We can’t wait to see you all!
ALL of the staff in Rainbow and Sunshine are so excited to welcome you back through our doors on Monday! We are going to have a brilliant week enjoying so many things about being together again. Here is a video of some of your teachers in the classrooms for you to watch.
Click here to view the video.
Please remember to bring your water bottle, a spare change of clothes and maybe your wellies (if you didn’t leave them in school).
See you on Monday!
Week Commencing 01.03.21: Home Learning
Book of the week- Click here to watch the story Jasper’s Beanstalk or read the book if you have it at home.
Questions to discuss- 1. What do you think will be at the top of the beanstalk? 2. What different tools did Jasper use? 3. What plants have you got growing in your garden? 4. Do plants change during different seasons? 5. Do you know any other stories about beanstalks? |
Phonics- ur
Click here to watch today’s phonics video. parents: For the final activity on the video, there are two possible sentences ‘See the cat lick his black fur.’ or ‘See the black cat lick his fur.’ Activity 1: Look at the picture. What can you see?
Maths- White Rose Maths: Building 9 & 10 – week 3
Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 1- Building with 3-D shapes Click here for today’s activity. |
Tuesday | Phonics- ow
Click here to watch today’s phonics video. Click here to hear the jolly phonics song for ow (at 10:38 in the video) Activity 1: Write words containing the ow sound (examples – cow, brown, now, owl and howl) Place them on the floor or around the room. Say a word for your child to find. Activity 2: Click here for a Read and Roll – ow |
Maths- White Rose Maths: Building 9 & 10 – week 3
Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 2- Matching 3-D shapes. Click here for today’s activity. |
Wednesday | Phonics- oi
Click here to watch today’s phonics video. Click here to hear the jolly phonics song for oi (at 10:52 in the video) Activity 1: Write the words; coin, foil, oil, boing Parents: read aloud for your child to write. ***challenge*** write your own sentence, using one of the words you have written. Activity 2: Click here to have a go at this oi word search. Either search on screen, or print it off (we recommend using page 1) |
Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 3- Printing 3-D shapes Click here for today’s activity. |
Thursday | Phonics- Tricky word – her
Click here to watch today’s phonics video. Activity 1: Tricky Word Lucky Dip Activity 2: Practise spelling the tricky words in flour or salt. Activity 3: Play a game of phase 3 tricky word snakes and ladders. Click here to download and play. If you do not have a printer, write down on a piece of paper each number you land on and follow on screen with your finger. You will need dice to play. Parents: If your child lands on a word we have not yet covered in class, you can support them by reading the word. |
Maths- Capacity
Click here to be taken to today’s video. Today’s video is all about Capacity (the amount something can hold) and the language we use to describe capacity. Activity: Take pictures of the different measurements, when exploring the capacity of a container. It could be the stages of running a bath, filling a bucket or drinking a drink for example. Which words did you use to describe each measurement? |
Friday | Understanding the World with Professor Myers; British Science Week 2021 – Inventing your own toy
Click here to watch this week’s video with Professor Myers.
-Have a go at one of the experiments in the activity pack. -Send photos to show what you did. https://www.britishscienceweek.org/app/uploads/2021/01/BSQ_BSW_PACKS_1120_EY_v14.pdf
Story time- Paper Dolls read by Miss Logan Click here to watch today’s story.Questions to discuss: 1. What are the doll’s names? What might each of them be like?2. The boy cut up the dolls in story. Why might another child do something like that?3. How did the girl feel at different points in the story?4. What special thing, toys, places or people does your child remember or which things would they like to remember when they grow up? Share your own childhood memories too. |
Don’t forget to join your Zoom session this week! We will be celebrating World Book Day by reading a story and sharing our favourite books.
For this week’s session, you will need: Your favourite book or a book you would like to share.
Story Link activities to select throughout the week
- Keep a diary for the week just like Jasper. This could be about anything. What did you eat for breakfast? What did you see out in the garden? What toys have you played with? You could use this diary format click here, or create your own!
Understanding the World
1.Take a walk outside or in your garden. What can you find growing? You could take a pen and paper to draw what you find.
1. How tall are the people or toys in your house?
Use boxes, bottles, tins or anything else around your house to measure them. Talk about size difference – who is the tallest? How tall are they?
- Write numerals on pots or paper. Count the correct number of beans to match the numerals.
Expressive Arts and Design
- Paint, draw or build your beanstalk. How tall can you make it? How many leaves did you add?
- Draw a picture to show what you think might be at the top of Jasper’s Beanstalk.
- Use beans, pulses or any dried food you may have at home to create a mosaic style picture.
Physical Development
- Sort beans, pulses or other small dry foods you have at home.
- Collects some leaves and cut using scissors or other tools. You can also create you own leaves. Cut out of paper or card and fold to make the veins.
