Parent Partnership
Please find our Parent Partnership presentation link below. It is a PowerPoint presentation. If you are unable to access the file, please let us know.
After you have viewed the presentation, please let us know if you have any questions.
The Reception Team.
Isolating at home? This learning is for you.
Here is some home learning for when you can’t be with us at school.
Remember to send pictures of your child’s home learning to
This week’s maths learning introduces the number 4.
This link will take you to all 5 lessons for the week.
- Lesson 1 – Session 1 and activity
- Lesson 2 – Session 2 and activity
- Lesson 3 – Session 3 and activity
- Lesson 4 – Session 4 and activity
- Lesson 5 – Session 5 and activity
Your child’s learning will be most effective if you sit with them to pause the clip and check / praise / support your child as the clip moves on.
This week we will be learning h, b, f, ff
Watch and join in the Jolly Phonics songs.
(This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.)
- Lesson 1: h Screencast new sound
- Lesson 2: b Screencast new sound
- Lesson 3: ff Screencast new sound
- Lesson 4: These are our Tricky Words this week. Can you rainbow write them? into, I , and, the, go, no
This week we are reading the story – Each Peach Pear Plum.
We are having a rhyming week. Can you hear any rhyme in the book? We are singing lots of favourite nursery rhymes this week too. If you have books filled with nursery rhymes then they will be very useful this week.
- Lesson 1: Read or watch the story. Recap the main events. What characters are in the story?
Draw a picture of your favourite character or part in the book.
Challenge: Write a label or sentence to match your picture.
- Lesson 2: True or False. Which of these statements are true or false about the story.
There is an apple pie. | Bo Peep found her sheep. |
The three bears go out hunting. | Jack and Jill went up the hill. |
Cinderella goes to the ball. | Baby Bear trips up. |
The wicked witch is in a bush. | There is a plum pie. |
Challenge create your own true or false statements.
- Lesson 3: Read or listen to the story. Can you retell the story and describe what happens on each page?
- Lesson 4: Create your own story by changing the setting or characters in the story. Draw your new characters. You can be as imaginative as you like!
Challenge: Label your characters. (e.g. ‘r’ for red shoes or ‘red’ if they can hear all of the sounds).
Choose some of these activities to complete throughout the week. These are based on our story – Each Peach Pear Plum and a range of nursery rhymes. They may spark other interests and ideas that result in other learning opportunities. Let your child lead the learning!
Sing along to Ten in the Bed
Can you put ten teddies, dolls or your favourite toys in your bed? Take a photo. |
Design and make a wall for Humpty Dumpty.
Create a Baa Baa Black Sheep.
Draw/paint/create a Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.
Find or create 5 ducks to play and sing Five Little Ducks with. What could they discover around you home?
Use cereal to create a sensory farm for Old MacDonald.
Our busy week of learning, celebrating and remembering…
Another busy week here in Reception! We posted about our Remembrance Day activities on Wednesday. We’ve also been celebrating…
Understanding the World: People and Communities: Early Learning Goal; Children… know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions.
We had some fantastic Diwali home-link emails last weekend. Thank you and well done to the children in Sunshine and Rainbow Class who watched the video and shared what they had learnt with their friends.
When we looked at the festival, we shared our knowledge and made links to some celebrations we already know:
“It is The Festival of Light”- Perla
We noticed that during Diwali, there are special meals, people spend time with their family and people give and receive presents. We discussed other celebrations that have similar traditions:
“Christmas!”- Edward
We’ve been colouring and decorating Rangoli patterns, making Rangoli patterns with coloured rice, carefully painting Mehndi patterns on hand outlines and writing Diwali cards. We learned the story of Rama and Sita and that the festival represents good (light) winning over evil (darkness)
The children really enjoyed Diwali dancing in PE on Wednesday. The first dance used dance moves to journey through the five days of Diwali. If your child would like to revisit this at home, you can find the link here
Our final traditional tale (which also links to the final week of our current focus number-3), was The Three Billy Goats Gruff. As well as story-telling and story mapping, the children have been thinking about materials…
Children in NeedA HUGE thank you for your donations and participation in our Children in Need celebrations. Today, the children have enjoyed…
Reminder: Next week is Anti-bullying week.
On Monday 16th November we’re asking children to join in with Odd Socks Day, celebrating our differences and that we are all unique. We’ll also be talking to the children about what makes us special and how we respect the differences of others.
Home-Link Challenge
Next week is also World Nursery Rhyme Week . In class, our provision will be based around well-known nursery rhymes. Nursery rhymes are so important for early development in Literacy. They help with sequencing, re-telling narratives and hearing rhyme (a really important skill for phonological awareness for reading and writing)
We’d like you to practise telling or singing a nursery rhyme of your choice with your child. These should be easy enough to find online or just practise ones you already know. We’d like the children to feel confident enough to perform these in front of their friends in a little show (if they want to)
Your child might also like to draw a picture of their chosen rhyme, for a classroom display.
Remembrance Day
Today we shared our knowledge and experiences of Remembrance Day and learnt some new facts too.
The people who died in the war. That’s why we are doing poppy day. Louie
Remembering the soldiers that died in the war. Emelia
After our 2 minute silence, we reflected on what we were thinking about.
I was thinking about the soldiers. Ruby
I was thinking about the war and what could have happened. Toby
To celebrate the day we planted some poppy seeds outside, painted poppies using our fingers, made hand print poppies with real poppy seeds and made tissue paper poppies.
Children in Need
We are going to be celebrating BBC Children in Need on Friday 13 November.
The Junior Leadership Team voted for a ‘dress as you like day.’ Children can come to school in non-uniform.
