Fiddly Finger Stay and Play
We have a stay and play session on Thursday 14th November. We will be running two session (9-9.30am and 2.45-3.15pm).
The focus of this session is “Fiddly Fingers” which will concentrate on the important muscles needed to develop an effective pencil grip. At the session you will be able to join in with the activities with your child, many of which you can replicate at home.
Please let your child’s class teacher know if you are able to come along. We look forward to your visit.
Tricky words
Your child has been learning tricky words. A tricky word is a word you can’t sound out – you just have to know it! Please continue to support your child to learn the tricky words on their word boxes.
So far we have learnt the, I, no and go. We have been playing lots of games to help us remember the tricky words. Here are some examples you can play at home.
Tricky word BOO
Preperation: Write the tricky words and the word BOO on individual pieces of paper and fold into a cup.
How to play: Take it in turns to take a word from the cup and collect the words you can read. If you get BOO you have to put all your words back in the cup. The person with the most words at the end of the game wins!
How to play: Use a fly swatter to hit the words. Your partner has to say the word as you splat it.
Golden star
Well done to our golden stars this week!
The golden star is a very special badge given out at golden assembly. The golden stars this week got their star badges for making good choices, following the school rules and being kind friends.
Library Book
We have changed our library day to Tuesday.
Please can your child return their library book every Tuesday.
Over the last few weeks, we have introduced children to some letter sounds. So far, we have learnt Ss Aa Tt Pp Ii Nn Mm Dd Oo Gg and Cc. You can watch and sing along to the jolly phonics videos at home.
The children have enjoyed…
- matching objects to their initial sounds e.g. n – net,
- practising their letter formation for writing,
- and segmenting and blending CVC words.
Challenge – 3 bricks
Can your child practise their letter formation at home? Can your child tell you the initial sounds of a selection of objects? Can your child segment and blend the sounds in the words below?
cat dog cot mat tap
Please email any pictures/quotes from your child. This will support us in our assessment by providing evidence towards the Moving and Handling and Reading strands of the EYFS.
Children begin to form recognisable letters. Children hear the initial sounds in words. Children begin to segment and blend CVC words.
Harvest assembly
We were amazed at how much food and toiletries we managed to collect for St George’s Crypt. Thank you for your contribution.
What are these bricks my child keeps talking about?
This week, we’ve introduced your child to challenges. Challenging activities are around the classroom for your child to complete to earn a brick. The aim is to get a tower of bricks taller than five. Challenges include the learning we’re focusing on throughout the week – for example, writing our name. Ask your child what challenges they’ve done this week.
We talked about who had more and who had fewer bricks. If your child’s tower was more than five, your child will come home with a certificate!
Junk Modelling Request
The children love to make models out of recyclable materials. It’s a great opportunity for them to be creative and use their imagination.
Please can you collect and bring in any recyclable materials for our junk modelling area.
The children have enjoyed their second visit to the school library this week. Please bring your child’s library book back to school on a Wednesday, as this is when we change them.
During the session the children use their quiet library voices and take their time to choose a book. While we are waiting for everyone to choose a story we encourage the children to sit and share their stories. Before we leave we like to sit as a class and listen to a story together. The children enjoy visiting the library and look forward to it each week.
A mysterious carrot…
The children found a funny shaped carrot growing in the garden. We talked about what the carrot might be and why it was growing in our garden. Some children decided it was an alien carrot. The children then began telling a story about the alien carrot being chased by farm animals trying to eat him! We decided to take photos of the events to make our own story. The children then used the pictures to re-tell their own story to their friends.
Can your child use the pictures to tell their own carrot story? Bring it in to school to share with friends!