Reception Class News

Mad About Minibeasts

Posted on Friday 28 May 2021 by Mrs Wilkins

This week we have continued our focus on our favourite garden creatures through reading ‘Mad About Minibeasts’. The children have enjoyed writing their own poems about a minibeast of their choice.

A spider is black and hairy. A spider has eight legs. A spider shoots and spins a web.- Oscar

Our last butterflies have appeared too!

A butterfly has wings. A butterfly can fly. A butterfly has loads of colours.-Alice

In Maths we have focused on 15 and 3d shapes. Maybe you could hunt for 3d shapes at home too? The children began making 3d shapes with playdough and matchsticks. They then went on to make birthday cakes and monsters.

We have taken our sunflower seeds from the window ledge and planted them in the garden. Can you see what else we did outside?

We are committed to learning to skip and are having fun in the process.

Some pirates left treasure all around our classroom. We had a few volunteers to gather the golden coins.

Have a wonderful holiday and we’ll see you soon!

Marvellous Minibeast

Posted on Friday 21 May 2021 by Reception Team

This week, we have continued our learning on minibeasts.

We read the story Superworm.

Superworm: Donaldson, Julia, Scheffler, Axel: Books

The children enjoyed sharing their favourite parts of the story.

I like when he lifted the rock.  Dexter

I enjoyed when all the animals came back to save him. Faith

I like when he went into the trash site. Harry

I liked his black feather. I think he was bad because he took the worm away.’ Juveria

In Maths, we explored the number 14 using Numicon, 10 frames , part whole models, number sentences and created our own number stories.



After observing our caterpillars on their life-cycle, they finally emerged as butterflies.  We were fascinated watching them drink sugar water through their proboscis. After a few days, we released them in our outdoor area.



In Rainbow class, we have enjoyed developing our gymnastic skills in PE.  We have learnt to straddle, hedgehog roll and teddy bear roll.


Please ensure your child has a full change of clothes in school.  We enjoy being outside in all weather and jumping in big, muddy puddles!



Learn some facts about minibeasts to share with the class.

Where do they live? What is their life-cycle? What do they eat? How do they move?



Scholastic Book Party

Posted on Friday 14 May 2021 by Mrs Lake

We have an exciting new online book fair starting this week. You simply follow the link below to order books from Scholastic at great discounted prices. School will then get 10% of all sales to buy books for school.

The link can be shared with family and friends and is for anyone to use. The more we order through the link then the more books we will get for our school.

You can either choose home delivery, which is free when you spend over £25 or you can select free group delivery. Group delivery means the books will be delivered to our book party host Laura Fieldhouse. Laura will contact you for collection from school.

Laura is happy to help select books for gifts, choose age appropriate books or help with any queries. Please contact her on 07840455397. Alternatively, visit Laura’s facebook page ‘Laura’s little bookworms’, where you will find lots of recommendations.

May be a cartoon of book
May be an image of book

Skipping into summer with Skipping School

Posted on Friday 14 May 2021 by Mrs Latham

We have launched a whole school skipping project with Skipping School. Each class has their own class set of ropes and we also have long ropes for every class too. The children are so enthusiastic about it already. There are some tutorial videos below so you can work on your skills at home too!


This week in Reception…

Posted on Thursday 13 May 2021 by Reception team

There have been some popular activities in the classrooms this week…

Rainbow class have become fascinated with creating their own books in the writing area. We know some children have been creating them at home too. We’ve had stories about family, princesses, a grumpy fork and “Dad and Jim getting wet in the rain”, to name just a few! How amazing it is, that the children are independently exploring their writing for fun. It is so exciting for the teachers to see the huge confidence they have in their writing skills and we very much enjoy seeing them stand proudly at the front of the class, as they read their stories to their friends.

There was much excitement surrounding Tuesday night’s storm. Children came in excited to talk about it. It was a perfect opportunity to take their interest and explore the natural world. Mrs Myers took the children outside to look for clues that there had been a storm:

Rudy- “I see a clue-ice”

Felicity- “The blossom fell off the tree”

TH-S- “There was lightning at night”

The children collected some of the natural objects they had found, including some hail stones which they left in the sunlight. They observed the ice melting throughout the day.

Sunshine class came to the rescue of a poorly-looking bee. They gave it some sugar and water, keeping their fingers crossed for a recovery. The event sparked lots of discussion about the importance of bees for our environment.

In Maths, we looked at the focus number 13 and explored sharing/ which numbers can be shared fairly. Here are some of the ways we made 13:

In Literacy, our focus story was The Bad Tempered Ladybird. We wrote about the ways we can show we are kind and polite, just like the kind ladybird in the story.

We have also been….

