Swimming – Summer 2
In Summer 2, swimming will remain on a Wednesday and your child will swim once a fortnight. The timetable below indicates what week your child will swim – depending on their class.
date |
class |
Wednesday 6th June | Sunshine class (Mrs Flynn ) |
Wednesday 13th June | NO SWIMMING |
Wednesday 20th June | Sunshine class (Mrs Flynn) |
Wednesday 27th June | Rainbow class (Miss Eckersley) |
Wednesday 4th July | Sunshine class (Mrs Flynn) |
Wednesday 11th July | Rainbow class (Miss Eckersley) |
Wednesday 18th July | Sunshine class (Mrs Flynn) |
Walk to School Week 21-25 May 2018
Next week, 21 – 25 May, is Walk to School Week. Today, each child was given a leaflet and raffle tickets. For each day that your child walks to school, they’ll be able to put a raffle ticket into the box in the school office. Tickets will be drawn and prizes will be won! For those that live too far away to walk the full distance, The Buffers have agreed to let parents/carers park in their car park, so children still have the chance to enter the prize draw (scooting or riding a bike also counts). There are spare leaflets in the school office.
Funky Phonics Stay and Play
Thank you to all the parents/ carers that were able to attend our Funky Phonics stay and play sessions today. The children enjoyed sharing their learning with you.
Many parents/carers have been asking how to support their child when writing. We want the children to be as independent as possible and at school we encourage them to go through the following 5 steps.
When checking their writing we get the children to look for the following:
…as well as ensuring it makes sense.
At this stage your child is using his/her phonic knowledge (phase 2 and 3) to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds.
Here are some recent examples:
“My mum is having a baby”
“Alex do you want to come to my home?”
“Harry M will you come to my house?”
This is exactly what we would hope to see. The children have thought of a sentence, listened to the sounds that they can hear themselves and have written them independently.
Don’t forget to visit these apps and games to support phonics and letter formation at home.
Making pasta!
Today, we made fresh pasta!
This week in maths, we’ve been looking at how to find half of an object or a group of objects. We’ve been looking at pasta recipes and halving the ingredients. Once we had halved the recipe we were able to make our own pasta!
We used half the eggs and measured half of the flour. Some children were able to work out that if half of two is one then half of 200 is 100! After, we mixed eggs and flour in a bowl. Next, we used our muscles to knead the dough – a fantastic way to build the muscles needed to write.
After the dough had been in the fridge over lunchtime, we used the pasta machine to roll out the dough – another great way to build the muscles needed to write.
Every time the dough came out of the machine we had to fold it in half.
“Two groups that are the same amount!”
We talked about one more and one less when moving up and down the settings on the pasta machine.
The pasta got longer and longer as we put it through the pasta machine – we needed lots of helpers! Everyone worked very well as a team.
Later, we cooked the pasta with some tomatoes and tasted it.
Tour de Yorkshire in Scholes
We enjoyed the excitement of the Tour de Yorkshire coming through Scholes on Friday. Each class decorated a bike to display and the whole school went outside to watch the women’s race speed past. We did some WuSu (Wake up, Shake up) dances while we were waiting and the Year 4 skipping team showed us their skipping dance from the skipping competition, too. It was a day to remember for sure!
Golden Stars!
Well done to the golden star children from F2.
Writing warriors!
We’re very proud of our writing warriors this week! Writing warriors are children who have been chosen by Wiz the writing warrior to complete important writing missions.
Since becoming writing warriors, we’ve seen an excellent change in attitude to writing. The children are excited to write to complete missions and will persevere when writing challenging words. We have seen a huge difference in the writing warriors writing and Wiz is very impressed. If your child is a writing warrior have a look at the writing warrior folder in the classroom. You can see the fantastic writing missions they’ve been completing!
Well done, writing warriors!
Living and learning: Polling day
Today, we talked about how our school was being used for a polling station. We talked about what it means to vote and decided to have our own vote in class. The children voted for the teacher they wanted to read them a story. We told the children that only those wearing a jumper could vote.
“That’s not fair!” the children said.
We talked about how to make it a fair vote.
“So you can make it fair by everyone voting… can take it in turns (to vote).”
The children then shared who they wanted to vote for. This led to discussions about different opinions. We talked about how our friends may have different ideas and views to our own.
“It doesn’t matter what they like and don’t like – they can still be friends.”
The Rainbow Factory
We had a great day out at the Rainbow Factory. When we arrived, we were greeted by three superheroes who told us their friend Willemina had been kidnapped by the Evil Eye. The superheroes needed our help to get their friend back home safely. We were sent to superhero training – we had to complete special tasks to become a superhero.
Throughout the day, we had to decipher cryptic messages to find a missing gem that had been stolen – along the way we tasted mice tea, tried on the Mad Hatter’s hat and showed how brave we were by putting our fingers in the wolf’s mouth!
We used our creative abilities to design a shield and draw a picture of a superhero. We had to decide what our special superhero power would be. We talked about how our special power could be something about us rather than something we do. We came up with ideas such as sharing, being a kind friend and helping others.
We also learnt how to use our shields. Defend, attack and protect!
The staff and volunteers who came on the trip were very proud of all the children. They all behaved brilliantly throughout the whole day.
The Foundation 2 team would like to say a huge thank you to the volunteers who helped support us. We really appreciate all of your help to make the trip possible.
Your child will be doing PE on a Thursday afternoon this term. This is because your child will be starting gymnastics with a gymnastics coach. Please make sure your child has their PE kit (white t-shirt and blue shorts) in school on a Thursday.