PE days reminder
On the days your child has PE, they should come to school in their PE kit as detailed in our uniform policy . (Track-suit bottoms instead of shorts would be good on colder days. Footwear : black/brown/grey/white flat shoes which are safe to run around in.)
Footwear on PE days could be children’s ‘school shoes’ which are often a ‘trainer’ style anyway, if you want to avoid having to buy 2 pairs of shoes.
Please find below the days each class has allocated PE times, which will be taught outdoors, except in extreme weather.
- F2 Sunshine and F2 Rainbow (Miss Parling & Mrs Allen-Kelly/Mrs Wilkins) – Wednesday & Friday
- 1KN (Miss Lowry/Mrs Lake) – Monday & Friday
- 1,2V (Mrs Latham) – Thursday & Friday
- 2C (Mr Gathercole) – Monday & Thursday
- 3,4N (Mrs Wadsworth) – Tuesday & Wednesday
- 3,4E (Mrs McCormick) – Tuesday & Thursday
- 3,4O (Mr Catherall) – Monday & Tuesday
- 5,6S (Mrs Hogarth) – Tuesday & Wednesday
- 5,6M (Mr Lindsay) – Wednesday & Friday
- 5,6B (Mr Freeman) – Monday & Friday
22 February 2021: Home Learning
We’ve made it to the end of Spring 1! Thank you to our parents and carers for supporting your child/ren with their home learning this term. We’ve received some fantastic photos and observations. We’ve enjoyed catching up with you over phone, email and our zoom sessions.
Please take time to relax, re-charge and switch off from home learning over the half term break. The learning schedule below, is for when we return- week commencing 22 February 2021.
Book of the week- Click here to watch the story What the Ladybird Heard by Julia Donaldson, or read the book if you have it at home.
To discuss-
Phonics- oo
Click here to watch today’s phonics video. Click here to hear the jolly phonics song for oo. Activity 1: Sorting oo- oo is super tricky. Not only do we have to identify the sound but we also have to decide whether the short or long version fits the word. Have a go at sorting these pictures onto the ‘short sound’ or ‘long sound’ grids. Click here for the card sorting activity. Parents: If unsure of the words the picture cards represent, click here for the answers. If you do not have a printer at home, you could draw a simple table like this:
and draw in pictures of objects that have the long/short oo in the correct column of the table. Activity 2: In our phonics lessons, we like to play a game called Please Mr. Crocodile. Have a go at this at home using our new phase 3 sounds qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo Here are the rules: 1.Write out the sounds on pieces of paper (or print them/ use flashcards if you have them) Lay them out on the floor. 2. Use a piece of blue material to represent ‘The River’ 3. Child asks “Please Mr. Crocodile, can I cross your river?” Adult (crocodile) replies “Only if you give me the sound…” and asks the child to select the correct sound. Will they find the correct sounds and be allowed to cross the river?! Don’t forget to send in pictures of you playing at home! |
Maths- White Rose Maths: Growing 6, 7, 8!- Week 3.
Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 1- Comparing Height Activity: Click here for today’s activity. If you do not have building blocks or cubes, you can use other objects of the same shape and size. Perhaps you could use tins from the food cupboard, for example. |
Tuesday | Phonics- ar
Click here to watch today’s phonics video. Click here to hear the jolly phonics song for ar. Activity 1: Caption writing- Describe the object in the picture: Write a word or sentence about the picture. (Sentence – The rock is hard and smooth. Words – hard, smooth.) Activity 2: Challenge yourself with the phonics bloom flashcard time trial- how many can -you get correct in one minute? You will need an adult to click the tick or the cross. Click here Please select phase 3 and deselect set 11 (the children have not covered some of these sounds yet) There is an option to play again using incorrect or missing sounds- great for recapping those sounds to work on! |
Maths- White Rose Maths: Growing 6, 7, 8!- Week 3.
Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 2- Comparing Length Activity: Click here for today’s activity. If you do not have playdough, you could measure string, toys or any other household objects. |
Wednesday | Phonics- or
Click here to watch today’s phonics video. Click here to hear the jolly phonics song for (ee)or. Activity 1: Complete the video activity- writing a sentence/ silly sentence using the pictures. Activity 2: Read and match the captions to the correct picture. You can print these or read them on screen. Click here |
Maths- White Rose Maths: Growing 6, 7, 8!- Week 3.
Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 4- Measuring Height Activity: Click here for the activity. You will notice that this is a bit of a long term activity, involving planting a seed. If you are able to do this, please do, otherwise keep practising measuring the height of household items, using smaller items you have (remember, the measuring unit objects need to be the same shape and size) |
Thursday | Phonics- Tricky word – they
Click here to watch today’s phonics video. Activity 1: Tricky word colouring sheets!- Click here and click here Activity 2: Tricky word spotter story- click here click here to find a link to a website blog post, that has some fantastic tricky word activity ideas. Pick your favourite ideas and have a go! We particularly like the look of ‘Tricky word hang-man’ and sticking tricky words to pots and pans that you can hit when you hear the word! Musical words! J |
Maths- White Rose Maths: Growing 6, 7, 8!- Week 3.
Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 5- Measuring Time Activity: Click here for today’s activity. |
Friday | Understanding the World with Professor Myers; The importance of snot!
Click here to watch this week’s video with Professor Myers. -Can you make your own snot experiment at home using the ingredients? Send in a photo. -Make a snot superhero poster to tell everyone how snot helps to protect us from getting poorly. |
Story time- One Day on Our Blue Planet- In the Savannah read by Mrs Wilkins
Click here to watch today’s story. Questions to discuss: 1. Can you remember where Mrs Wilkins told us the Savannah is? Can you find the continent on a map, in a book or on the internet? 2. What family of animals did the story focus on today? 3. Which was your favourite animal in the book? 4. Why is water so precious on the Savannah? Would you find like to find out some more facts on Safari animals? Click here to check out this fact file! |
Don’t forget to join your Zoom session this week! For this week’s session, we will be doing some ‘Musical Mark Making’ you will need:
-A ribbon or chiffon scarf (something that’s floaty and you can wave around!)
-Some paper and writing tools (pencils or felt tips)
Story Link activities to select throughout the week
- What the Ladybird Heard features a map of the farm. Can you create your own map of a farm and use your phonic skills to add words naming the different features and animals?
2. The Ladybird was very brave and smart to come up with a plan and use her voice to warn the other animals. Can you design a certificate of bravery to award to ladybird?
A writing reminder…
How did your child find the writing activity? Remember, it’s okay for things to be spelt phonetically. It is important that your child grows into an independent learner. Encouraging your child to write the words as they sound rather than always spelling them correctly. We encourage the children to use their own skills, rather than copying an adult.
Understanding the World
Spring Time; Animals and their babies-
Happy Days! Winter is over and it is now the season of SPRING. Do you know what happens in the season of Spring? Have a chat with your grown up…
In Spring, many baby animals are born. Do you know the name of baby animals? Let’s have a think about the animals in our story What the Ladybird Heard.
Cow, pig, horse, duck, dog, cat
- First, you could have a go at this ‘What can you see’ video. Click here Which baby animals can you name?
- Be super researchers- if you don’t know them already, find the names of the remaining baby animals from our story; pig, horse, dog, cat. We speak lots in class about where we can find information, so be sure to tell us where you found your animal facts!
Expressive Arts and Design
- This week’s story takes place on a farm. What animal noises would you hear on a farm? Listen to this song by this week’s author Julia Donaldson click here See if you can sing along. You might even want to add your own animal movements and dance along too!
2.We’d love to see farmyard animal or ladybird pictures and crafts- use any resources you have! Don’t forget to send us a photo. Here are some ideas:
Physical Development
- One of our favourite activities! This week, have a go at ‘On the Farm’ Cosmic Yoga.
- Draw some lines of different patterns on pieces of paper and follow the lines using small objects such as cereal hoops, paperclips or buttons.
Week Commencing 08.02.2021 Home Learning
Book of the week- Watch the story Mr Wolf’s Pancakes or read the book if you have it at home. Click here
Questions to discuss- 1. What three ingredients do you need to make pancakes? 2. Mr Wolf made a shopping list. Have you ever made a list? What did you make a list for? 3. Why do you think the neighbours didn’t help Mr Wolf? 4. How did you feel when no-one would help Mr Wolf? 5. What did you think about the ending of the book? |
Phonics- ee
Click here to watch today’s phonics video. Activity 1: Take turns with an adult to play ‘Roll and Read’ (ee focus) click here to either print the word mat, or view it on screen. You will need a die or to draw 1-6 dots on 6 pieces of paper and draw at random from a bag.
Activity 2: Think of two different sentences for each word: queen, bee, teeth and sleep. |
Maths- Number 8. Session 1. Click here
Activity: Click here for today’s activities. |
Tuesday | Phonics- igh This is a trigraph. Three letters that make one sound.
