Library and PE
Today, we went to the school library for the first time. We’ll be visiting the library every Wednesday. Your child will be issued with a book which needs to be returned every week. If your child wishes to keep the book for longer, that’s fine, but please note that a new book will not be issued without the return of the old one. If your child loses their school library book, we’ll ask for a donation towards replacing this book.
We’ve also had our first PE lesson. This half term your child will not be getting changed for PE. They’ll be talking their socks/tights and shoes off for PE in the hall. To help your child with this please practise at home.
A fantastic start to school!
We have had an exciting few days welcoming everyone on their first few days of school!
We are very proud of how the Foundation 2 children have settled in and adapted to all the changes in their lives. They have been learning how to listen in larger groups, take turns and have formed new friendships and relationships with adults. Their independence and confidence is increasing on a daily basis!
They have been exploring all the new areas, activities, toys and resources in Foundation 2. We are following the children’s interests and adapting our provision accordingly. This has included pirates, dolls, cars and dinosaurs so far. Please let us know if your children have any particular interests that we can share at school too.
You can add to ‘our interests’ board any interests your child may have. We will use this information to plan for your child’s classroom environment. We love to read their favourite stories, so if they would like to bring in a book to share, they are more than welcome.
Photo time!
On Monday, a photographer will be taking class photos for the Yorkshire Evening Post.
A letter will be sent home with the opportunity to pre-order the newspaper.
Welcome to Foundation!
We’ve been very busy getting the classroom and outdoor environment ready today. We’re excited for your child to see their new classroom environment in the next few weeks.
Miss Morris (Foundation 1) has been busy gardening and digging up some vegetables we have grown.
Mrs Beesley (Foundation 1) has been busy in the water area!
Mrs Long (Foundation 1) has been on the bikes!
Miss Backhouse (Foundation 1) has been with the dinosaurs!
Mrs Myers (Foundation 2) has been working hard trimming the den!
Mrs Flynn (Foundation 2) and Toffee have been on the slide!
Miss Daniels (Foundation 2) has been digging in the sand tray!
Miss Eckersley (Foundation 2) and Treacle have been busy in the mud kitchen!
We’re looking forward to welcoming some children into Foundation 2 tomorrow.
Beach Party 20 July 2018
To celebrate the end of another fantastic year we are planning to hold a ‘Beach Party’ on Friday 20th July. Your child can come to school dressed in their own clothes (please make sure they are suitable to wear all day) and can bring along a snack and drink which they can have at the party. We are hoping to have some water fun so all children are welcome to bring swim wear and water pistols! A towel to get dried with is essential. The children are also welcome to bring any outdoor play equipment eg: bats, balls, hula hoops, footballs, frisbees, inflatables etc. As always, if you could name as many items as possible that would be really helpful (don’t send anything too precious!). Don’t forget drinks and hats and to apply suncream before school, particularly if it is a warm day.
Fingers crossed for sunshine!
Health Week Highlights 2-6 July 2018
What a jam-packed week! We focused on learning about our physical and mental health and engaged in a wide variety of activities including:
- Whole school sports roundabout
- Tag rugby sessions with 5 Star Sports
- Tutti Frutti production of ‘Keepy Uppy’
- Fruit tasting, drawing, smoothie and kebab making
- Living and Learning lessons – healthy choices and sun safety
- Crucial Crew – personal safety and risk assessing
- KS2 competitive sports afternoon
- WUSU Crew performance
- Dodgeball – Leeds City Finals
- Netball, rounders, football
- Mindfulness
- Yoga
- Change for Life – Train like a Jedi
- Visit from Doodles the donkey from the Donkey Sanctuary
- Flex Dance – World Cup dance workshops and dance-off in front of the whole school
- Whole school health related homework
- Leeds Rhinos Rhinestones street dance workshops
- Health Fair after school
Reading books
This week we will begin to collect your child’s reading book. This is so that we can audit all the reading books and get your child’s book ready for the next academic year.
Keeping healthy!
We have been talking about how to keep fit and healthy. We talked about 5 things we can do;
- Eat healthily
- Exercise
- Sleep well
- Keep clean
- Drink lots of water.
Today, we have looked at eating healthily. We sorted foods into food we should eat every day and food we should only eat occasionally. We looked at a fruit juice carton and had some interesting conversations about if we can drink it every day or occasionally. We decided because it had lots of added sugar we can only drink it occasionally.
Then, we tasted different fruit. The children were fantastic at tasting new fruit they had never tried before! We tasted mango, lychee, passion fruit, pomegranate and persimmon.
Returning books
Your child will be returning their library book to Scholes library on Tuesday 17th July. Please ensure your child brings their library book to school to return on time.
We will also shortly be asking children to return their books borrowed from the school library. Please start to return these to school.
Library visit – we need you!
We’re hoping to visit Scholes Library on Tuesday 17th July. However, we need your help to be able to visit.
Are you available on Tuesday 17th July at 10.45-12.00pm?
If so, please speak to your child’s class teacher about volunteering to help take Foundation to Scholes Library.