Reception Class News

Moving and shaking – cancelled

Posted on Thursday 21 June 2018 by Reception team

Unfortunately, the moving and shaking stay and play on 5th/9th July will be cancelled. This is due to unforeseen circumstances with staffing – we just can’t move and shake as planned! However, we look forward to seeing you at the whole school sports roundabout on Monday 2nd July at 1.10pm.

Library competition – please vote!

Posted on Monday 18 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

Please vote for Scholes Elmet Primary in the National Book Tokens Competition!


Green fingers? Help needed!

Posted on Wednesday 13 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

Scholes in Bloom judging day is Monday 6 August this year. If you are available and would like to join the effort for gold, please come and collect a plant from Mrs Myers or Mrs Latham. All you need to do is look after it and meet us at the flower bed outside school on judging day at 10am. If you prefer, you could make a ‘scarecrow’ and bring it on the same day. The theme is ‘all creatures great and small’. Hope to see you there!

Pupil Voice – Friendship Benches

Posted on Wednesday 13 June 2018 by Reception Team

School Council had a really tough time deciding which designs would be used to decorate our friendship benches.

There were some lovely messages and creative ideas used to make these benches feel a positive and inviting place to be.

These are the chosen designs.

I love the message – friends are like rainbows they brighten your day.

I think the colours will brighten up our playground.



It has a happy vibe.

It has nice vocabulary on it.

3d Shapes

Posted on Friday 08 June 2018 by Reception team

This week, we have been looking at a selection of 3d shapes: cylinder, sphere, cube, cuboid, cone and triangular prism. The children have learnt the names of these 3d shapes and how to describe them by talking about the number and the shape of the faces. They went on a 3d shape hunt to find them in the environment.

When shown a dice they were able to identify it as a cube. When asked how they knew it was a cube and not a cuboid, a child answered “because it has 6 square faces”.  Another child later commented “…our head is like a sphere”.


Can your child go on a 3d shape hunt at home? Are they able to find all the 3d shapes we have looked at this week? Can your child name the 3d shapes? Take a picture or bring in some objects for your child to share with the class.

Your child can earn 3 challenge cubes for taking part in the 3d shape challenge.

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Posted on Wednesday 06 June 2018 by Reception team

Yesterday, the Hobgoblin Theatre Company performed a play for us. There was trouble in Fairytale Land. The Evil Queen was doing away with all of the handsome Princes and it was up to the 3 Little Pigs to stop her! 

During the production we recognised lots of characters from many fairytales but they were all mixed up into different stories. We saw the Big Bad Wolf, Snow White, Goldilocks, Sleeping Beauty, The Seven Dwarfs, Red Riding Hood and her grandma, the Magic Mirror and many more…

Scholes Gala and Scholes in Bloom

Posted on Tuesday 05 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

Please come and support our Skipping Crew and WUSU Crew at Scholes Gala this Saturday, 9 June 2018. We would also like as many children as possible to visit the planting stall. Children can take them home, look after them and then bring the plants and join us on judging day for Britain in Bloom on 6 August 2018 at 10am outside school. Scholes in Bloom are going for gold this year!


Posted on Tuesday 05 June 2018 by Reception team

This half term, F2  will be having their PE lesson on a Friday.  Please ensure that your child has a PE kit in school (white t-shirt, navy shorts / tracksuit bottoms and pumps/trainers). We are hoping to get onto the field so please ensure your child has suitable footwear.

Walk to School Week winners

Posted on Sunday 03 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

We had hundreds of raffle tickets in the box. Well done to all those who walked, scooted or rode bikes to school before the holidays. The Buffers car park was busy all week. Here are the prize winners. Let’s keep walking!

Walk to School Week 21-25 May 2018

Posted on Wednesday 23 May 2018 by Mrs Latham

Lots of children have been walking to school this week. The raffle box is getting full. The draw will be made on Friday 25th May (lots of lovely prizes to choose from) so remember to bring your tickets to school so they go in the box. Thank you to The Buffers for allowing us to use their car park so children can walk at least 0.5km to school, even if they live further away!