Golden star of the week!
Well done to our golden star of the week!
We are so impressed with those children who have worked hard over the Christmas holidays and have learnt how to zip up their coat. It has made a very big difference to your child’s independence. They can get ready to go outside quickly without adult help. Thank you to those of you who have emailed a picture – your child will be getting 3 challenge cubes!
There’s still time to complete the challenge. A reminder of the challenge is below.
Your child’s challenge is to learn/practise to zip up their coat.
This will help your child to become more independent and get ready to play outside without adult help.
Can you email a photo of your child practising to zip up their coat? Your child will get 3 challenge cubes for having a go!
The email address is:
PE update
Your child will be doing PE on a Friday afternoon this term. Please make sure your child has their PE kit (white t-shirt and blue shorts) in school on a Friday. Swimming days have remained the same as last term.
A challenge over Christmas!
Your child’s challenge over the Christmas holidays is to learn/practise to zip up their coat.
This will help your child to become more independent and get ready to play outside without adult help.
Can you email a photo of your child practising to zip up their coat? Your child will get 3 challenge cubes for having a go!
The email address is:
Have a lovely Christmas and we’ll see you on Tuesday 02 January 2018!
We need you – parental partnership!
Thank you to those of you who have emailed to tell us what your child is doing at home. These are a fantastic snapshot of what your child can do and really do inform our assessments.
Here are some example emails that we have received (names have been changed) that have been really informative for our assessments.
The email above tells us:
- Craig can recognise the dice and match the correct amount of objects to the numeral
- Craig can make meaningful marks when representing numbers
- Craig can concentrate for a long period of time, take turns and enjoys praise
This information about Craig really informs our assessment.
The email above tells us:
- Sophie can recognise and write the sounds we have been learning
- Sophie can concentrate for a long period of time and can keep on trying
- Sophie is making links with her learning at school and home
- The language Sophie uses at home – speech directly from the child is very useful! Even if the pronunciation or tense is incorrect, it’s really helpful to know exactly what your child has said
This information about Sophie also really informs our assessment.
We’re really looking forward to getting emails over Christmas about your child’s holiday and we hope this information has been useful.
The email address is:
A special delivery…
When the children came back to class from Wake Up Shake Up, they discovered a special visitor had been to make a delivery. They noticed a trail of glittery footprints leading from the cloakroom to rainbow room.
“Who could it be?” we asked the children.
“Santa!” they all replied excitedly.
The footprints led to a letter on the chair.
The star of the day children carefully opened up the special letter.
We read the letter to the class.
The children were all very excited to receive such a special letter and are looking forward to the sing-a-long performances this week – especially as Santa and his elves will be listening all the way from the North Pole.
A special visitor…
Today, Father Christmas came to school to visit the children. We went to his Grotto and he read us a story and the children told him what they would like for Christmas.
The children have also enjoyed doing other Christmas activities such as decorating the arch outside and making salt dough decorations.
Please tell us about any Christmas activities you do this weekend by emailing
We’re looking forward to seeing you next week for our Christmas performance.
Santa’s workshop!
Today, the children have been busy wrapping their own presents. They have enjoyed using Christmas paper to wrap up different modelling materials such as boxes – this has prompted lots of discussions about Christmas.
If you have any wrapping paper/cards/ decorations that you would like to donate we would greatly appreciate it.
Exploring the snow and ice!
On Friday, the children enjoyed going on a ‘Welly Walk’ to explore the snow and ice. They went onto the field to see what they could find.
The children found big pieces of ice which they were able to pick up and observe:
- “It’s freezing!”
- “I can see through it!”
- “It’s melting in my hands. It’s going to water.”
We collected some of the ice and brought it inside to explore further. We talked about how the ice was formed and why it started to melt when when we brought it inside.
Someone had paint on their hands and touched the ice – it changed the colour of the ice! The children decided to add paint to the ice. “It’s rainbow ice,” they said. It made a crunching noise when we pushed down hard with the brushes. They noticed the ice melted quicker if it had been painted. “The ice is melting if you put it in the paint.”
“Squeeze it tight. It’s melting…it’s water,” said whilst seeing what would happen if we held the ice in our hands.
We then predicted what would happen if we added salt to the ice. “It will melt,” the children predicted.
We then tried to make snow balls. “It won’t stick (ice)… It’s too hard,” they noted.
Christmas Sing-a-long!
The children are really looking forward to performing their Christmas Sing-a-long for you. We’ve been practising the songs each day and we’ve been into the hall to practise. The children are becoming really confident with the songs.
Please remember to bring your child’s costume in by Friday 01 December so we can do a dress rehearsal next week!