Sharing Stories
Last week, the year 5 children read with us each day. It was lovely to share our love of reading. The children were able to sit in small groups and listen to a variety of stories.
Listening to stories is a vital part of your child’s development as it sparks their imagination and stimulates curiosity. In Literacy and during our Stop and Read time we have enjoyed lots of familiar traditional stories. We encourage the children to use narrative language to re-tell their favourite stories. We have also modelled changing parts of stories (the characters, setting or events) to encourage the children to add their own twist.
Challenge – 3 cubes
Can your child re-tell their favourite story? Can they use narrative language? Can they change part of the story?
Please email any quotes from your child. This will support us in our assessment by providing evidence towards the Speaking strand of the EYFS.
They develop their own narratives and explanations by
connecting ideas or events.
Golden Star
Well done to this weeks Golden Star pupil!
Number Bonds to 5 and 10
This week, we have been looking at number bonds to 5 and to 10. We have used ten frames and part part whole models to show the number bonds. We also used the pictures to tell number stories using first, then, now.
For example:
- 5 and 1 makes 10.
- First there were 4 Catboys and then 1 Gekko came along, now there are 5 altogether.
- 1 and 9 makes 10.
- First there was 1 catboy and then 9 Owlettes came along, now there are 10 altogether.
The children also used part part whole models to work out the whole number when they were given the 2 parts.
- If 8 is a part and 2 is a part then 10 is the whole.
Challenge – 3 cubes
Can your child tell you different ways to make the number 5 and/or 10? Can they record it?
Please email any quotes from your child. This will support us in our assessment by providing evidence towards the Number strand of the EYFS.
Using quantities and objects, they add two single-digit numbers.
Get active with orienteering – FREE EVENT
Your local orienteering club, AIRIENTEERS, are hosting a FREE orienteering event especially for juniors, families and anyone new to the sport.
PLACE : Millennium Field, off Barleyfields Ct, Wetherby, LS22 6FZ
DATE : Saturday 11th May 1:30-2:30
There will be courses with electronic timing for all ages.
See for more information about the races.
Start any time from 1:30 to 2:30. Just turn up and run.
Letter Names and Tricky Words
This week, one of the classroom challenges was to match lower and upper case letters and to name the letter e.g. A-a.
We found naming the letters a little bit tricky, so during phonics when we practised writing some tricky words the children had to say how to spell the tricky words by using the letter names and not the sounds. We watched the tricky words song to help us.
Challenge – 3 cubes
Please practise reading and writing the following tricky words:
- my
- by
- he
- she
- we
- me
- be
- they
- was
- you
- all
- are
- her
Can your child spell the words using the letter names? Please email or bring in your child’s tricky words work to share.
Your child has been learning phase 3 trigraphs. A trigraph has three letters but only makes one sound. Can your child tell you what a trigraph is? Can your child tell you a trigraph that they know? Your child has learnt the trigraphs ear, air and ure.
Your child has now learnt all the phase 3 sounds.
Please continue to practise these sounds with your child. You can do this by searching for the sounds in your child’s reading book. You could also play splat. First, write all the phase 3 sounds on pieces of paper. Then, splat the sounds using a spatula as your child tells you the sound you have splatted. Can your child tell you all the phase 3 sounds? Let us know by sending us an email!
Easter Fun
We have had lots of Easter fun this week. First, we went to the library and read an Easter book. We talked about how the book was a non-fiction book and looked at the contents page. Then, we talked about Easter celebrations and why Christians celebrate Easter.
On Thursday, the children enjoyed joining in with the bonnet parade. They also enjoyed the egg rolling competition. We compared how fast and far all the eggs went as they rolled down!
Have you been up to anything exciting this weekend? Please email or bring to school some photos. This will help your child write about their weekend news on Tuesday.
This half term, F2 will have PE on a Thursday morning. Please ensure your child has a named PE kit (white t-shirt, blue shorts/black leggings) and a water bottle in school.
Swimming Timetable April/May 2019
date |
class |
Wednesday 17th April |
Sunshine class (Mrs Flynn) |
Wednesday 24th April |
Rainbow class (Mrs Palmer) |
Wednesday 1st May |
Sunshine class (Mrs Flynn) |
Wednesday 8th May |
Rainbow class (Mrs Palmer) |
Wednesday 15th May |
Sunshine class (Mrs Flynn) |
Wednesday 22nd May |
Rainbow class (Mrs Palmer) |
RSPB Wild Words Workshop
This week we had fun exploring the outdoors and using wild words during the RSPB workshop.
Who has left that glistening trail and how would it get up there? Is it raining today and where would an animal shelter? The session encouraged the use of wonderful wild words and aimed to develop language and vocabulary as we travelled around the outdoor area, considering our walk from the perspective of an animal. We collected the natural objects that we found to become prompts for sequencing a story to retell our outdoor experience.
While out exploring, the children were encouraged to use adventurous words. For example, instead of using the word big the children came up with some more exciting words to describe what they had found.
- ginormous
- massive
- gigantic
- enormous
Home link – 3 challenge cubes
Can you go on a bug hunt? Can you use your imagination to think of adventurous words to describe what you find?
Please email us any quotes from your child. This will support us in our assessment by providing evidence towards the communication and language and understanding the world strands of the EYFS.
Children express themselves effectively and develop their own narratives and explanations by connecting ideas and events.
Children make observations of animals and plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes.