 November 2017
As part of our themed week, Scholes In Bloom spoke to children about their work and awards they have received for making the village look so beautiful. They recently planted 3,000 crocus bulbs outside the library. They are hoping to plant more outside school. If anyone would like to donate any Spring bulbs, please leave them at the school office.
We had a visit from the Elmete Elderberries. They are a local group of older people who meet weekly to socialise and take part in various activities. Key Stage 1 enjoyed dominoes, jigsaws, card making, drawing and refreshments. We’re hoping to take some children to visit the group in the near future.
Beyond Inspired also provided a gentle fitness class, replicating what happens at the Elmete Elderberries.
Key Stage 2 enjoyed the ‘Zines’ workshop, using magazines, newspapers and comics to create collages linked to the community and identity theme.
In Scholes, the Posada is passed around families in the community to mimic the journey of Mary and Joseph in the Christmas story. It was brought to school by the Bliss family and will continue its journey around the village throughout December.
The School Council met to decide the charity that we will support throughout the next year. Each class discussed which charity they wanted to put forward following Talk Time homework and then the School Council made a final decision in a meeting this week. They wanted both an animal and human charity. They decided that The Donkey Sanctuary fitted this perfectly as they help animals but also humans, specifically young people with a focus on self-esteem, coping mechanisms, conflict management and empathy. We look forward to raising money for this worthwhile cause.
Highlights this week
We’ve started our Transport mini topic this week. We’re focusing around a book called Naughty Bus by Jan and Jerry Oke. We have enjoyed reading it and noticed how they use real photos and text effects.
We’ve also been finding, reading and writing contractions. You could help your child by pointing out contractions in their reading books.
Well done to our Golden Star this week.
Explorers Topic Share
Sharing learning from our whole school Explorers topic has been a great way to consolidate and celebrate our learning. The children thoroughly enjoyed sharing what they had learnt.
PE and Sport – a big hit!
5 Star Sports have been working in Year 1 and 2 classes to develop agility, balance and coordination through fun games. The dodgeball sessions were a particular hit – in more ways than one!
Caring and Sharing – Explorers Topic
1,2V were visited by 5,6C this week so we could share what we had learnt during our Explorers topic. It was great having a real audience to share, discuss and reflect on learning.