Reception Class News

08 January 2021: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 07 January 2021 by Reception team

Friday 08.01.21- Home Learning
Phonics- Word Box

Re-read the words you have covered so far.

Have a go at writing 5 words from the word boxes (read aloud by an adult)


Today Professor Myers is showing us an experiment on why hand washing is so important!

-To watch professor Myers’ video click here

-Have a listen to this fun handwashing song, which reminds us how to ensure we wash our hands properly.

-Make a poster to show people how to wash their hands.

-Have you had a go at the experiment at home? Don’t forget to send us your photos!

Physical Activity

Pretend to play ‘snowball fight’

1.Roll up a pair of socks in your hands, use your ‘funky fingers’ to squeeze and pat your ‘snowball’

2.Play catch and pass with another person in your house, using your ‘snowball’

3. Find a bucket, box or another target. See if you can throw your ‘snowball’ into the target!

Craft activity

Ice painting (One to prepare the night before!)

Use an ice cube tray and mix a little paint or food colouring in water, add a lolly stick or natural stick from outside and freeze overnight. You will have your very own ice paintbrush J

Use your brush to paint a picture- you might want to take this activity outside!

Discuss what happens to your ice brush as the ice gets warm.


07 January 2021: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 06 January 2021 by Reception team

Thursday 07.01.21- Home Learning

Complete today’s phonics video with Mrs Allen-Kelly:

click here

You will need a pen and paper ready, or something to write with.


Recapping up to number 5

Please follow this link and join in with Session 2 today.


(Technology link)

Yesterday, we heard the story Little Penguin Learns to Swim.

For today’s literacy activity, we would like you to find out a little more about your favourite polar animal from the story. Use a non-fiction book or the internet to learn a fact about your animal. Draw and label a picture of the animal you have chosen.

Nature Activity

Signs of Winter- talk time:

How do we know that it is cold outside/ what can we see?

What have you noticed on the ground this week?

What clothes do we wear in Winter and why? Perhaps you could find a suitable ‘Winter outfit’ in your cupboard.

What do you like to do outside in Winter?

Don’t forget to send us pictures of you enjoying the snow or a Winter walk outside.












06 January 2021: Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 05 January 2021 by Reception team

Wednesday 06.01.21- Home Learning

Revisit phase 2 sounds:

Revisit phase 2 tricky words:

Read the caption:



Recapping up to number 5

Please follow this link and join in with Session 1 today.


Watch the video of Mrs Allen-Kelly reading Little Penguin Learns to Swim.

Click here

Have a chat about the following questions:

-Which polar animals did little penguin come across in the story?

-How was little penguin feeling about getting into the water at the start?

-What did little penguin notice about his friends and learning new things?

-Can you think of a time when you had to be brave when learning something new?

Physical Activity

Take part in the ‘Winter Wonderland’ cosmic yoga video. Great for our bodies and minds!

Messages from your teachers…

Posted on Tuesday 05 January 2021 by Reception team

Hello Reception!

We hope you are all well and ready for a new term of learning, whether you are at home or at school.

Here are some special messages from your teachers…

click here

Here is an example table of what might be posted in a typical week of home-learning for Reception:

Whilst some activities are subject to change, there will always be a phonics, maths and literacy activity Monday-Thursday and a science and story-time activity each Friday.

As always, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns:

Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 05 January 2021 by Reception Team

Following the news last night, we will be producing a daily interactive home learning menu.

Here some lessons and activities to complete today.


Listen and join in the Jolly Phonics songs.

Point and say each sound on the sound mat.


Write the word to match each picture.

Write a caption to match the picture.



Watch the number formation song. 


Write numbers and find objects to match each  numeral.



Draw and label one of your Christmas presents or favourite toy.

Challenge – write a sentence.

It’s Christmas!

Posted on Friday 18 December 2020 by Reception Team

It has been a busy half term with lots of fun and learning along the way.

This week has been a Christmas filled extravaganza.


The children loved watching the pantomime. Thank you Friend of Scholes Primary (FOSP) for paying for us to watch this!

Sunshine and Rainbow have also become expert sprout peelers!


We enjoyed our Christmas dinner with some extra dinner guests.



We had a visit from Professor Myers. She had been in touch with Santa and the elves to bring a candy cane experiment.