Enjoying the new superhero small world area:

Learning how to use a skipping rope in PE:

Enjoying our outdoor area:

Developing our ideas in the construction and creative areas, building and creating with purpose:

Home-Link Challenges

  1. This week we have sent your child home with a phase 3 sound mat, as we have now learnt all of the sounds within this phase. Please use this with your child, whenever suits you. There are some challenging diagraphs (two letters that make one sound) and trigraphs (three letters that make one sound) and we will be recapping these in school during our phonics sessions over the next few weeks. If your child is interested in writing at home, they can also use the mat to support the recall of the graphemes (the letters that make the sound)
  2. This week we have sharing in Maths. Explore sharing with your child at home. Here are a couple of ideas:

-Choose three teddies and share out fifteen blocks/pieces of lego between them. How many do they have each? Is it a fair share? (you can choose a smaller number if needed)

-Ask your child to share out one item of food onto the dinner plates, so that there is a fair share between the members of your family. How many pieces of food are there to begin with? How many people are eating? How many pieces of food do they have each, when it is shared out? Is it a fair share?


Tomorrow (14 May 2021) is a staff training day. School will be closed to pupils. Have a lovely long weekend together and we will see you bright and early, Monday morning.

Look Out, Ladybird!

Posted on Friday 07 May 2021 by Mrs Wilkins

We have been busy reading ‘Look  Out, Ladybird.’ We thought about the skill of flying and how we are good at things when we show resilience. What are you good at doing because you did not give up when it was difficult?

There are so many skills that we have been learning in Reception-our Tricky Words and letter formation are a few of them. Our writing is becoming very impressive.

The weather has been glorious at times and terrible at others. One minute we’re coated up and the next we are sun bathing. Whatever the weather we enjoy being outdoors, building, creating, growing and sharing.

Our freshly painted ladybird rocks are a wonderful addition to our outdoor area.  Our focus number has been 12. Some ladybirds have been painted with double 6 or double 3 on the wings.  Can you spot yours?


Can you find and show doubles? Double the tins in a cupboard, double cars, double apples…(so many possibilities). Please email photographs of your work.

Our Incredible Imaginations!

Posted on Friday 30 April 2021 by Reception team

It is the last full term of the school year and the children are showing us every day, just how much their confidence has grown since September.

They are coming up with even more of their own ideas, having the confidence to explore them and show them, inviting others to get involved and extending their own learning whilst doing so.

This confidence can be seen in their writing and maths too, as they jump straight into challenges with amazing ‘can do’ attitudes and increasingly bring their creations to the adults, proud of their achievements.

Take a look at some of the things our Reception superstars have been up to this week…

Home-Link Challenge

The children have been closely observing the classroom caterpillars this week and they can talk about the different stages of the butterfly life cycle. Next week, our story is Look Out Ladybird! and we would like you to help your child research the life cycle of a ladybird.

Is it the same as the butterfly cycle?

What are the differences?

Are there the same number of stages/ transformations?

Also, let us know how you researched. Did you use a search engine on the internet? Did you read it in a book or magazine?








-Monday 3 May is a Bank Holiday and school is closed. We will see you all bright and early next Tuesday! Enjoy your longer weekend together 🙂

-Please ensure bookbags are in school on Tuesdays and Fridays.

-Please send your child to school in their PE kits on Wednesdays and Fridays.

-Please ensure your child has a pair of wellies and a change of clothes in school every day.

Thank you.



The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Posted on Friday 23 April 2021 by Reception Team

This week, we have been reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

We have written food diaries; retold the story; created caterpillars using dough and paper; made number stories; and even begun to watch our own caterpillars grow.


In the beautiful sunshine, we enjoyed our first PE lesson on the school field. It was great to hear everyone cheering each other on and showing lots of resilience in both the egg and spoon race and sack race.


We have also enjoyed using our imagination and creating our own science experiments outside.


Home Link

The hungry caterpillar eats lots of different foods in the story. Discuss what food you enjoy eating at home. Are they healthy, unhealthy or maybe a bit of both?





Captain Tom 100 Challenge

Posted on Monday 19 April 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Welcome back after the Easter break.

The brand new Junior Leadership Team are going to be very busy this half term and they’re ready for action! In the next few weeks, classes will be coming up with ideas for who our next school charity will be. The JLT will then make the final decision. Before we even do this though, we’re going to get cracking on some fundraising. Friday 30th April sees a campaign organised by the Captain Tom Foundation. This date marks a year from when Sir Captain Tom began the 100 laps around his garden. To mark this occasion, people are being encouraged to complete a challenge based on the number 100. We are definitely up for this challenge! Each class will be discussing and choosing their challenge. This could be based on a maths challenge, running 100 metres or even writing a 100-word poem. We will be asking for voluntary donations to support the children in their challenges. This money will be ready to be donated to our new charity as soon as it’s selected. Each class will be posting on the website their chosen challenge.

Thank you in advance of your support and good luck with all the challenges.


Easter Eggtravaganza

Posted on Thursday 01 April 2021 by Reception Team

This week has been filled with Easter themed fun and activities.

We have enjoyed: creating our own Easter egg patterns in the playdough; decorating Easter trees; buttering and tasting hot cross buns and an egg rolling competition.

We have also loved our new playground equipment!

A special letter arrived from Professor Myers. She needed our help to find ways to stop Humpty Dumpty cracking as he fell off the wall.

We could use plasters and bandages. Adam

Put a blanket down. Isla

When he falls he can slide down a slide. Dexter

We can get lots of jumpers for Humpty to land on. Zak

We ended our week by giving out four golden stars.