Reception Class News

Rainbow Class Presents…

Posted on Monday 14 December 2020 by Reception team

Festive Fun with Rainbow Class!

Please click here to be taken to our special Christmas video. We hope you enjoy it 🌈 🎅🏼🎄☃️🦌

Please note, where possible the singing performances have been recorded outside or in a larger space. When recording in the classroom, the room is well ventilated with open windows/ door. Children are encouraged to face forwards during the performance.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2020 greeting card, vector illustration

Isolating at home? This learning is for you.

Posted on Monday 14 December 2020 by Mrs Wilkins

Here is some home learning for when you can’t be with us at school.

Remember to send pictures of your child’s home learning to


For this week’s maths learning, we are continuing to learn about the number 5. Spread the activities across the week, at your own pace. For video sessions, your child’s learning will be most effective if you sit with them to pause the clip and check / praise / support your child as the clip moves on.

Sessions 1-3 – White Rose Maths Alive in 5 Week 2 

We are continuing to embed our knowledge of five.  Do you know what a 5pence (5p) looks like? What colour and shape is it? Do you recognise a 2p and a 1p coin?  How many 1p or 2p combinations to make 5p can you make?

Can you go on a ‘five hunt’ around your home? What do you find five of? Take photos to record.

We will also be looking at repeating patterns and shapes. Can you spot a pattern, describe a pattern and repeat a pattern? Could you use some toys or objects to create repeating patterns?


This week we will be continuing to recap our phase 2 sounds.

Watch and join in the Jolly Phonics songs.

(This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.)

Lesson 1– Blending

Read each word by saying the sounds then blending together.

pat, doll, fuss, gap, sock, kick, sack

Lesson 2Recap Phase 1- listening for blends.

Play ‘eye spy’ together, by sounding out things you can see in the environment. For example:

“eye spy with my little eye, something that sounds like d-o-ll” and the child would say “doll”

You can swap roles so your child has a go with both sounding out and blending words.

Lesson 3: These are our tricky words we have learnt so far. They are tricky because we can’t use our phonics to help us read them.

Can you read each word?

Take turns to put the word/s into a sentence. For example ‘I didn’t steal the cookies from the cookie jar.’


This week, we are looking at Christmas around the world.

Lesson 1– Think about Christmas in Australia. What season is it there? What season is it here? Can you dress up in an outfit you might wear for Christmas Day in Australia (sunhat, glassses, shorts etc). Take a photograph and send it in.

Lesson 2– Can you find out what Christmas is like in China? Make a paper lantern.

Lesson 3– Can you find out what Christmas is like in Mexico and India? What Christmas plant do they have in common? If you have one at home, why not complete an observational drawing of it.


Choose some of these activities to complete throughout the week. These are based on our topic – Christmas.  They may spark other interests and ideas that result in other learning opportunities. Let your child lead the learning!

Draw your Christmas tree.
Create a Christmas table mat.
Make some Christmas wrapping paper with potatoes and paint.  Wrap some items from around your home. See if your adult can guess what you’ve wrapped before they open it.

Go outside on a ‘collect five hunt’. Five sticks, leaves, stones, blades of grass, plant pots, balls etc. Have a look for signs of Winter too.

It’s beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas…

Posted on Friday 11 December 2020 by Reception Team

We are all feeling full of festive cheer this week after a virtual visit from Santa!

He left a video for us to watch and even rang our classroom to tell us he had left presents for each class.


We have completed lots of Christmas challenges in both classrooms; decorating pine cone trees; making Christmas pictures using shapes; writing about our class elf and wrapping gifts in the post office.


We also became gardeners and planted some bulbs. They are currently sleeping and we can’t wait to see them grow.





Design some Christmas wrapping paper. Can you use a repeated pattern in your design?


Thursday – Christmas dinner day

Friday – Non-Uniform and  Christmas party snack


Isolating at home? This learning is for you.

Posted on Monday 07 December 2020 by Reception team

Here is some home learning for when you can’t be with us at school.

Remember to send pictures of your child’s home learning to


For this week’s maths learning, we are continuing to learn about the number 5. Spread the activities across the week, at your own pace. For video sessions, your child’s learning will be most effective if you sit with them to pause the clip and check / praise / support your child as the clip moves on.

Sessions 1-3 – White Rose Maths Alive in 5!

 Number 5 picture story

One way that we learn about number bonds and number composition in class, is through number stories. Look at the picture below and ask your child what they notice about the picture (‘There are 5 elves’/ ‘There are 5 presents’)

Next, have a look at the differences and talk about them in full number sentences, for example:

Q: How many elves are wearing trousers, and how many are wearing skirts?

A: There are 2 elves wearing trouses, there are 3 elves wearing skirts. There are 5 elves altogether.

Q: How many elves are wearing belts and how many are not wearing belts?

A: There are 4 elves wearing belts, there is 1 elf not wearing a belt. There are 5 elves altogether.

