Reception Class News

The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch

Posted on Friday 01 July 2022 by Reception Team

This week, we have been reading – The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch.

The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch : Armitage, Ronda, Armitage, David: Books

We created our own story maps to retell the story.

Can your child retell the story using some of these story maps?

In Maths, we have focused on deepening our understanding of numbers to 10.

We have:

  • compared groups of objects.
  • split numbers into smaller parts.
  • recombined parts to make a whole amount.
  • explored numbers that can be split into 2 equal parts.
  • developed our sense of magnitude eg. knowing 8 is a lot more than 2 but 4  is only a little bit more than 2.


On Tuesday, the children really enjoyed their skipping session with the Skipping School.


Check out our other learning in the classroom.

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Based on our book this week… write instructions to make a sandwich.

Think carefully about each step.

Then follow your own instructions to make the yummy sandwich.

Skipping School

Posted on Wednesday 29 June 2022 by Mrs Latham

We had a fabulous time with Jodi and Katie from Skipping School this week. Promoting fitness through fun is always high on our agenda and skipping is the perfect way to do this. We are committed to promote the NHS recommendations that children and young people aged 5 to 18 should:
  • aim for an average of at least 60 minutes of moderate or vigorous intensity physical activity a day across the week
  • take part in a variety of types and intensities of physical activity across the week to develop movement skills, muscles and bones
If you would like a skipping rope, we have some for sale in the office. 

Clean up!

Posted on Friday 24 June 2022 by Mrs Wilkins

Our focus has been environmentally based owing to our book Clean Up! 

This book has helped us to think about how to look after our oceans, animals and earth. It has helped us to understand that we are responsible for our own litter. The children have extended their vocabulary through the use of: recycle, sanctuary, island and pollution.

Here are some insightful quotes from the children…

A sanctuary is a place where they take animals to be rescued.-Norah

An island is a big patch of land with sea and sand.-Stanley

When we find some rubbish, my Mummy picks it up and puts it in her pocket.-Leo

Take it home to put it in your bin.-Poppy

We need to take all the litter out to clean up the ocean.-Prisha

No-one wants to go to the beach with litter everywhere!-Sofia


We have been using tweezers to help collect litter from our ‘sea’ in the water tray. Here are some other brilliant ways we have enjoyed learning through our provision:

We are doing incredibly well with our learning and consolidation in Maths. We know so much about counting, doubles, odd and even numbers, one more/one less, the composition of numbers etc -we like to show off and have a go at everything during ‘Challenge Time’!

Thankyou for listening to your child read regularly and for adding comments to their reading records. We will check the online books to see which children have read the most times this half term…there will be prizes!

Other pics of our fun learning this week:


Please take a photograph of your child reading their e-book in their favourite spot at home. Send your pictures to our email address.

Triathlon – winning team announced!

Posted on Thursday 23 June 2022 by Mrs Latham

The red team were the winners for our inaugural Scholes Triathlon event, organised by FOSP. All the children reported enjoying the event and it raised over £250 for FOSP. All funds go back into school and providing extra enhancements for the children, so thank you to everyone who contributed!

Commotion in the Ocean

Posted on Friday 17 June 2022 by Reception Team

This week, we have explored poetry using the book Commotion in the Ocean.

Commotion In The Ocean Board Book : Andreae, Giles, Wojtowycz, David: Books

We used adjectives to describe the animals on the front cover.

small tails

little fish

a big whale

tiny starfish

long tentacles

We used the poems and our previous knowledge to write about different animals from the book.



In maths, we have deepened our understanding of comparing quantities in different contexts.

  • comparing groups of objects
  • finding groups of equal amounts
  • finding one more/one less


In science, we created an egg experiment.

What will happen to an egg in vinegar? 

We put an egg in vinegar and an egg in water over five days to compare.

The egg in vinegar has no shell! Marshall

It has cracked. Clara

The one in water hasn’t changed. Poppy


After 5 days in liquid, we took them out and noticed the egg that had been in vinegar felt rubbery… a bit like a bouncy ball.

We tested to see if the egg would bounce…



Check out our super learning around the classroom and outside.


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As we move into summer, we have been discussing ways to stay safe in the sun.

  • sun hat
  • drinking water
  • going in the shade
  • sun cream

Take some time to talk about different ways to keep safe in the sun.

You may choose to make a sun safely poster or list.



Triathlon’s everywhere!

Posted on Monday 13 June 2022 by Mrs Latham

The AJ Bell World Triathlon Series has been in Leeds this week, with some children from school taking part.