Click here to watch today’s phonics video Activity 1: Be an ‘igh’ detective! Can you find any words in your storybooks with the ‘igh’ trigraph? Activity 2: Click here to play Buried Treasure. It’s on Phonicsplay-Buried Treasure – Phase3 -Set 1-7 – +igh. |
Maths- Number 8. Session 2. Click here
Activity: Click here for today’s activities. |
Wednesday | Phonics- oa
Click here to watch today’s phonics video. Click here to read the rest of the story, Toads in the Road. You can sign up on the website free and access the reading books from here. Activity 1: Write a sentence using one of the ‘oa’ words. You might use: croak, roast, toast or toad. Steps to writing a successful sentence… 1.Think of a sentence. 2. Say the sentence out loud. 3. Count the words in your sentence. 4. Use your phoneme fingers to segment every word. 5. Check your sentence makes sense. 6. Have you remembered a capital letter at the start, finger spaces throughout and a full stop at the end? |
Maths- Number 8. Session 3. Click here
Activity: Click here for today’s activities. |
Thursday | Phonics- Tricky word-you
Click here to watch today’s phonics video. Activities: Click here for today’s Let’s Go comic. Click here for today’s A Bug comic. |
Play number stacking pancakes. Make some pancakes: Draw around a circle template on a piece of paper or card. Cut the circles out and write the digits 0-10 on the pancakes. If you have a spatula and a plate that’s great but you don’t need them. Mix up the pancakes and spread them out on the carpet. Your child can scoop up the correct pancake with the spatula and put it on the plate. There are a few things that you can do with this game. 1. Order the pancakes from 0-10 in ascending order. Stacking them one at a time on the plate/in a pile. 2. Order the pancakes in descending order from 10-0. 3. Ask your child different numbers at random to select and put on the plate. 4. Play ‘run and splat’ the number when it is said. 5. Time yourself. How long does it take you to stack your pancakes in order? Can you beat your time? Can you beat your adult? 6. Put the pancakes in a random pile, face down. Decide on a fun action e.g. star jumps, jumping on the spot, running to the kitchen, turning around, hopping etc. Take it in turns to take the top pancake, whatever number you get, that’s how many of the chosen action you must do. (A few ideas: This activity can be extended to use different numbers to challenge your child. You might add 11-20). |
Friday | Understanding the World with Professor Myers; Making a volcano-
If you would like to join in this week’s video then you will need: washing up liquid, food colouring, bicarbonate of soda and some vinegar. Click here to watch this week’s video with Professor Myers. Click here to watch some children carrying out the investigation, as Professor Myers mentioned. It might inspire you to make a more elaborate volcano, if you have the time and resources to do so. -Can you carry out the experiment in the video like Professor Myers? -Can you draw and label a picture to show what happened? |
Story time- The Magic Paintbrush with Mrs Allen-Kelly
Click here to watch today’s story. Questions to discuss- 1. Why do you think Shen was asked only to paint for poor people and not for rich people? Do you think Shen and the villagers were rich or poor? 2. How did Shen escape from prison? 3. How did the villagers feel when Shen returned home with her magic brush? 4. If you had a magic paintbrush that could make anything come to life, what would you draw? Perhaps you could also have a go at painting it at home. Friday 12th February 2021 is the celebration of Chinese New Year! 1. Have a look online or in a book to see if you can find China on a world map! 2. Click here to watch the ‘Let’s Celebrate’ episode of the Chinese and Luna New Year celebration. 3. You might like to have a go at writing numbers using Chinese (Mandarin) characters: |
Story Link activities to select throughout the week:
- Be a friend to Mr Wolf and make a shopping list for him. You could make a list of ingredients for him to make his pancakes. Or you might make a list for him to make something else delicious. (Pizza, fruit salad etc)
- Draw and label two characters from the book.
Understanding the World
Spend some time watching this video about wolves click here
- What do you notice about the wolves?
- How many babies does a mother wolf usually have?
- What do wolves eat?
- What helps wolves to keep warm?
- How many teeth do wolves have?
Expressive Arts and Design
Make a stack of pancakes out of playdough. Can you serve them at you own café with different toppings? How much will each pancake cost? Can people buy drinks at your café too?
Click here for the no cook play dough recipe.
Make a wolf mask or picture!
Maybe an adult in your house will help you to make your own delicious pancakes. What topping might you choose?
Using construction toys, can you build Mr Wolf’s Village and the houses for all of the different characters.
Physical Development
Get Moving Outside! Why not take your numbered pancakes, from the Maths activity, outside. Hide them in the garden then find them. Take a number and match it with objects e.g. 3 leaves. Do laps of your garden to match a number. Make an obstacle course and use your numbered pancakes at each station.
Joe Wicks is hosting his live PE sessions, 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 9am) You can subscribe to his channel here for alerts. A great way to keep fit at home!
Zoom Meetings
It has been terrific seeing you on Zoom! You (and your adults) were brilliant at Dough Disco. For our next Zoom session we are going to do some movement play to music. Please could you bring a small soft toy and a little blanket/pillow case/scarf.
Week Commencing 01.02.20: Home Learning
Book of the week- Click here to watch the story Dear Zoo or read the book if you have it at home.
