Reception Class News

Postcards, potatoes and more!

Posted on Friday 02 July 2021 by Reception team

This week, the children’s photos from home have inspired us to look at extracts from the story At the Beach by Roland Harvey. In the book are a series of postcards written by the main characters, who are visiting the seaside.

The children had a go at writing their own postcards, from a place they’ve visited before. We had trips to the museum, beaches, parks and more! The children were really confident coming up with their own ideas for their postcards.

In maths, we’ve been exploring the focus number 19. We’ve also revisited creating and counting groups of objects for early multiplication. The children worked so hard on their maths challenges!

We’ve been harvesting our potatoes this week, grown in our outdoor garden area. We counted how many had grown and explored weighing them using the bucket scales.

Here are some photos of our super-busy learning this week …


Home-Link Challenge

This week we will come to our final focus number- 20!

Inspired by England’s victory on Tuesday evening, we thought we’d set a football themed number challenge.

Ask your child to fill in the missing numbers to 20. It’s a bit tricky, as the numbers do not follow in a straight line, as they do in our usual number lines.

If your child is working on numbers within 10, you could have a try just using the top row.

You can click here to download the sheet, or draw out your own footballs.

If your child is working on recognising numbers within ten and/or teen numbers, you could download football number cards here and have a practise.


Week Commencing 12 July is ‘Being Healthy’ Week. Please remember to send your child to school in their PE kit each day.

When I grow up…

Posted on Friday 25 June 2021 by Reception Team

This week, we have spent time thinking about what we might like to do when we grow up. The children loved expressing what they enjoyed doing and what job might suit them.


I want to be a teacher because I love learning. Juveria

I want to be an astronaut because I like planets. Dexter

I would like to be a builder. Freddy

I would like to be a ballerina. I like dancing. Clara

I want to be a police officer to fight baddies. Lewis

I want to be a babysitter. Felicity

I want to be safari keeper. Bradley

In Maths, we have explored the number 18. We represented 18 in lots of ways using Numicon, part whole models, 10 frames and number sentences.




Learning is everywhere in reception. The children have been busy completing classroom challenges and creating their own.

They have been measuring themselves using cubes and tape measures.


Saving the classroom from an oven fire!

And lots more…

Moving into Year 1

Posted on Thursday 24 June 2021 by Mrs Latham

Please find the presentation here from the meeting tonight. Please speak to Miss Parling, Mrs Allen-Kelly or Mrs Wilkins in the first instance, if oyu have any questions. You can also find Mrs Latham at the door opposite F2.

Sunshine and smiles…

Posted on Friday 18 June 2021 by Reception team

We’ve been feeling as sunny, bright and full of energy as the weather this week!

Following on from last week’s learning about our past; ‘When I was a baby’, this week we have looked at the present and the skills we have now that we are four or five.

Can you guess what we will be thinking about next week?

We are so lucky to have amazing outdoor spaces here at Scholes. The fabulous weather has enabled the children to enjoy more much-loved time in nature. We have been finding and looking closely at minibeasts and our plants in Foundation’s garden have been growing rapidly. We have taken learning outside as much as possible and kept safe by choosing shaded areas.

Here are some snapshots of our learning this week, in Reception:


Home Link Challenges

  1. This weekend is The Big Wild Weekend. The Wildlife Trust’s #30dayswild campaign is running across the month of June and encourages people to explore nature. We have sent home a nature sheet to continue wild explorations with your family, at home.
  2. You may have guessed at the top of the post, that next week we will looking at the future. We will be taking a fun look at the jobs people do and what the children might like to be when they grow up! Interest in jobs, occupations and the lives of others is an important part of ‘Understanding the World’. In preparation for the week, we are asking parents/carers to talk to your child about your own job. Discuss what you do at work or at home.

Finally, you may have noticed your child has taken home a special top-secret creation! 🤫 To all of the daddies, grandads, uncles and others you are choosing to celebrate this Sunday, Reception would like to wish you a very happy Father’s Day.

Books, Glorious Books

Posted on Tuesday 15 June 2021 by Mrs Lake

We are very lucky at our school to have a library full of wonderful books to borrow and enjoy. Over the past few weeks, we have been re-stocking our library with some lovely new books. We now have 300 new books on the shelves in the library. Every child has a library session each week where they can select any book they want to borrow and enjoy at home. Happy reading!

Oh baby, baby!

Posted on Friday 11 June 2021 by Mrs Wilkins

Thank-you so much for sending in your child’s baby photograph/s. We have ALL thoroughly enjoyed looking at them and talking about how we have changed since we were born. There have been so many changes and stages of development that are still ongoing for our amazing 4 and 5 year olds. We are really proud of how much Reception children have learnt in the past school year!

There is still time to send your child’s photograph into school if you haven’t already done so.

Just for fun, and because the children have enjoyed guessing who the baby photos are, we have made a ‘Who’s Who?’ baby montage of the adults in Reception. Can you match the adults to their baby photo? Answers are at the bottom of the post.

The weather has been glorious (finally) and of course we have been making the most of the outdoor area with a little less mud. Take a look at what we have been up to…

To name just a few, we have: explored tall grass on the large school field; pressed flowers that we picked; found rare mini-beasts; thrown a javelin; dressed babies; made ice-creams; found ways to make 16 using sticks; looked at dead bees and shown a seal bone to the class.

Enjoy your weekend. We look forward to our learning journey next week.

1-Miss Parling, 2- Mrs Wilkins, 3-Mrs Allen-Kelly, 4-Miss Logan, 5- Miss Booth 6-Mrs Myers.

Baby Photos and Sun Protection…

Posted on Tuesday 08 June 2021 by Reception team

Good Afternoon!

This week in class, we are talking about caring for babies and how we have changed since we were babies ourselves. To support our learning and classroom discussions, please email or send in a photograph of your child as a baby.

Sun Protection

Please ensure your child comes to school wearing sun lotion, ready for the day. They may also bring additional lotion to school, but must re-apply it independently. Please also send your child with a sun hat and make sure they have their water bottle in school.

Thank You.

Mad About Minibeasts

Posted on Friday 28 May 2021 by Mrs Wilkins

This week we have continued our focus on our favourite garden creatures through reading ‘Mad About Minibeasts’. The children have enjoyed writing their own poems about a minibeast of their choice.

A spider is black and hairy. A spider has eight legs. A spider shoots and spins a web.- Oscar

Our last butterflies have appeared too!

A butterfly has wings. A butterfly can fly. A butterfly has loads of colours.-Alice

In Maths we have focused on 15 and 3d shapes. Maybe you could hunt for 3d shapes at home too? The children began making 3d shapes with playdough and matchsticks. They then went on to make birthday cakes and monsters.

We have taken our sunflower seeds from the window ledge and planted them in the garden. Can you see what else we did outside?

We are committed to learning to skip and are having fun in the process.

Some pirates left treasure all around our classroom. We had a few volunteers to gather the golden coins.

Have a wonderful holiday and we’ll see you soon!

Marvellous Minibeast

Posted on Friday 21 May 2021 by Reception Team

This week, we have continued our learning on minibeasts.

We read the story Superworm.

Superworm: Donaldson, Julia, Scheffler, Axel: Books

The children enjoyed sharing their favourite parts of the story.

I like when he lifted the rock.  Dexter

I enjoyed when all the animals came back to save him. Faith

I like when he went into the trash site. Harry

I liked his black feather. I think he was bad because he took the worm away.’ Juveria

In Maths, we explored the number 14 using Numicon, 10 frames , part whole models, number sentences and created our own number stories.



After observing our caterpillars on their life-cycle, they finally emerged as butterflies.  We were fascinated watching them drink sugar water through their proboscis. After a few days, we released them in our outdoor area.



In Rainbow class, we have enjoyed developing our gymnastic skills in PE.  We have learnt to straddle, hedgehog roll and teddy bear roll.


Please ensure your child has a full change of clothes in school.  We enjoy being outside in all weather and jumping in big, muddy puddles!



Learn some facts about minibeasts to share with the class.

Where do they live? What is their life-cycle? What do they eat? How do they move?



Scholastic Book Party

Posted on Friday 14 May 2021 by Mrs Lake

We have an exciting new online book fair starting this week. You simply follow the link below to order books from Scholastic at great discounted prices. School will then get 10% of all sales to buy books for school.

The link can be shared with family and friends and is for anyone to use. The more we order through the link then the more books we will get for our school.

You can either choose home delivery, which is free when you spend over £25 or you can select free group delivery. Group delivery means the books will be delivered to our book party host Laura Fieldhouse. Laura will contact you for collection from school.

Laura is happy to help select books for gifts, choose age appropriate books or help with any queries. Please contact her on 07840455397. Alternatively, visit Laura’s facebook page ‘Laura’s little bookworms’, where you will find lots of recommendations.

May be a cartoon of book
May be an image of book