Reception Class News

Monday news

Posted on Monday 02 October 2017 by Reception team

We love hearing about what your child has been up to at the weekend during Monday news. It’s a great chance for your child to build their self-confidence by speaking in front of their peers. It’s also a valuable time to develop their communication and language skills.

If your child brings a ‘time to talk’ sheet on a Monday, they’ll be able to share their Monday news with their key worker group. If your child makes you go WOW  at home it would be fantastic if you could share these with us at school.

What are these bricks my child keeps talking about?

Posted on Friday 29 September 2017 by Reception team

This week, we’ve introduced your child to challenges. Challenging activities are around the classroom for your child to complete to earn a brick. The aim is to get a tower of bricks taller than five. Challenges include the learning we’re focusing on throughout the week – for example, writing our name. Ask your child what challenges they have done this week.

We talked about who had more and who had fewer bricks. If your child’s tower was more than five, your child will be coming home with a certificate!

Your child’s reading journey begins…

Posted on Thursday 28 September 2017 by Reception team

Thank you to all those who came along to the Early Years and Key Stage 1 reading workshop last night. We hope you found the information useful in supporting your child at the beginning of their reading journey.

Today, we introduced the children to the main characters (Mum, Dad, Kipper, Chip, Biff and Floppy) in the Oxford Reading Tree stories. This morning, we enjoyed using the pictures to tell a story together. The books the children first bring home are wordless.

Let’s talk about numbers!

Posted on Monday 25 September 2017 by Reception team

Today, we looked at number one – our number focus at the moment. We’ll focus on all numbers to ten throughout this term to get a depth of understanding of what the numbers represent.

We watched the number 1 block video. We then went on a hunt for the numeral 1 in the classroom.

After that, we found 1 object in the classroom.

Can you find something at home that represents the number 1? We can then put it on our number focus table.

Amazing Autumn

Posted on Thursday 21 September 2017 by Reception team

This week, the children have really enjoyed exploring the outdoor area and looking for signs of Autumn. They found a oak tree in our garden area and we’ve started to collect conkers.

See if you can find any signs of Autumn with your child at home and bring what you find in to share with us. 

The children have also enjoyed re-enacting the story We’re Going on a Bear Hunt and they worked together to build a big rollercoaster.

We’ll be holding a number of Stay and Play sessions throughout the year. Each session will have a focus (number, phonics) and you can observe us teach an activity. Please have a look at all upcoming events on the calendar.

Thanks for your continued support,

The F2 team


Please label your child’s clothes

Posted on Thursday 14 September 2017 by Reception team

We’ve already started to get a collection of unnamed clothes.

All of your child’s uniform needs to be named – this includes their shoes for when they swap into their wellies to play outside.

Top tip: if it comes off – label it 🙂

Coats and wellies

Posted on Thursday 14 September 2017 by Reception team

We love to go outside in all weathers. Your child needs a named waterproof coat and a named pair of wellies in school.

Letter formation guide

Posted on Thursday 14 September 2017 by Reception team

When teaching the children a new sound, we sing a ditty to support their letter formation. You can use the Letter Formation guide for support when writing with your child at home. This guide is also useful for supporting your child to write their name.

For example:

  • t – down the tower, across the tower.
  • s – slither down the snake.
  • a – around the apple and down the leaf.



First day in F2

Posted on Monday 11 September 2017 by Reception team

We’d like to say a big well done to the F2 children who started today. They settled in straight away and have played really well with their new friends and teachers. They’ve loved exploring the new classroom and all the exciting provision.

We enjoyed having the time to get to know the children and are looking forward to seeing them again. We’ll also be welcoming some more F2 children tomorrow.

See you tomorrow 🙂

Welcome to school!

Posted on Friday 01 September 2017 by Reception team

This summer, we’ve been busy making the new classroom an exciting place for your child to start school in the week starting 10 September 2017. We’re looking forward to you and your child seeing the new classroom on their first day at school. We hope you’ve had a fantastic summer holiday and that your child is excited to start their learning journey!

Mrs Flynn and Miss Eckersley