We would like to raise as much money as possible for Children in Need and are therefore asking for a voluntary donation. On the morning of the 13th, there will be some buckets placed in the playground for you to drop off your donations.
Thank you in advance for your support and co-operation.
The Junior Leadership Team
Highlights of this week!
The children have jumped straight back in, starting Autumn 2 with amazing confidence! Here are some highlights of another fantastic week in Reception:
We have been showing off our story-telling skills again this week! Click here to watch clips of Rainbow Class retelling this week’s story, The Three Little Pigs
Home-link challenge for w/c: 09.11.20
We will be setting home-link challenges each week, which link to the current or upcoming learning in class. You can send in your child’s home learning any day in the week it is set for.
Next week is a super-busy, with lots of important dates and events to learn about:
Wednesday 11th November 2020- Remembrance Day
Friday 13th November 2020- Children in Need (Children can wear their own clothes on this day, voluntary donation)
Saturday 14th November 2020- Diwali, Festival of Light
We will be doing lots of activities in class but in preparation for next week, we have a couple of home challenges you can take part in…
- Watch this quick video/ song about Diwali. Talk about what you see and hear in the video. In what ways do people celebrate Diwali? What is the festival a celebration of? Click here
- Find out why we use the poppy as a symbol of Remembrance. Where could you look to find this information? Perhaps you would like to make a poppy at home? You could paint one, draw one or make one out of recyclable materials.
Please email your child’s responses and any pictures of poppies you have made at home. Thank you.
School Council
The School Council met today to make a few plans for this term. Our first bit of exciting news is that the School Council have been re-branded as ‘The Junior Leadership Team.’
We discussed some ideas for Children in Need, which is taking place on Friday 13 November. The team decided that we would do a non-uniform day and collect donations. More information will be sent out on Monday.
The team are currently discussing what our new charity is going to be this year, so we’ll keep you posted when we’ve decided.
A morning in Reception…
Welcome back Reception!
It was so lovely to see your happy faces arrive at school this morning. We are looking forward to another great term ahead.
A HUGE thank you to everyone who has sent in photos of their half-term activities and adventures. We saw lots of great costumes, pumpkin picking, visits to the circus, welly walks and more. We will enjoy sharing these pictures in talk-time this week.
As part of our ongoing efforts to keep you all involved in classroom life, whilst restrictions continue to be in place, this morning we filmed a little snapshot of the classroom buzz and activity. You will see that as soon as the children walk through the door, they are ready to learn!
Click here to watch a short video of our busy morning
Keeping safe
This morning, we revisited how we are keeping safe, our hygiene routines and why it is important to follow them.
We had a swift mention of the fact that the leaders of our country have put in some ‘new rules’ to continue keeping us all safe. Well done to Gracie who told us that Boris Johnson “is the Prime Minister” when he was mentioned!
We spoke about how great we already are in our school, at making sure we are safe. We wash our hands carefully and use the ‘vampire arm’ to catch any sneezes or coughs. We practised this again.
Well done to Lewis, who gave a very detailed description of how we wash our hands:
“with soap, front to back, through our fingers, all over them, wash it off with water”
Thank you to our parents and carers, who have obviously done an amazing job at sharing these messages at home too.
From next week, children will be having a different school dinner menu to choose from. There is more variety in the new menu. We wonder whether this might encourage some of our packed lunch children to try a school dinner?
You are of course welcome to continue sending a packed lunch, if this is your child’s preference. You may also choose a mixture of school dinners and packed lunch throughout the week.
Self Isolating at Home?
Here is some home learning for when you can’t be with us at school.
This week’s maths learning is all about the number three.
- Lesson 1 – Count one, two and three objects.
- Lesson 2 – Count one, two and three abstract materials.
- Lesson 3 – Estimating and checking.
- Lesson 4 – Representing number three.
- Lesson 5 – Pattern and numbers to three.
Your child’s learning will be most effective if you sit with them to pause the clip and check / praise / support your child as the clip moves on.
This week we will be recapping the sounds we have learnt so far and some new ones too.
Watch and join in the Jolly Phonics songs.
(This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.)
- Lesson 1: Screencast new sound o
- Lesson 2: Screencast new sound c
- Lesson 3: Screencast new sound k
This week we are reading the story – The Three Little Pigs.
- Lesson 1: Read or watch the story. Recap the main events. What characters are in the story?
Draw a picture of your favourite character.
Challenge: Write a label or sentence to match your picture.
- Lesson 2: Read or listen to the story. What words could you use to describe each character? Create your own posters and add words to match each character. You can use the cards or posters below to support this activity too.
- Lesson 3: Read or listen to the story. Use this story map or create your own story map to retell the story.
- Lesson 4: Create your own story by changing the setting or characters in the story. Add your new characters/setting to the story map.
Choose some of these activities to complete throughout the week. They may spark other interests and ideas that result in other learning opportunities. Let your child lead the learning!
Draw a pig.
Use your own imagination or this drawing tutorial. |
Go on a shape hunt around your house. Name and discuss the different shapes you find.
Create your own three little pigs picture or model.
Scrunch foil, paper or any other items you can find around the house.
Can you use your scrunched items to make a number, letter or pattern? |
Learn a song or rhyme.
Move like a firework. Here are some ideas.
Firework action cards |
Professor Myers
We had an exciting visitor in Reception-Professor Myers! We made predictions and observed two science experiments. We made a volcano using an apple, bicarbonate of soda, washing up liquid and vinegar. We also blew up a balloon by allowing sugar to react with yeast over time. Professor Myers was so impressed with our thinking skills that she will visit again soon.