Reception Class News

1 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 31 May 2020 by Reception team


(writing focus)

1.Practise your letter formation in your home learning book. You can use the letter formation dittys to help you.

2.Write the following words

Parents: Please read the words to your child. They can then write them in their home learning book.

chip        food       queen      ship

Parents: If these are too challenging perhaps try writing (or sound talking) these words instead.

sat           mat         cat          rat

3.Can you write a sentence including one of the above words?

Challenge: Use all the words above and turn it into a silly story!


1.Listen and sing along to the video about the teen numbers. 

2.What two teen numbers have we looked at so far? Can you choose one of them (11 or 12) and show it in 1,3 or 5 different ways. You can print and use this word document if you like.


Book of the week: The Rainbow Fish

1.Listen to the story of the week.

2.Tell a grown up what you think the Rainbow Fish learnt in the story. 


Whole school ‘Quiz of the Week’

Posted on Wednesday 27 May 2020 by Mrs Latham

If you’re struggling to keep yourself entertained this week…why not have a go at our whole school quiz?

Summer half-term activities

Posted on Sunday 24 May 2020 by Reception team

We know that it’s the summer half-term break, but in these unprecedented times we thought that we’d continue to post some ideas of  activities that you can do at home, if you choose to do so.

This will be the only post for the week. During this time, you can still send emails – we would love to hear about what you get up to!

The most important message is to have fun as a family. Read together, play outside, bake, garden, watch a movie, sing and dance. Check out these den building ideas for inspiration!

You might also want to look at the ‘100 things to do inside’ by Shonette Bason.

Get creative with Hello HipHop

Posted on Saturday 23 May 2020 by Mrs Latham

We have been keeping in touch with Phil from Hello HipHop. He has created some blank lettering for our school name and a guide showing how to do some different effects.

It would be nice to have some of your ideas to display on the website and in school. If you would like, you can print this blank lettering and add effects or you can create your own ‘Scholes’ graffiti art with your own lettering. Send your ideas to

Get creative!


Week 9 – A message from your teachers

Posted on Friday 22 May 2020 by Reception team

Over the last 8 weeks we have enjoyed seeing your pictures and sharing them on the class news. This week, we would like to share some pictures of us with you.

During the week we keep ourselves busy by planning, recording lessons and answering your lovely emails but at the weekend we like to take a break and spend time with our family, doing the things we love.

Mrs Palmer has been painting and decorating and enjoying walks in the sunshine.

Mrs Myers has been busy in her garden. She is growing lots of fruit and vegetables.

Mrs Flynn has been sewing in the garden.

Mrs Kirby has been busy making decorations for a cake.

Miss Hulme has been busy doing some mindfulness colouring.

Have a lovely half term and please email ( a picture of your child doing something they enjoy. We are making something special to share with you all 🙂




A fantastic storyteller…

Posted on Friday 22 May 2020 by Reception team

Lorien has re-told the story ‘The Gruffalo’ using props. We really enjoyed listening to it and thought you would too!


22 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 21 May 2020 by Reception team


(tricky word focus)

Sing the tricky word songs.

Phase 3:

Phase 4:

Words to Read:

Tricky word countdown! Can you read the tricky words? 

Phonics Activity:

Practise writing the tricky words.

Fill in the blanks using the tricky words above.

You don’t need to copy and write the whole sentence – just write the tricky word that you think is missing.


  1.  he
  2.  she
  3.  we
  4.  me
  5.  be
  6.  was


Interactive Lesson


Book of the week: Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson

1.Listen to the story of the week.

2. Draw a story map of the story.

Parents: Here is an example of a story map.


21 May 2022: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 20 May 2020 by Reception team


Interactive lesson


1.Count backwards from 20 using the song.

Oh no! The song seems to have forgotten the number 0! We talk lots about the number 0 being nothing but still being a number. Try to add the number 0 when singing the song.

2. The problem blob has been up to mischief – he is stopping things from being shared fairly. The Numberjacks need your help!


Book of the week: Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson  

  1. Listen to the story of the week.

2.     Draw who is in the story (characters), what happens in the story (events) and where the story is (setting).

20 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 19 May 2020 by Reception team


Practise saying the phonemes.

Phonics play – flashcard speed trials – phase 3

Log in: march20  password: home

Words to read:

Phonics activity:

Read the sentence and draw a picture to match.

You must not tramp on the flowers


Interactive Lesson


Book of the week: Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson  

Listen to the story of the week.

2.     Why do you think it is important to share? How does it make you feel? How does it make your family feel? How does it make your friends feel?

Draw a picture of a time you shared with someone? Can you write a sentence about how you felt?

19th May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 18 May 2020 by Reception team


Interactive Lesson


1. Watch the Numberjacks episode about sharing.

2.After watching the episode can you tell your grown up what it means to share fairly?

3.Can you count out 12 objects? Now can you share the objects fairly with your grown up? Can you share the objects fairly between 3 people?



Book of the week: Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson  

 1.     Listen to the story of the week.

2.      Pass the shell.

·       Find a shell or other object and ask your family to join you in a circle.

·       Pass the object around your family – when you are holding the shell each family member has a chance to say why they are important? What are they good at? “I am important because…I am good at…”

·       Look at the person next to you and tell them why you would miss them if you didn’t see them for a day. “I would miss…because…”