Questions to discuss- Why was the elephant sent back? Which animal was described as being too fierce? Why do you think he kept the puppy and not any of the other animals? |
Phonics- th
Click here to watch today’s phonics video Activity 1: Look at the picture. What can you see? Parents: Read this sentence aloud – A moth on the grass. Activity 2: Have a go at blending the phase 3 ‘th’ real and nonsense words. Click here to either print it, or view on screen. |
Maths- White Rose Maths: Growing 6, 7, 8!- Week 2.
Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 1. Activity: Click here for today’s activity. If you do not have a printer, draw and make your own memory cards. This will work just as well for the activity! |
Tuesday | Phonics- ng
Click here to watch today’s phonics video Activity 1: Play Musical Blending. Activity 2: Read the sentence and have a go at writing your own sentence using one of these words. |
Maths- White Rose Maths: Growing 6, 7, 8!- Week 2.
Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 2. Activity: Click here for today’s activity. Take photos of your pairs and send them to your class teacher(s). |
Wednesday | Phonics- ai
Click here to watch today’s phonics video Activity 1: Play the Picnic on Pluto game on Phonics Play. Activity 2: Look at the pictures on this document. Segment and write the words to match the pictures. You could print these phoneme frames, or draw your own. Parents: If you are unsure, click here to view the words. |
Maths- White Rose Maths: Growing 6, 7, 8!- Week 2.
Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 3. Activity: Click here for today’s activity. |
Thursday | Phonics- Tricky word – my
Click here to watch today’s phonics video. Activity 1: Tricky Word Puzzles 3. Can you put the letters in the correct order? Activity 2: Tricky Word Hunt Activity 3: Rainbow write tricky words. Choose some bright coloured pens or pencils to practise spelling all of the phase 2 tricky words (the, to, I, no, go, into) and the phase 3 tricky words you know so far (he, she, we, me, be, my). Below is an example of how to do rainbow writing. |
Maths- White Rose Maths: Growing 6, 7, 8!- Week 2.
Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 4. Activity: Click here for today’s activity. If you do not have a printer, you could draw your own domino circuit. This will work just as well for the activity! |
Friday | Understanding the World with Professor Myers; Friction Experiment-
Click here to watch this week’s video with Professor Myers. -Using a variety of toys, carry out your own friction experiment. Before you carry out your experiment, remember to predict which toys you think will travel fast or slow. You could sort them into two groups. – After the experiment, draw and label your results. |
Story time- The Tiger Who Came to Tea with Mrs Kirby
Questions to discuss: 1.Imagine if a different animal came to tea. How would they behave? 2.How would your family react if a tiger wanted to come to tea? 3.The author uses the words ‘big’, ‘furry’ and ‘stripy’ to describe the tiger. Can you think of any more adjectives? 4. The tiger wasn’t very polite when he ate all of Sophie’s food. Can you think of some manners that he should need to remember when he visits someone else’s house? |
Story Link activities to select throughout the week
- In class, use Talk4Writing actions to help us retell and act out the stories we learn. After listening to the story, see if you can come up with some actions. You could get an adult to record you and send it to your class teacher!
To help you get started, click here to watch an example. - Dear Zoo is a ‘lift-the-flap’ book. Make your own ‘lift-the-flap’ book. You could choose your favourite animals to be underneath each of the flaps. Then, write a sentence underneath each flap. For each sentence try to write the name of the animal and a describing word.
A writing reminder…
How did your child find the writing activity? Remember, it’s okay for things to be spelt phonetically. It is important that your child grows into an independent learner. Encouraging your child to write the words as they sound rather than always spelling them correctly. We encourage the children to use their own skills, rather than copying an adult.
Understanding the World
Choose an animal from the book. With the help of an adult, research and find out information about that animal.
Where is its natural habitat? What does it eat? What does it like to do? When the animal lives in a zoo, what does a zookeeper need to do to look after it?
You could use this website or find one of your own.
1. Choose two or three animal toys. Go on a hunt around your house for different containers. Explore which containers your animals will fit in. Can you explain why they fit in some containers but not others?
2.Patterns are everywhere! Can you recognise any of these animal patterns? Draw your own animal pattern on a piece of paper.
Expressive Arts and Design
Make a lion mask.
Paper plate
1 sheet of yellow and orange paper
1. Cut out the inside of a paper plate, leaving only the outside circle.
2. Cut strips of yellow and orange paper.
3. Glue the yellow and orange paper to the paper plate circle, creating a lion’s mane.
4. Make sure they give a loud ROAR!
Physical Development
- Get moving and dance along to these songs!
- Make a paper chain snake. This is a great funky fingers activity!
Paper (any colours you’d like to use)
Googly eyes
1. First, decide on which colours you want to use. You could use two or three colours and try to make your snake a repeating pattern, for example, red, orange, red, orange.
