Virtual School Sports Day – results
Thank you to everyone at home and in school who took part and submitted results. Over 200 schools across West Yorkshire took part and we did really well – netball being our particular strength!
9 July 2020: Home Learning
You will need a pencil and paper for this lesson.
→Need more of a challenge?
Watch the numberblock 17 and 18 videos.
Mrs Palmer has 15 challenge cubes. She has shown the number 15 in 3 different ways.
Can you show the number 17 and /or 18 in 3 different ways?
→Need more of a challenge?
Use the part part whole model or draw your own to show the number 17 and/or 18 in different ways.
Book of the week: Lost and Found
1.Listen to the story of the week.
The story doesn’t have any direct speech.
2.What do you think the boy was shouting when he was looking for the penguin at the South Pole? What do you think the penguin would have said to the boy when he found him?
3.Can you write what you think the boy and penguin would have said? You can use the template or you can create your own.
Let’s get active!
This week is ‘sports week’ and so we will be suggesting daily sports activities that your child can do at home to keep active. Next week, to follow on from ‘sports week’ we will explore how to live a healthy lifestyle.
‘Personal bests’
Can you do the activities below and improve your ‘personal best’ each day?
Email your scores at the end of the week to be in for the chance of a sports certificate!
Did you get sporty today?
Well, the rain came – just like when we usually have sports day! We hope you managed to complete at least some of the challenges set by the West Yorkshire School Games for the Virtual Sports Day. Don’t forget to submit your results here :
8 July 2020: Home Learning
Practise: Learn more about ar with Geraldine.
Read: Add the ‘ar’ digraph to the words and read what they say.
Write: Let’s play quickwrite!
How to play:
1.One player points to (or draws) an ‘ar’ picture.
2.The other player has to write the word that the picture shows.
(car, jar, scarf, shark, farm, sharp)
You could play this game outside with chalk.
A timer to time how quickly your child writes can make it more exciting too!
For more ‘ar’ games here is ‘ar’ bingo.
→Need more of a challenge? Can you help Clem the Clown?
Today we are going to find out about penguins. Watch the links below to learn some interesting facts about penguins.
Can you answer some of the following questions?
- Can penguins fly?
- Can penguins swim?
- How to they stay clean?
- Where do they get their food from?
- What do they eat?
- Who are the enemy of the penguins any why?
- How do the penguins feed their babies?
- How do the penguins protect their eggs?
Challenge: Can you write down some of the facts that you have found out about penguins? E.g. A penguin is a flightless bird and they like to eat fish. You can use the template or make your own.
Let’s get active!
This week is ‘sports week’ and so we will be suggesting daily sports activities that your child can do at home to keep active. Next week, to follow on from ‘sports week’ we will explore how to live a healthy lifestyle.
‘Personal bests’
Can you do the activities below and improve your ‘personal best’ each day?
Email your scores at the end of the week to be in for the chance of a sports certificate!
07 July 2020 : Whole school home learning (Let’s get sporty!)
Whole school sporting activities
7 July 2020: Home Learning
→Need more of a challenge? Learn about blends and clusters.
1.Watch the numberblock 17 and 18 videos.
2.Draw the number 17 and 18 on the floor or make a 17 and 18 sign on paper.
Is the answer 17 or 18 to the following statements?
- I am an odd number.
- I am the bigger number
- I am one big ten and 8 ones.
- I am an even number.
- I am one big ten and 7 ones.
- I like to make arrays.
- Half of me is 9.
- I am the smaller number.
- I can count in 2’s.
→Need more of a challenge?
- Can you count from 0 to 20 by 2s?
- Can you count from 0 to 50 by 5’s?
- Can you count from 0 to 100 by 10s?
- Can you count backwards from 20 to 0 by 2s?
- Can you count backwards from 100 to 0 by 10’s?
Book of the week: Lost and Found
1.Listen to the story of the week.
2.Can you make a poster to tell people that you have found a penguin, in case anyone has lost it? You can use the template or create your own.
Some ideas of what to include in your poster?
- A picture of the penguin
- A description of the penguin. What does he look like?
- Where he was found
- How he is feeling
Please email a picture of your poster.
Let’s get active!
This week is ‘sports week’ and so we will be suggesting daily sports activities that your child can do at home to keep active. Next week, to follow on from ‘sports week’ we will explore how to live a healthy lifestyle.
‘Personal bests’
Can you do the activities below and improve your ‘personal best’ each day?
Email your scores at the end of the week to be in for the chance of a sports certificate!
Sports day
Sadly, our favourite events of the year – sports days – cannot take place in it’s normal format this year. However, the next best thing is to take part in a virtual sports day and we’re excited to be joining the West Yorkshire Virtual School Games Sports Day ! There is a live opening ceremony shown here at 10am on Tuesday 07 July and the activities can be completed at any point in the day.