What other features, questions and number sentences can you come up with?


This week we will be continuing to recap our phase 2 sounds.

Watch and join in the Jolly Phonics songs.

(This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.)

Lesson 1Blending

Read each word by saying the sounds then blending together.


Lesson 2Recapping sementing to write and digraphs at the end of words

 Grab a piece of paper and a writing tool. Ask your child to write the following words- Remind them the think about which representation of the sound they should use at the end of a word:

Lesson 3Recap Phase 1- listening for blends.

Play ‘eye spy’ together, by sounding out things you can see in the environment. For example:

“eye spy with my little eye, something that sounds like t-a-p” and the child would say “tap”

You can swap roles so your child has a go with both sounding out and blending words.

Lesson 4: These are our tricky words we have learnt so far. They are tricky because we can’t use our phonics to help us read them.

Can you read each word?

Play tricky word pairs. Write the word twice and lay face down. Take turn to find matching pairs of the words. Ensure you both say each word you turn over.


This week, we are reading The Jolly Christmas Postman

Lesson 1– Read the book if you have it at home or watch the story below, read by a VERY special reader!

Make a story map of the Postman’s journey. Which characters did he visit along the way?

Lesson 2– In the story, some characters are sent cards. Make your own Christmas card with your own design on the front. Don’t forget the important features:

  • We write To and the person’s name, so that the person who the card is for, knows that the card is for them.
  • We write From/ Love from, and then your name so the person who the card is for, knows who has sent them the card-you!

Lesson 3- In the story, The Jolly Christmas Postman meets Humpty Dumpty. Can you make a list of things that Humpty Dumpty needs to be repaired and to feel better, after his fall.

Lesson 4- Which is your favourite character that the postman meets in the story? Talk about why they are your favourite. Can you use your imagination to come up with a Christmas adventure for your favourite character? Tell an adult your story and create a story board of pictures.


Choose some of these activities to complete throughout the week. These are based on our topic – Christmas.  They may spark other interests and ideas that result in other learning opportunities. Let your child lead the learning!

Draw Father Christmas/ Santa Claus- for a ‘star challenge’, you might like to add labels for the different parts of his outfit!

Use your own imagination or this drawing tutorial.

How to draw a Santa Claus tutorial.

Use some old boxes, packaging and other materials to make a Santa/ Elf or Reindeer headband.

Make some salt dough together using this simple recipe:

2x cups of plain flour

1x cup of salt

1x cup of water

Make some salt dough stars that you can turn into decorations!

You can make some great fine motor activities with a few simple house hold items and Christmas decorations:

-A kitchen drainer or toy shopping basket.

-A string of tinsel

-A few baubles

-A peg

Activity 1 Thread and weave tinsel through the holes in the drainer/ shopping basket.

Activity 2 Once the weaving is finished, drop in some baubles with strings attached between the weaves. Use the peg to try and pick up the baubles through the gaps!

Cosmic Kids yoga- Christmas Special!




Brilliant Buccaneers!

Posted on Friday 04 December 2020 by Reception team

Ahoy, Me Hearties!

What a swashbuckling, super turn out we had on pirate day! THANK YOU to our incredible children and parent crew-mates of the good ships Sunshine and Rainbow, for joining in with your amazing costumes.

We had fun playing buried treasure in our phonics lessons, continuing with our pirate themed activities (making flags, counting treasure, reading pirate stories and role play), listening to pirate songs and going on a QR code ‘treasure’ hunt outside.

We have also been busy with all of these activities this week…


Home-Link Challenge

Next week, we start preparing for the festive season! We will be reading the story of The Jolly Christmas Postman. 

Challenge 1- We would like you to either write a letter to Santa/ Father Christmas or to a friend. This can be on any topic you like- it could be your Christmas list or writing to a friend about what your plans are during the upcoming school holidays.

Your child should write independently, recording any sounds they can hear in sequence. They should also record any tricky words they know.

Challenge 2- Now we are in December, we have entered the season of Winter. Talk to your child about what you might see in the environment during winter. You might be able to see these signs of Winter outside. Please take a photo of anything you spot, that we can then share and discuss in class.


Virtual after school clubs

Posted on Tuesday 01 December 2020 by Mrs Latham

We know you are missing attending after-school clubs at the moment (in and out of school) so here is some information about a virtual after-school club that can be done at home.
The Youth Sport Trust have taken the step to deliver a free virtual after school club as part of a national response to the second lockdown. The 30-minute club will take place at 5pm each weekday and be led by a different member of the YST’s athlete mentor network. These will run until 18 December.

Aimed mainly at primary-aged children, a different theme has been assigned for each day of the club – Adventure Monday, Tuesday Play, Wild Wednesday, Thinking Thursday and Fun Friday. 

Find out more:

Children in Need

Posted on Tuesday 01 December 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

A Big Thank You!