How strong is a candy cane? 

We tested different objects in our classroom and recorded our results.



From everyone in Sunshine and Rainbow, we would like to wish you all a merry Christmas!


Sunshine Christmas

Posted on Monday 14 December 2020 by Reception Team

Sunshine Class have enjoyed learning and performing Christmas songs and dances for you to enjoy.

Sunshine Christmas Video


Rainbow Class Presents…

Posted on Monday 14 December 2020 by Reception team

Festive Fun with Rainbow Class!

Please click here to be taken to our special Christmas video. We hope you enjoy it 🌈 🎅🏼🎄☃️🦌

Please note, where possible the singing performances have been recorded outside or in a larger space. When recording in the classroom, the room is well ventilated with open windows/ door. Children are encouraged to face forwards during the performance.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2020 greeting card, vector illustration

Isolating at home? This learning is for you.

Posted on Monday 14 December 2020 by Mrs Wilkins

Here is some home learning for when you can’t be with us at school.

Remember to send pictures of your child’s home learning to


For this week’s maths learning, we are continuing to learn about the number 5. Spread the activities across the week, at your own pace. For video sessions, your child’s learning will be most effective if you sit with them to pause the clip and check / praise / support your child as the clip moves on.

Sessions 1-3 – White Rose Maths Alive in 5 Week 2 

We are continuing to embed our knowledge of five.  Do you know what a 5pence (5p) looks like? What colour and shape is it? Do you recognise a 2p and a 1p coin?  How many 1p or 2p combinations to make 5p can you make?

Can you go on a ‘five hunt’ around your home? What do you find five of? Take photos to record.

We will also be looking at repeating patterns and shapes. Can you spot a pattern, describe a pattern and repeat a pattern? Could you use some toys or objects to create repeating patterns?


This week we will be continuing to recap our phase 2 sounds.

Watch and join in the Jolly Phonics songs.

(This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.)

Lesson 1– Blending

Read each word by saying the sounds then blending together.

pat, doll, fuss, gap, sock, kick, sack

Lesson 2Recap Phase 1- listening for blends.

Play ‘eye spy’ together, by sounding out things you can see in the environment. For example:

“eye spy with my little eye, something that sounds like d-o-ll” and the child would say “doll”

You can swap roles so your child has a go with both sounding out and blending words.

Lesson 3: These are our tricky words we have learnt so far. They are tricky because we can’t use our phonics to help us read them.

Can you read each word?

Take turns to put the word/s into a sentence. For example ‘I didn’t steal the cookies from the cookie jar.’


This week, we are looking at Christmas around the world.

Lesson 1– Think about Christmas in Australia. What season is it there? What season is it here? Can you dress up in an outfit you might wear for Christmas Day in Australia (sunhat, glassses, shorts etc). Take a photograph and send it in.

Lesson 2– Can you find out what Christmas is like in China? Make a paper lantern.

Lesson 3– Can you find out what Christmas is like in Mexico and India? What Christmas plant do they have in common? If you have one at home, why not complete an observational drawing of it.


Choose some of these activities to complete throughout the week. These are based on our topic – Christmas.  They may spark other interests and ideas that result in other learning opportunities. Let your child lead the learning!

Draw your Christmas tree.
Create a Christmas table mat.
Make some Christmas wrapping paper with potatoes and paint.  Wrap some items from around your home. See if your adult can guess what you’ve wrapped before they open it.

Go outside on a ‘collect five hunt’. Five sticks, leaves, stones, blades of grass, plant pots, balls etc. Have a look for signs of Winter too.

It’s beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas…

Posted on Friday 11 December 2020 by Reception Team

We are all feeling full of festive cheer this week after a virtual visit from Santa!

He left a video for us to watch and even rang our classroom to tell us he had left presents for each class.


We have completed lots of Christmas challenges in both classrooms; decorating pine cone trees; making Christmas pictures using shapes; writing about our class elf and wrapping gifts in the post office.


We also became gardeners and planted some bulbs. They are currently sleeping and we can’t wait to see them grow.





Design some Christmas wrapping paper. Can you use a repeated pattern in your design?


Thursday – Christmas dinner day

Friday – Non-Uniform and  Christmas party snack