We are also hosting our own triathlon in school to raise money for FOSP. Reception, Year 1 and 2 are doing the swimming element and KS2 are cycling or running. Children have been organised into either Red Team, White Team or Blue Team – with trophies to be awarded. Please donate your entry fee on the Gateway app.

Rainbow Fish

Posted on Friday 10 June 2022 by Mrs Wilkins

Our focus book has been ‘The Rainbow Fish’ by Marcus Pfister.

In this book the Rainbow Fish shares it’s shiny scales with its friends. We had a class shiny scale and passed it onto a friend when we noticed them doing something praise worthy. Here are a few reasons that the children passed on the shiny scale:

I gave it to Stanley because he’s my very best friend.-Leo

Ella because she was doing good swimming.-Freya

I gave the shimmering scale to Max because he is my best friend.-Jack

Jacob because he’s a good friend and has good manners.-Marshall

Our provision has reflected this under water theme and the children have completed many related challenges:

Our new artist is Katsushika Hokusai. He is famous for his paintings, drawings and printings. In Literacy we read non-fiction text about him and answered comprehension questions about his life. Does your child remember where he was born? We had a go at recreating some of his sea art through printing and painting. We also drew our own fish and cut it out.

Swimming was brilliant for Rainbow this week, they completed so many laps in their triathlon. The swimming coach gave them all  a shared Golden Assembly certificate. It is proudly displayed in the classroom.

The weather has really enabled us to enjoy our outdoor learning. Thankyou for remembering to apply sun lotion to your child on a morning and for sending them with sunhats. Please continue this throughout the coming weeks. Here we are having a little Sports Day initiation too.


You may have spotted our outdoor Fish and Chip shop. This week, could your child write a price list/menu for our new shop. Please send your photographs of the work to us.


Platinum Jubilee celebrations

Posted on Friday 27 May 2022 by Mrs Latham

We had a fun-filled day today. All the children and staff shared a picnic lunch on the field, listening to some 50s music. We then all congregated on the field again, sang the national anthem and each class showcased a Wake Up Shake Up (WUSU) dance through the decades that the Queen has been on the throne. We went from 1950s (Mambo No 5/Lou Bega) all the way to 2020s (Blinding Lights/The Weeknd). It was so much fun! We hope that everyone has a happy and healthy half term.

Platinum Jubilee

Posted on Friday 27 May 2022 by Reception Team

We have had a wonderful day celebrating the Platinum Jubilee.



My body is amazing!

Posted on Thursday 26 May 2022 by Mrs Wilkins

This week, we have learned more about how incredible our bodies are.  We have: looked at a range of non-fiction books; set up an egg experiment; made a class shop and looked at the changes our bodies have made in our lives so far.

On Monday, we set up a scientific experiment. We took white duck eggs and placed each one in a different liquid. We used milk, water and coke-cola. The children made predictions and carefully observed any changes to the eggs. Professor Myers came to help us examine the results of our investigation. Our findings resulted in the following conclusions:

Water is good for your teeth-Jack

If you have a fizzy drink, you have to brush your teeth!-Reuben

Milk has calcium to help your bones-Eti

Milk is white like your teeth-Clara


We have thought about: how our bodies have grown since being a baby; the things we can do now and the things we hope to do in the future. The children have produced some fantastic time lines that include their baby photographs that were sent in. (Sadly, we forgot to photograph the timelines but will pop them on after the holiday). Here are some quotes to make you smile:

I was so tiny-Sofia

I could only drink milk-Holly

I could not drink any orange juice!-Freya

My clothes were so small-Ronnie

Now I am 4/5 I can…

Ride my bike-Jack

Do cartwheels- Clara

Come to school – Ronnie

In the future…

I will drive a Lamborghini car!-Ronnie

I can walk to the shops-Jessica

Catch rainbows and drive an aeroplane -Bea

Our animal visit on Tuesday enriched our recent focus and learning about animals. We all loved it!

In Maths we have been introduced to a rekenrek. We have had one each to help us with our perceptual and conceptual subitising skills.

The children have been incredible at sliding different quantities smoothly. We have been using them to keep score in our table football challenges too!

Our class giraffe has helped us to measure our height and find out if we are taller or shorter than it.

Our theme in provision has been the Queen’s Jubilee! Look what we have been up to.

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Have a wonderful holiday and please send photographs of your adventures to us. We will see you back in school on Monday 6 June.