We would love to see the virtual sports day in action so please email any photos of your children taking part and good luck to everyone!
6 July 2020: Home Learning
Practise: Practice saying the phase 3 digraphs
Read: Can you read and answer the yes/no questions?
Did you enjoy reading the yes/no questions? Have a go at answering some more.
Write: Can you write your own yes/no question? Email it to us and we can put it on the class news to challenge your friends!
→Need more of a challenge? Have a go at these outdoor phonic challenges.
This week we are going to learn about the teen numbers 17 and 18. Please watch the videos below.
Mathematical Graphics:
Can you be an artist like numberblock 17 and draw/paint 17 or 18 of something?
→Need more of a challenge?
Numberblock 18 changed himself into different arrays. Arrays are made up of columns and rows.
- Can you show 18 in different arrays?
- Can you count to 18 in twos, threes and in sixes?
- What is half of 18?
- Can 18 be shared equally between more than 2 people?
Book of the week: Lost and Found
1.Listen to the story of the week.
The penguin looks sad when it first arrives at the boy’s house and the boy was happy when they first arrived at the South Pole.
At school we like to use adventurous words to make our stories sound better.
2.Can you think of some adventurous word to use instead of sad and happy? For example we could say the penguin was feeling glum and the boy was feeling delighted.
Please send an email to let us know about the adventurous words you have thought of.
Let’s get active!
This week is ‘sports week’ and we will be suggesting daily sports activities that your child can do at home to keep active. Next week, to follow on from ‘sports week’ we will explore how to live a healthy lifestyle.
‘Personal bests’
Can you do the activities below and improve your ‘personal best’ each day?
Email your scores at the end of the week to be in for the chance of a sports certificate!
Home Learning Pictures
Next week, we will be hosting Zoom calls for all the children who are still learning from home. If you have let us know that your child would like to be involved, you should have received an email with the date, time and link for your child’s Zoom. If you haven’t, please let us know (
This week, Dylan has been super busy creating a dinosaur themed board game. He wanted to share this with everyone. We think its looks super fun and we love how he has added some phonics and maths challenges into the game.
- Land on a T-Rex = move back 4 spaces
- Land on a Diplodocus = move forward 2 spaces
- Land on a Stegosaurus = miss a go
- Land on a Raptor = Pick a challenge card and move forward 1 space if you answer correctly, move back 1 space if incorrect.
- First to the finish line wins!
3 July 2020: Home learning
Read: Play tricky word countdown
Write: Write a selection of the tricky words on scrap pieces of paper to help prepare for the game below!
Parents/Carers: you could read the words below and ask your child to write them without looking.
Activity: Play tricky word boo!
How to prepare:
Write some tricky words on scrap pieces of paper.
Fold them up and put them into a cup.
Write the word ‘boo’ on some scrap pieces of paper.
Fold them up and put them into a cup.
How to play:
1.Collect a word out of the cup and read it. Remember to keep the words you read.
2.Take it in turns to take a word out of the cup to read.
3.If you get ‘boo’ put all your words back.
4.The person with the most words wins!
→Need more of a challenge? Can you play word pairs?
Let’s talk! What if?
This week we have been focussing on developing your child’s communication and language skills through fun, family activities. Your child’s communication and language development is so important. It encompasses speech development, listening skills and understanding.
Use these picture prompts to explore what if? The ideas can be as silly as you like!
What if caterpillars were toothpaste?
What if toes were teeth?
What if butterflies were clothes?
What if zebras had stars and stripes?
What if cats could fly?
You could write your ideas using the writing frames.
2 July 2020: Home learning
→Need more of a challenge? Can you help the alien escape?
Watch the number block 15 and 16 videos.
Mrs Palmer has 15 challenge cubes. She has shown the number 15 in 3 different ways.
Can you show the number 16 in 3 different ways?
→Need more of a challenge? Print the part part whole model or draw your own to show the number 15 or 16 in different ways.
Let’s talk!
This week we will be focussing on developing your child’s communication and language skills through fun, family activities. Your child’s communication and language development is so important. It encompasses speech development, listening skills and understanding. The games this week will focus on these skills to support your child in becoming a good communicator.
What you will need:
- Building bricks e.g. lego or duplo
- Building instructions – pattern instructions OR rainbow instructions
- 2 players – 1 ‘engineer’ and 1 ‘builder’
How to play: The aim of the game is for the ‘engineer’ to look at the instructions and tell the ‘builder’ how to build the model.
Why this game?
This game is a great way to support your child’s communication skills. When being the ‘Engineer’ they are encouraged to really tune into their listeners needs – all whilst giving instructions! When being the ‘Builder’ it is a great chance for your child to practice being a good listener. Responding with relevant comments or questions shows that your child is understanding what the ‘Engineer’ is asking them to do.