Fun with Phonics!
This week, the children have learnt to read three tricky words – the, I, and and – as well as segmenting and blending CVC words e.g. s/u/n and reading short captions – ‘the sun’ or ‘Biff and Chip’.
The children have enjoyed playing various games to help with their sight reading of the tricky words. They have particularly enjoyed playing ‘Boo’ and singing the Jolly Phonics songs.
Fiddly Fingers Stay and Play
We’d like to invite you to the first of our Foundation Stay and Play session which will be on Wednesday 15 November. The focus of this session will be ‘Fiddly Fingers’.
Your child will be designing a personal invite for you and a letter detailing the information will be sent home soon.
We look forward to your visit.
Swimming starting soon!
Swimming at school will start next week (w/b 06 November). The children will swim once a week on either Monday or Wednesday afternoons. Your child should have a letter in their book-bag with their swimming day.
A qualified swimming instructor will be teaching the children and will be following the ASA swimming award scheme.
Please can children bring a named one-piece costume / trunks and a towel in a named bag on their swimming day. Please ensure your child is wearing uniform they can change in and out of independently (tights are tricky on wet legs!). Please pack a spare pair of underwear and socks as these easily get wet by the poolside.
Today, we have learnt about Diwali. We read the story of Rama and Sita and talked about ‘the festival of light’. The children have enjoyed colouring and painting Rangoli and Mehndi patterns.
We talked about how Diwali is celebrated and how it is similar to how we celebrate our birthday and Christmas.
Fun with phonics!
This week, we’re focusing on the sounds that we have learnt so far: s, a, t, p, i and n. We’ll be singing the Jolly Phonic songs and listening for words that begin with these sounds. We’ll also be looking at how to form the letters.
Ask your child what sounds the objects in the picture below begin with. Let us know what your child said using a WOW sheet.
Children’s interests
We plan around your child’s interests. Here is our interest board where we write any interests that we could use in the classroom.
For example, some children are interested in Power Rangers and this week we’ll be trying to free the Power Rangers that are caught in elastic bands.
Please write on the bubble if your child has any interests that we could use to plan for an exciting classroom environment. We’ll also be encouraging children to add to this board, too – please feel free to add to it any time!
Has your child been learning their words on their word rocket? To make it more fun you could play ‘Splat’. Using a fly splatter, hit the word as you say it. The children have really enjoyed playing this at school!
Harvest: 13 October 2017
Thank you for the generous donations. The Salvation Army collected the tins and packets for their food bank.
The children have enjoyed PE in the hall. Over the past couple of weeks we have experimented with different ways of moving – hoping, skipping, jumping and slithering along the floor.
Next week, the children will get changed for PE. Please can you make sure your child has their PE kit (white t-shirt and blue shorts) in school on Monday 16 October.
After half-term, we’ll have a gymnastics coach on a Tuesday afternoon. This will be for Rainbow and Sunshine children.
We will send PE kits home to be washed at the end of each half-term.
Working together
Thank you to those who came to the parental partnership evening. We hope you found the evening informative and have lots of ideas on how to be involved in your child’s learning journey at school.
We value the importance of working together with you to gain a holistic view of your child’s learning. You can share your child’s learning moments with us by email (, wow documents and time to talk sheets.
Phonics fun
Your child may be coming home and singing lots of jolly phonics songs. We have learnt the sounds ‘s’, ‘a’ and ‘t’ this week. We are teaching the children to say the pure sound, for example, ‘ssss’ not ‘suh’ (try to avoid saying the ‘uh’ bit at the end).
We’re focusing on hearing the initial sound in words. We’ve sorted objects that began with ‘s’, ‘a’ and ‘t’. For example, ‘s’ for sock and ‘a’ for apple. Can you play ‘I spy’ with your child?
Please let us know about any WOW moments so we can celebrate them in class.