2. Cut strips of each colour.
3. With an adult, use a stapler or glue to connect the chains.
4. Add a head by cutting out a triangle and gluing it to the first chain. You could also add a tail!
5. Glue googly eyes on the head and add a red tongue, then you’re done!
To make sure you are prepared and ready to get your fingers moving, use this simple recipe to make some dough at home.
Week Commencing 25.01.20: Home Learning
Book of the week- Watch the Gruffalo or read the book if you have it at home.
Questions to discuss- 1. How does the mouse feel when he sets off on his journey through the woods? 2. Do you think the mouse likes the other animals: owl, fox and snake? 3. Why do you think the mouse tells the other animals he is going to have tea with the Gruffalo? 4. Do you think the Gruffalo is afraid of the mouse? |
Phonics- qu
Click here to watch today’s phonics video. Activity 1: Have a go at reading this sentence. Did you spot today’s new phoneme? Activity 2: Can you work out the missing phonemes for these ‘qu’ words? Write the words in a list. |
Maths- Number 7
Click here to watch today’s maths video. |
Tuesday | Phonics- ch
Click here to watch today’s phonics video Activity 1: Write the words to match these pictures. You could print these phoneme frames, or draw your own. Parents: If you are unsure, click here to view the words. Activity 2: Have a go at writing this sentence. Parents: Read the sentence aloud. |
Math – Number 7
Click here to watch today’s maths video. |
Wednesday | Phonics- sh
Click here to watch today’s phonics video. Activity 1: Have a go at writing this sentence. Parents: Read the sentence aloud. |
Maths- Number 7
Click here to watch today’s maths video. |
Thursday | Phonics- Tricky words – was
Click here to watch today’s phonics video |
Maths- Click here to watch today’s video.
Activity 1: Play ‘Guess the Shape’ with an adult. Describe a shape, remembering to say how many sides and corners it has and to be specific, e.g. “It has 4 sides. It has 4 corners. It has 4 equal sides.” See who can guess the most shapes correctly. Activity 2: Go on a 2d shape hunt around your house. What 2d shapes might you find? If you have access to an electronic device, take photos of the shapes you find. |
Friday | Understanding the World with Professor Myers – RSPB Bird watching
Click here to watch this week’s video with Professor Myers. Activity 2: Follow these instructions and make an apple bird feeder.
Story time- Handa’s Surprise
Click here to watch today’s story read by Mrs Wilkins. Sit back, relax and enjoy the story. 2. Which is your favourite animal in the book? 3. Which fruit would you like to eat? 4. What is Handa’s surprise? 5. How do you show kindness towards your friends?
Story Link activities to select throughout the week
Can you write a recipe for Gruffalo Crumble? Write a list of all of the ingredients you will need. Think about the things that the mouse might find in a deep dark wood.
Can you make a sign to warn people about the Gruffalo ? What would you write on your sign? Think of some interesting warning words.
Can you draw and label a map of the mouse’s journey through the deep dark wood? Who did he meet first in the story? Where did he find the owl?
Understanding the World
Find out about owls and some other birds of prey by watching Andy’s Secret Hideout.
Can you find out some more interesting facts about owls?
Do you have any dried spaghetti at home? How does it feel, is it hard or soft? Adults could you cook the pasta and watch it with your child. Talk about the changes. How does it feel once it has been cooked? Now you have your own bowl of scrambled snake to enjoy.
Expressive Arts and Design
Can you make a Gruffalo or a mouse headband? Use some paper and sellotape then colour it in. You could then act out the story. Are you going to be the mouse or the Gruffalo?
Physical Development
Using your fiddly fingers thread some tubes of pasta onto a piece of string, ribbon or an old shoelace. Can you add on eyes and make your snake slither around?
If you haven’t got any pasta you could make a paper chain snake or cut out a spiral snake from some paper.
Cosmic yoga – Here is a cosmic yoga video that links to owls. It tells the story of Tallulah the owlet. We really enjoy cosmic yoga at school and we hope that you do at home too.
Online Gruffalo Activities
Click here and play some Gruffalo games.
Monster maker – make your own Gruffalo – choose your own face, body and legs. What would you call the new Gruffalo? If you have access to a printer you can print it out and colour it in.
Hide and Seek – play the matching game with the Gruffalo cards.
Menu matcher – is a short quiz about the Gruffalo story.
Zoom Meetings
We really enjoyed seeing and chatting to the children who were able to join our Zoom sessions last week. The Zoom session you were invited to is a recurring session during term time. Please join at the same day and time with the link that you were sent.
W/C 25.01.21 Be ready for a ‘Scavenger Hunt’. We will ask you to go and find different things in your house to show and chat about.
W/C 01.02.21 We will ask your child to join in Dough Disco during the Zoom call. Please could you have some play dough ready. Here is a simple recipe to make your own if needed.
Have a brilliant week of learning and fun! Remember to email photographs of learning to scholesf2@spherefederation.org
Week Commencing 18.01.20: Home Learning
Book of the week- Watch the story SUPERTATO or read the book if you have it at home.