The children came to school in non-uniform and we asked for voluntary contribution to support this cause. We’ve been completely blown away by your generosity as you’ve raised £566.35. Well done and a massive thank you.

Ahoy Maties!

Posted on Friday 27 November 2020 by Mrs Wilkins

We have had a week filled with fun, pirates, paper planes, exploring capital letters and learning!

We have been using our counting and number recognition skills, to pay for items at the shop.

On Wednesday, a mystery occurred in Rainbow Room! There was a ‘hole’ in the ceiling and someone was stealing the golden underpants! We received a scroll letter from ‘The Captain of the Black Bloomer’ who asked if we could help him find who had stolen the golden underpants by making WANTED posters. We used our imaginations to draw pictures and add adjectives (descriptive words). The captain told us we might receive a reward if we helped him find the criminal who stole the pants!

We have been really engaged in our learning this week and will continue our Pirates theme next week too. This gives us the perfect opportunity to dress up as Pirates for the day!   PLEASE REFER TO YOUR CHILD’S LETTER ABOUT DRESSING UP AS A PIRATE NEXT WEDNESDAY 2 DECEMBER.

Home Learning Link: Please design, draw and label a picture of yourself in your Pirate costume. If you have time, why not create a special pirate hat to wear on Wednesday too?

On Wednesday 9 December we are asking all Reception children to come to school in non-uniform. For this day we are asking for your child to come in something Christmassy, sparkly or bright. We plan to film a little festive surprise for you all on this date.

Challenge Cubes

Posted on Wednesday 25 November 2020 by Reception team

Has your child been coming home and talking about challenge cubes?

Perhaps they have shown you a certificate they have earnt by getting all of their challenge cubes that week?

Each week, the children are set a ‘Rainbow of Challenges’ with the aim to encourage them to visit different activities (and therefore access different areas of learning)

There are six challenge cubes to collect each week. In the classroom, the challenges are displayed on small blackboards placed in the areas and also on our ‘challenges’ display wall.

Some challenges also include a STAR CHALLENGE, where children can earn a star on their star chart, in addition to their challenge cube.

Challenge cubes are collected in the children’s trays and counted at the end of the week.

Take a look at an example below, of the type of challenges you might expect to see in the classroom.

Isolating at home? This learning is for you.

Posted on Monday 23 November 2020 by Reception team

Here is some home learning for when you can’t be with us at school.

Remember to send pictures of your child’s home learning to


This week’s maths learning is on our focus number 4.

Click on the screencast links below:

Your child’s learning will be most effective if you sit with them to pause the clip and check / praise / support your child as the clip moves on.

More maths fun at home…

In class this week, we will be setting up a ‘shop’ and using pennies to pay for items. Perhaps you would like to play shop at home too?


This week we will be learning  l/ ll and ss.

Watch and join in the Jolly Phonics songs.

(This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.)

  • We have now reached the end of phase 2! Until the end of term we will be doing lots of revision of the sounds we have learnt so far!

Here are all of our sounds on a mat. Go through the sounds each day.

Have a go at reading the following words:


This week we are moving on to a new Pirates topic and reading the story – Pirates Love Underpants

  • Lesson 1: Watch the story. Recap the main events. What characters are in the story? Create a story map of the events that happen.

  • Lesson 2: Oh No! Someone has stolen the golden underpants! Can you create a WANTED poster describing the person we are looking for. Draw the person and add some word labels to describe them, using your sounds.

  • Lesson 3: Make a treasure map. Add words to label the map. You might like to have a go at tea staining your map to make it look old and well-used!

  • Lesson 4: Create your own pirate adventure by changing the setting or characters. Add your new characters/setting to your story map or create a new one. You can be as imaginative as you like! Make sure you tell your story to an adult, so they can let us know all about your super adventure!


Choose some of these activities to complete throughout the week. These are based on our new Pirate topic!  They may spark other interests and ideas that result in other learning opportunities. Let your child lead the learning!

Draw a Pirate!

Use your own imagination or this drawing tutorial.

How to draw a pirate tutorial. 

Great for listening and attentions skills, following step-by-step instructions.

Make a floating bottle top boat with things you find around the house

Great for using materials with purpose, experimenting with floating and sinking and using vocabulary to describe the process.

Go on a shape ‘treasure hunt’ around the house

Can you find an object to match each shape: circle, square, rectangle and triangle.

Great for keeping active and shape recognition!

Buried Treasure Phonics Game- Free to play

Great for practising phonics skills and using technology to complete an age appropriate programme.

Popcorn and the Pirates Cosmic Yoga

Great for keeping active and mindfulness.

Peg Pictures!

Draw and cut out a sea animal. Use your fiddly fingers to peg on some parts of your creature. It could be an octopus with 8 legs, a spiky fish or a shark head with sharp peg teeth!

Great for fine motor skills, imagination and understanding the world (sealife)