12 June 2020: Home Learning
1.Words to Read:
2.Words to Write/ Phonics activity:
Play ‘i spy’ – how many objects can you spot? Write the words to match.
Today, we are going to write the instructions on how to make/do your activity.
What happened first, next, after that, finally?
Use the template or create your own.
Remember to think, say, count, write and check your writing.
Email your instructional writing to scholesf2@spherefederation.org and we will share them with your friends.
11 June 2020: Home Learning
Your child will need a pencil and paper or whiteboard and pen for this lesson.
1.Watch the Numberblock ‘unlucky’ 13 video.
2.Collect some objects (stones, sticks, leaves ect) from outside.
3.Can you count how many objects you have collected?
Today we are going to have a go at estimating. Estimating is when we roughly count the number of objects we can see.
4.Parents/carers can you put some of the objects out in front of your child (you may want to use a towel to cover them up until you are ready to reveal the objects). Give your child a few seconds to look at the objects and ask them to estimate how many they can see.
5.Take turns and continue to do this a few times changing the amount of objects each time.
6.Ask questions e.g. is it more or less than last time? How do you know?
Today, we are going to draw a picture and write a list of what you need to do your activity.
Use the template or create your own.
Remember to think, say, count, write and check your writing.
10 June 2020: Home Learning
1.Tricky words
Practise reading all of the tricky words.
You could also have a go at spelling the phase 2 and 3 tricky words using the look, cover and write method.
2.Words to Read:
Use your ‘phoneme fingers’ or point to the sound buttons to help. How many sounds are in these words?
3.Phonics Activity: Play ‘Musical Blending’
Write these words on separate scrap pieces of paper.
feet | queen | spin | chip | string | pink | rain | train |
Spread them out on the floor. Play some groovy tunes and dance away. When the music stops jump on a word and blend it. Keep going until you have read all of the words.
We are going to continue thinking about our instructions for our activity.
1.Can you remember how to do your activity from yesterday?
2.What did you need?
3.What happened first, next, after that, finally?
4.Can you verbally give the instructions to a family member?
5.Can they follow your instructions? Do they make sense?
9 June 2020: Home Learning
Your child will need a pencil and paper or whiteboard and pen for this lesson.
1.Watch the Numberblock ‘unlucky’ 13 video.
You will need objects to use for counting, two ten frames (print or you can make/draw one).
2.Can you solve these number problems:
Indie has 12 pieces of chocolate, she gives 2 pieces to Elizabeth. How many pieces of chocolate does she have left?
Thea has 7 pom poms and Georgia has 6 pom poms. How many pom poms do they have altogether?
Charlie has 4 cars, Grayson has 2 cars and Joshua has 3 cars. How many do they have altogether?
Challenge: Iris has 6 oranges. She gives 2 oranges to Francesca and 2 oranges to Dylan. How many oranges do they each have?
Yesterday, you watched Mrs Palmer pot a plant. Now it’s your turn. Can you think of something to do/make that you will be able to write some instructions for? This could be making a model, making a smoothie, baking a cake, drawing a picture, washing your hands.
Once you have an idea, talk about what you need to do/make your activity?
Have a go at doing/making your activity.
Whilst you are doing your activity think about what happened first, next, after that, finally?
8 June 2020: Home Learning
1.Sing the ‘jolly phonics songs’.
2.Read the words below.
Parents: you could write them in your child’s home learning book if your child cannot read them on your device.
chip | queen | rain |
look |
3.Answer the yes/no questions.
Challenge: there are more questions here. For a challenge, read the green cards.
1.Watch the Numberblock ‘unlucky’ 13 video.
2.Can you do 13 hops, claps, jumps? Remember to count each movement and stop at number 13.
3.Write the numbers 0-13 on the floor using chalk, paint or write on paper (make sure they are big enough to stand on).
4.Can you find the answers to these problems?
Find and stand on the number that is 1 more than 12
Find and stand on the number that is double 4
Find and stand on an odd number
Find and stand on a number that is fewer than 5
Find and stand on a number that is more than 7
Find and stand on an even number
Find and stand on the number that is half of 10
Challenge: Parents/carers give your child some more problems to solve. Can your child think of their own number problem?
This week we will be looking at instructional writing. Please watch the video below.
What did Mrs Palmer need to do her activity?
Can you put the following instructions in order?
- Print and cut out the instructions
- Read the instructions
- Talk about what happened first, next, after that, finally
- Put them into the right order
(Parents/carers – you can read the instructions out loud or print/write them for your child to read and order).
Title: How to pot a plant
Water the plant.
Lift the plant and put it in the soil.
Add some more soil to fill the pot.
Scoop the soil into the plant pot.
F2 Slideshow
We hope you have all had a lovely half term break and have managed to settle back into a routine this week. Before the holidays we asked for you to send in some pictures of the children doing activities that they love. Thank you for those of you that sent in some pictures. We have created a special video to showcase how proud we are of everyone for keeping such a positive attitude in these difficult times.
We hope it brings a smile to your day 🙂
5 June 2020: Home Learning
1.Practise your letter formation in your home learning book. You can use the letter formation ditty’s in your pack to help you.
2.Write the following digraphs.
Parents: Please read the digraphs to your child so that they do not copy them. They can then write them their home learning book.
For help with pronunciation – please note ‘z’ is not correct as American.
sh |
ch | th |
ee |
3.Write a sentence to match the picture e.g. ‘fish and chips on a dish’ or ‘I had and chips for dinner’.
Challenge: Can you use an adventurous word in your sentence? e.g. ‘fish and chips are delicious’.
Book of the week: The rainbow fish
1.Listen to the story of the week.
2.Use your story map to retell the story to somebody at home. For an extra challenge you could write your story!
You can use the actions and sentence starters below to help you.
4 June 2020: Home Learning
1.Watch the Numberblock ‘unlucky’ 13 video.
2.Mathematical graphics – Can you draw 13 in different ways?
Things your child could draw to show 13:
- 13 candles on a birthday cake
- 13 circles
- Numberblock 13
- 13 yellow ducks
Challenge: Use objects at home to solve the following problem. Can 13 be shared equally? Why not?
Book of the week: The Rainbow Fish
1.Listen to the story of the week.
2.Use the rainbow animal you drew yesterday to draw your own Rainbow Fish story. You could draw a story map.
Parents: Here is an example of a story map
3 June 2020: Home Learning
1.Say the ‘phase 3’ phonemes before the 2 minute timer ends!
(Username: march20 Password: home)
Challenge: Can you do it before the 1 minute timer?
2.Read the words below
Parents: you could write them in your child’s home learning book if your child cannot read them on your device.
Parents: Select ‘week 4 -> sh’
Book of the week: The Rainbow Fish
1.Listen to the story of the week.
2.A rainbow animal
2 June 2020: Home Learning
1.Listen and sing along to the video about the teen numbers.
2.Tomorrow we will be looking at the number 13. 13 is an odd number. An odd number is a number that can’t be split into 2 equal groups. Using Lego, counters or any other objects you have at home can you find any other odd numbers between 0 and 13?
3.Take a picture of your odd number findings and email them to scholesf2@spherefederation.org.
Book of the week: The Rainbow Fish
1.Listen to the story of the week.
2.Something special