Questions to discuss- Where is the story set? Who are the main characters in the story? What fruit and vegetables do you like to eat? Why is it important to eat fruit and vegetables? |
Phonics- x
Click here to watch today’s phonics video Activity 1: Write a word, caption or sentence to match the picture. Activity 2: Go to phonicsbloom.com. Choose phase 2 games. Play: Fishy Phonics |
Maths- White Rose Maths: Growing 6,7,8!
Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 1 Activity: Click here for today’s activity.
Tuesday | Phonics- y
Click here to watch today’s phonics video Activity 1: Write a caption or word to match the picture. Activity 2: Here is the link to PhonicsPlay – click here Select phase 3 then +y. |
Maths- White Rose Maths: Growing 6,7,8!
Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 2 Activity: Click here for today’s activity.
Wednesday | Phonics- z/zz
Click here to watch today’s phonics video Activity 1: Be a ‘z’ detective! Can you find anything (or anyone) in your house, that has the initial or ending sound ‘z’?
Maths- White Rose Maths: Growing 6,7,8!
Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 3 Activity: Click here for today’s activity.
Thursday | Phonics- Tricky words
Click here to watch today’s phonics video. Activity: |
Maths- White Rose Maths: Growing 6,7,8!
Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 4 Activity: Click here for today’s activity.
Friday | Understanding the World with Professor Myers; – Keeping warm in winter
Click here to watch this week’s video with Professor Myers. Can you design an outfit to keep Professor Myers warm when she goes out for her winter walks? Can you think of some ways of moving to keep warm when it’s cold outside? Which one worked best?
Story time- Superworm
Click here to watch today’s story. Questions to discuss- How did Superworm’s friends save him? How many different ways is Superworm used in the story? Superworm finds lots of ways to help his friends. How can you be kind and helpful to others?
Story Link activities to select throughout the week
- Design and label your own character to match the story. You may choose to draw, paint or use real vegetables.
- Pick a character to draw and add a speech bubble. What is your character saying?
Understanding the World
- Find some fruits and vegetables around your house. Sort them into different groups.
You might sort by colour, size or texture.
- If you have frozen peas in your freezer have a look at them in their frozen
state. Feel them, what do they feel like? Watch them defrost. How long does it take?
Does it defrost more quickly in different places around your house?
Expressive Arts and Design
- Draw a vegetable.
Use your own imagination or this drawing tutorial.
- Use a mash potato masher to make some super art.
Physical Development
1. With an adult, cut some fruit or vegetables to make a heathy snack.
How many pieces did you cut?
2. Superhero PE – create your own moves or use these below.
Zoom sessions
Next week, the children who are learning from home will be invited to a zoom session with their teacher. This zoom session will be with a group of children from their class. You will find the focus of the zoom session on the website each Friday. Sometimes your child will need to bring something along with them. Your child does not have to join in with these zooms, they are optional. Unfortunately the timings of these zooms cannot be changed as most teachers are teaching in school. Look out for the link to your child’s zoom which will be sent via email on a Friday.
We are looking forward to seeing you all.
Week Commencing 11.01.20: Home Learning
Book of the week- Watch the story Lost and Found or read the book if you have it at home.
Questions to discuss- How is the boy feeling when the penguin first arrives at his door? Why does the penguin follow the boy? What does he want? The penguin was lonely… What does it mean to be lonely? How can we help others when they are feeling lonely? What can we do when we feel lonely ourselves? |
Phonics- j
Click here to watch today’s phonics video Activity 1: Be a ‘j’ detective! Can you find anything (or anyone) in your house, that has the initial sound ‘j’? Activity 2: Take turns with an adult to play ‘Roll and Read’ (j focus) click here to either print the word mat, or view it on screen. You will need a die or to draw 1-6 dots on 6 pieces of paper and draw at random from a bag. 1. Roll the dice
Maths- White Rose Maths: Alive in 5!- Week 2.
Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 1 Activity: Click here for today’s activity. Encourage your child to speak in full sentences when describing the number composition, for example: “There are three frogs in the pond and there are two frogs on the grass. There are 5 frogs altogether” or “There are 4 toys on the bed and there is one toy on the floor. There are 5 toys altogether” |
Tuesday | Phonics- v
Click here to watch today’s phonics video Activity 1: Be a ‘v’ detective! Can you find anything (or anyone) in your house, that has the initial sound ‘v’? Activity 2: Here is the link to ‘fishy phonics’ on the Phonics Bloom website- click here Select phase 2, set 5. Try the hard level initially, change to easy if this is a bit tricky. |
Maths- Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 2
Activity: Click here for today’s activity. |
Wednesday | Phonics- w
Click here to watch today’s phonics video Activity 1: Be a ‘w’ detective! Can you find anything (or anyone) in your house, that has the initial sound ‘w’? Activity 2: Write ‘yes’ and ‘no on two separate pieces of paper and put them at either side of the room. Ask your child to read these questions (click here) one at a time and then run to either the yes or the no answer. Encourage your child to point to each word on the screen as they read the question. |
Maths- Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 3
Activity: Click here for today’s activity. If you do not have a printer, draw 5 of anything you like on a piece of paper and cut them out. This will work just as well for the activity! |
Thursday | Phonics- Tricky words he/she
Click here to watch today’s phonics video Activity 1: Be a Tricky Word Detective! Can you find any tricky words in the books you have at home? Activity 2: Write a sentence using one of the new tricky words. Steps to writing a successful sentence… 1.Think of a sentence. 2. Say the sentence out loud. 3. Count the words in your sentence. 4. Use your phoneme fingers to segment every word. 5. Check your sentence makes sense. 6. Have you remembered a capital letter at the start, finger spaces throughout and a full stop at the end? Activity 3: Rainbow writing tricky words- use a variety of colours to practice spelling all of the phase 2 tricky words. |
Maths- Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 4
Activity: Click here for today’s activity. |
Friday | Understanding the World with Professor Myers; Exploring Ice-
Click here to watch this week’s video with Professor Myers. -Can you carry out the ice experiments in the video from Professor Myers? Remember to make some predictions about what you think will happen first. -Can you draw and label a picture to show what you did? |
Story time- Oi Frog! With Miss Booth
Click here to watch today’s story. Questions to discuss- What do you notice about the sounds in the story? (It is a rhyming story) Can you come up with a different animal and rhyming object for them to sit on (that has not been included in the story)? |
Story link activities to select throughout the week
- Make a story map of the key events in the story Lost and Found. We practice creating these lots in class.
- Sometimes, when people lose a pet, they put up posters to help find them again. Can you make a ‘lost’ poster for the Penguin in Lost and Found. Don’t forget to add lots of details describing the penguin, so that the reader knows what to look out for. What does the penguin look like? What colour is it? How big is it?
- The story doesn’t have any speech in it. Ask your grown up to draw out a speech bubble and pretend you are the boy from the story (perhaps you could draw him next to the speech bubble) Have a go at writing what you think he might have said when he first met the penguin.
A writing reminder
How did your child find the writing activity? Remember its okay for things to be spelt phonetically. It is important that your child grows into an independent learner. Encouraging your child to write the words as they sound rather than always spelling them correctly. We encourage the children to use their own skills, rather than copying an adult.
Understanding the World
Spend some time watching the penguins at Edinburgh Zoo:
What do you notice about them?
How do they move? (perhaps you can walk like a penguin too!)
Do they like to be alone or in groups?
Do they live on land, in the water, or both?
These penguins are in a zoo. Where can we find penguins in the wild? Ask an adult to help you find this information in a book or by using the internet.
Expressive Arts and Design
- Build a boat for your toys! You could use any construction toys you have at home (such as lego, duplo) natural or found objects outside, or recycled food packaging. Perhaps you could tell a story about an adventure your toys go on in their brand new boat!
- Make a ‘Paper Roll Penguin’ You could follow this guide or, if you do not have coloured paper, create your own version using plain paper, the paper roll and colouring pens or pencils!
Physical Development
Get Moving! Join in with this Jack Hartman Penguin Dance: video
Did you know… ‘PE with Joe’ is back? Joe Wicks is hosting his live PE sessions again from Monday 11th January 2021, 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 9am) You can subscribe to his channel here for alerts. A great way to keep fit at home!
Home Learning
An update on our Home Learning…
This is what you can expect to see on your child’s class news page each week during lockdown.
The learning for week beginning 11.01.21 will be posted on Sunday 10.01.21. All subsequent weeks will be posted on a Friday evening.
As teachers are also teaching our key worker children in school, these videos may not be from your child’s teacher. However, every Friday the children will be able to enjoy a story read by an adult from their class.
Each week a menu of activities will be presented that can be completed during the week. This menu will relate to the book of the week. The activities will cover all aspects of the Early Years curriculum. There will also be the following screencasts and videos.
Monday | Phonics screencast with follow up activities.
Maths screencast with follow up activities |
Tuesday | Phonics screencast with follow up activities.
Maths screencast with follow up activities |
Wednesday | Phonics screencast with follow up activities.
Maths screencast with follow up activities |
Thursday | A tricky word screencast with follow up activities
Maths screencast with follow up activities |
Friday | An Understanding the World video with “ Professor Myers” with follow up activities
A story read by one of the Foundation 2 (Reception) team, with talk time activities. |
As always, your child’s teachers will be available via email for any questions. We will also endeavor contact you by phone once per week, just to check in with you.